
Terms containing rivet | all forms | exact matches only
tech.aluminium rivet铝铆钉
tech.aluminium rivet head铝铆钉头
tech.aluminum rivet铝铆钉
tech.aluminum rivet head铝铆钉头
tech.area of rivet shaft铆钉杆面积
tech.autogeneous rivet cutter铆钉气割机
tech.bat rivet锥头铆钉
tech.belt rivet皮带铆钉
tech.bifurcated rivet分叉铆钉
tech.bifurcated-rivet wire开口铆钉用钢丝
avia.bimetallic rivet双金属铆钉
tech.binding rivet紧固螺钉
tech.binding rivet结合用铆钉
tech.Blackburn Rivet Head machine布拉克本铆绒地毯织机
tech.blind rivet埋头铆
CNCblind rivet拉钉
avia.blind rivet封闭铆接
avia.blind rivet joint盲铆钉
tech.boat rivet艇铆钉
tech.brazier head rivet扁头铆钉
avia.brazier head rivet扁圆头铆钉
tech.bright and black mild steel flat head tinmen rivet号头铆钉
gen.British Rivet Association英国铆钉〔制造业〕协会
tech.bull head rivet圆头铆钉
avia.burnt rivet热处理柳钉 (指经过热处理的)
tech.butt rivet joint平铆接头
tech.butt rivet joint对抵铆接
tech.butt rivet joint对头铆接
tech.butt rivet joint夹板平铆接
tech.butt rivet joint平头铆接
tech.button-head rivet半圆头铆钉
tech.button-head rivet圆头铆钉
avia.button-head rivet扁圆头铆钉
tech.carbon rivet steel铆钉碳钢
tech.center-to-center of rivets铆钉中
tech.centre-to-centre of rivets铆钉中
tech.chain rivet链铆钉
tech.chain rivet并列铆钉
tech.chain rivet joint并列铆钉接合
tech.chain-rivet joint并列铆钉接合
tech.chain-rivet joint并列柳 (接)
tech.chain rivet remover拆链器
tech.chain rivet remover链条拔销器
avia.cherry lock rivet抽芯铆钉
avia.cherry rivet"彻里"铆钉
avia.cherry rivet空心拉杆铆钉
gen.Chobert rivet乔伯特式铆钉
tech.close up the rivet铆平铆钉
tech.cold rivet冷铆
tech.cold rivet冷铆钉
gen.colddriven rivet冷铆铆钉
tech.compression rivet squeezer铆钉挤压器
tech.cone neck rivet圆锥铆钉
gen.conedhead rivet平头铆钉
tech.cone-head rivet锥头铆钉
tech.conic head rivet圆锥头铆钉
tech.conic head rivet截锥平头铆钉
tech.conic rivet head锥形铆钉头
tech.conical head rivet圆锥头铆钉
tech.conical head rivet截锥平头铆钉
tech.conical rivet head锥形铆钉头
tech.connecting rivet连接铆钉
gen.counter sinking of the rivet holes钻铆孔斜口
tech.counter-sinkhead rivet藏头铆钉
tech.countersinking of rivets埋头铆钉
tech.countersinking of the rivet holes钻铆钉孔锥口
tech.countersunk and chipped rivet平头铆钉
tech.countersunk flat head rivet埋头平顶铆钉
tech.countersunk head rivet沉头铆钉
tech.countersunk not chipped rivet半沉头铆钉
tech.countersunk not chipped rivet半埋头铆钉
tech.countersunk oval head rivet埋头圆顶铆钉
tech.countersunk head rivet埋头铆钉
tech.countersunk head rivet沉头铆钉
tech.countersunk rivet沉头铆钉
tech.crown sling stay eye rivet顶部吊撑眼铆钉
tech.cup head rivet半球铆钉
tech.cup head rivet半球头铆钉
tech.cup headed rivet圆头铆钉
avia.cup-head rivet圆头铆钉
tech.cutting-out of rivets切断铆钉
tech.diameter of rivet铆钉直径
tech.diameter of rivet hole铆钉孔径
tech.diamond rivet菱形铆钉
tech.die-head rivet冲垫铆钉
gen.diehead rivet冲垫铆钉
tech.disc rivet平头铆头
tech.disc rivet圆盘铆钉
tech.disk rivet圆盘钉
tech.disk rivet圆盘铆钉
tech.distance between rivets铆钉间距
tech.double rivet双行铆钉
tech.double rivet joint双行铆钉连接
tech.double row rivet双行铆钉
