
Terms containing rotate | all forms | exact matches only
dril.bit rotate hours钻头在井下使用时间
gymn.cast rotate高杠大摆接低杠后回环
wushu.circle arm and rotate wrist转身旋膀
hips rotate 180°髋转动180°
tech.leader rotate type pile driver导架回转式打桩机
tech.multiple rotate instruction多次旋转指令
tech.picture rotate control图像旋转控制
telecom.rotate 13倒换 13 (因特网上的一种密码方式,将26字母的前13字母与后 13字母倒换,如 Qba'g= Don't, 虽不能保密,但可使其暂不能读出)
China, lawrotate as轮流担任
China, polit.rotate as executive chairmen of the sessions轮流担任会议的执行主席
el.rotate clockwise顺时针方向转动
badm.rotate clockwise to the next position顺时针轮转至下一个位置
agric.rotate corolla辐状花冠 (corolla rotata)
el.rotate counterclockwise逆时针方向转动
econ.rotate crops轮作谷物
tech.rotate days off轮休
railw.rotate-drum grille转鼓式格栅
sport, bask.rotate fists两拳轮转裁判手势"带球跑"
sport, bask.rotate fists裁判手势两拳轮转
met.rotate furnace摇炉
wushu.rotate hands, turn the body and kick sideways绞花转身侧点腿
wushu.rotate hands, twist the body and kick backward绞花转身后点腿
sport., med.rotate in a pike position屈体转动
kick.volley.rotate in the air腾空转体
comp.rotate instruction旋转指令
swim.rotate inwardly内旋
telecom.rotate left左旋 90 度
busin.rotate men in office亦公室职工轮班
dril.rotate out of hole转盘卸扣起钻
swim.rotate outwardly外旋
athlet.rotate over扭转过栏
athlet.rotate over hurdle扭转过栏
athlet.rotate palm up向上翻掌
telecom.rotate right右旋 90 度
agric.rotate shift right循环右移
spacerotate speed ratio转速比
dril.rotate string旋转钻柱
gen.rotate the aircraft into the climb拉机头爬升
dentist.Rotate the brush towards the tips of the teeth向牙尖部旋转牙刷
wushu.rotate the elbow滚肘
sport., med.rotate the needle捻针
wushu.rotate the weapon舞花
wushu.rotate the weapon舞花
auto.rotate tire轮胎换位
life.sc.rotate tube culture旋转管培养
tech.rotate with a wrench手搬大钳回转
tech.shift and rotate移位及轮转
tech.shift and rotate instructions移位及轮转指令