
Terms for subject Business containing rounds | all forms | exact matches only
accumulated round off累计舍入
accumulated round off error累计舍入误差
all-round advance统统涨价
all round advance全面涨价
all-round automation全自动化
all-round buying全部买入
all-round buying全买
all-round, complete set of reform measure全面配套改进
all-round computer center综合计算机中心
all-round consolidation of enterprise企业全面整顿
all-round contract for capital construction建筑工程统包
all-round contract system联产承包制
all-round decline全面跌价
all-round development of economic performance全面提高经济效益
all-round handy man多才多艺的人
all-round industrial system完整产业体系
all-round mechanization全部机械化
all-round price总价格
all round reformation of economic system全面改革经济体制
all-round worker熟练工人
buying round向批发商或进口商直接进货
each round voyage每一往返航程
exhibition hall, all-year-round常年展厅
first round第一回合
first round estimate第一轮估计
first round residual第一轮剩余
get round the law规避法律
good round大宗款项
half round半圆
half round bar半圆棒材
half round bar半圆杆
make an all-round assessment of全面考核
mean round between failures平均故障间隔周期
mean rounds between failure平均失效周期
odd amount in addition to the round number尾数
overall planning and all-round consideration统筹兼顾
round about crossing环行交叉
round about method迂回法
round about method of production迂回生产法
round-about trade迂回贸易
round about trade间接贸易
round dealing光明正大做法
round dealing诚实经营
round figures概数
round lot单位整份
round lot整数批量指期货交易的交易单位;证券交易的100股; 债券交易单位为1,000美元的面值
round off difference删去尾数后的差额
round-off difference舍去尾数的差额
round-off number舍入数
round-off number整数
round sum整数
round sum可观的款额
round sum巨款
round the world ticket游历世界票
round-trip ticket双程票
round-trip time航程往返时间
round trippers loan循环贷款
round turn轧平交易
round turn买卖双方
round turn棉花文易所买卖双方
round up数字调高成整数
round voyage往返来回航程
rounds per minute每分钟转数
rounds per minute…转/分
"second round" residual第二回剩余
third-round estimate第三轮估计量
turn round船舶装卸过程指船舶进港、卸货、装货、离港的全过程
turn-round rate周转率
turn round time船舶装卸全过程时间
year round employment常年雇用
year-round employment常年雇佣