tech.double shear rivet双剪铆钉
tech.drive the rivets装铆钉
avia.driven rivet head铆钉镦头
tech.driving of rivets铆接作业
avia.driving rivet tape自动铆接控制带
tech.dummy rivet装合铆钉
tech.dummy rivet假铆钉
tech.easy squeeze blind rivet gun拉铆枪
tech.edge distance of rivets铆钉边距
tech.expansion rivet膨胀铆钉
tech.explosive rivet带炸药铆钉
tech.facing rivet覆面铆钉
tech.ferrous and non-ferrous rivet黑色及有色金属铆
tech.field rivet现场铆钉
tech.field rivet安装铆接
tech.field rivet工地铆接
tech.field rivet现场铆接
tech.field rivet I:现场铆钉
tech.field rivet I:地铆钉
tech.fillister head of rivet铆钉半埋头
tech.fix with rivet铆钉固定
tech.flange and web rivet翼板与腹板的侧部铆钉
tech.flange rivet凸缘铆钉
tech.flange-to-web rivet颈钉
tech.flange-to-web rivet冀缘腹板连接铆钉
avia.flash rivet平头铆钉
tech.flat countersunk head rivet平埋头铆钉
tech.flat countersunk rivet埋头平顶铆钉
avia.flat head rivet埋头铆钉
tech.flat-head rivet扁头铆钉
shipb.flathead rivet平头铆钉
tech.flat-head straight neck rivet平头直颈铆钉
tech.flattened rivet平头铆钉
tech.flattened rivet扁铆钉
tech.flattened rivet head平铆钉头
tech.flattered rivet扁头铆
tech.flush head rivet皿头铆钉
tech.flush head rivet平头铆钉
tech.flush head rivet埋头铆钉
tech.flush rivet埋头螺钉
tech.gage line of rivets铆接行线
tech.gage line of rivets铆钉行线
tech.gage of rivets铆行距
tech.galvanized iron rivet镀锌铁铆钉
avia.gapped rivet铆钉头下有间隙
tech.gauge line of rivets铆接行线
tech.gauge line of rivets铆钉行线
tech.gauge of rivets铆行距
tech.girth rivet seam沿圆周铆接
avia.globe head rivet圆头铆钉
tech.globe rivet head球形铆钉头
tech.grip of rivet铆钉深入度
tech.grip of rivet铆钉头距离
tech.gun-driven rivet枪铆铆钉
tech.half sunk rivet半埋头铆钉
avia.half-round head rivet半圆头铆钉
tech.hand brake lining rivet手闸衬片铆钉
tech.hand rivet
tech.hand rivet手工铆接
tech.hand rivet手铆
tech.hand rivet hammer手持铆钉锤
tech.hand rivet hammer手铆
tech.hand rivet machine手铆
tech.hand rivet machine手持钏枪
tech.hand-driven rivet手铆铆钉
tech.headless rivet无头铆钉
shipb.headless rivet无头钉
tech.high-strength rivet高强铆钉
tech.iron rivet铁铆钉
tech.joint with staggered rivets间行铆双面铆钉搭接
tech.jumping hours jumper rivet跳时定位杆铆钉
tech.jumping hours jumper spring rivet跳时定位杆簧铆钉
tech.lap rivet互搭铆
tech.lap rivet搭接铆钉
tech.large oval head rivet大扁圆头铆钉
tech.large oval head socket shank rivet大扁圆头半空心铆钉
tech.laying-up a rivet敲进铆钉
tech.lead rivet铅销
tech.line of rivet铆合线
tech.line of rivet铆钉线
tech.loose rivet松铆钉
tech.loose rivet未铆紧铆钉
tech.lozenge rivet菱形铆钉
tech.manual rivet
tech.minimum rivet spacing最小铆钉
tech.multiple rivet lap多行铆钉搭接
tech.multiple row rivet多行铆钉
tech.multiple shear rivet剪铆钉
tech.multiple shear rivet joint多剪铆钉接头
tech.mushroom rivet扁圆头铆钉
tech.mushroom-head rivet大平头铆钉
tech.non-ferrous metal semi-round head rivet半圆头有色金属铆钉
avia.number of vertical rivet垂直铆钉数
tech.off-center rivet偏心铆钉
tech.oval countersunk head rivet
tech.oval countersunk head rivet头铆钉
tech.oval countersunk head rivet椭圆埋头铆钉
tech.oval head brass rivet椭圆头铜铆钉
tech.oval head rivet椭圆头铆钉
tech.oval head split rivet椭圆头开口铆钉
tech.oval rivet椭圆头铆钉
tech.pan rivet head锅形铆钉
avia.panhead rivet盘头铆钉
tech.parallel rivet平行铆钉
avia.part separation at shank rivets被连接件在铆钉杆部位不贴合
tech.pneumatic rivet buster风动铆钉铲
tech.pneumatic rivet hammer气压铆钉锤
tech.pneumatic rivet machine气压铆钉机
tech.pointed rivet head尖锐圆锥头
avia.Pop blind rivet波普 Pop 单面铆钉
tech.Pop rivet热铆铆钉
tech.Pop rivet波普空心铆钉
avia.pop rivet空心铆接
tech.power rivet强力铆钉
tech.punch rivet hole冲铆钉孔
tech.quiet rivet临时定位铆钉
tech.quilting rivet定位铆钉
tech.quilting rivet紧缝铆钉
tech.raised head rivet凸头铆钉
tech.ream a rivet hole铰锥铆钉孔
tech.rivet allowance铆孔留量 (计算铆接用)
tech.rivet allowance铆钉孔裕量
avia.rivet and assembly jig铆接和装配型架
gen.rivet one's attention引起〔获得〕…的注意
tech.rivet-back plate铆钉垫圈
tech.rivet bar铆钉杆
tech.rivet bar铆钉钢
tech.rivet bar铆钉坯
avia.rivet bonding胶铆
avia.rivet bonding胶铆连接
tech.rivet bucker碾压机
tech.rivet buster柳钉切断机
tech.rivet buster铆钉截断器
tech.rivet buster铆切切断机
avia.rivet buster铆钉铲切断器
tech.rivet catcher热铆钉接送工
tech.rivet catcher投铆钉手
tech.rivet catcher接铆器
tech.rivet catcher铆钉承具
tech.rivet catcher铆钉接受器
tech.rivet catcher接铆钉工人
tech.rivet centers铆钉中
tech.rivet clasp铆固
tech.rivet clipper铆钉钳
tech.rivet closing tool铆钉封合工具
tech.rivet cold冷铆
tech.rivet collar铆钉环口
tech.rivet collar铆钉套环
tech.rivet connection铆钉接合
tech.rivet connection铆按
tech.rivet cutter柳钉切断机
tech.rivet cutter铆钉机
tech.rivet cutter铆钉切断器
tech.rivet cutter铆钉切割
tech.rivet cutter截铆钉器
tech.rivet cutting铆钉切断器
tech.rivet cutting blowpipe铆钉割炬
tech.rivet cutting nozzle割铆钉喷嘴
tech.rivet diameter铆钉直径
avia.rivet die铆工模铆克
avia.rivet driven button铆钉镦头
tech.rivet driver铆钉机
tech.rivet driver铆工
gen.rivet one's eyes on注视
gen.rivet one's eyes on盯着
tech.rivet factory铆钉
avia.rivet fixture铆接夹具
tech.rivet forge铆钉炉
tech.rivet frame铆合架
tech.rivet furnace铆钉加热炉
tech.rivet furnace热铆炉
tech.rivet furnace rivet fire铆钉炉
tech.rivet gauge铆钉线距
tech.rivet gauge铆钉行距
tech.rivet girder铆钉大梁
tech.rivet girder铆接桁架
tech.rivet grip铆接钢板的总厚度
tech.rivet grip铆钉夹
tech.rivet gun自动铆
CNCrivet gun拉钉枪
tech.rivet hammer铆锤
tech.rivet header铆钉镦锻机
tech.rivet hearth铆钉炉
tech.rivet heater铆钉加热炉
tech.rivet heater铆钉加热器
tech.rivet heating铆钉加热
tech.rivet heating forge铆钉加热炉
tech.rivet holder铆钉窝模
tech.rivet holder铆钉托
tech.rivet holder顶把
tech.rivet holder石工垫盘
avia.rivet holder衬铁
tech.rivet holder铆托
tech.rivet holder铆钉挡工
tech.rivet holder铆钉托模
tech.rivet holder铆头型
tech.rivet holder抵座
tech.rivet holder铆钉夹具
tech.rivet holder铆顶
avia.rivet holder顶铁
tech.rivet holder up铆钻
tech.rivet holder up铆钉梭
tech.rivet holder up铆轧机
tech.rivet hole deduction铆钉孔扣除
tech.rivet hopper feeder铆钉漏斗送料机构
tech.rivet hot热铆
tech.rivet in double shear铆钉
tech.rivet in multiple shear多面剪切铆钉
tech.rivet in shear受剪铆钉
avia.rivet in shear受剪力铆钉
tech.rivet in single shear单剪铆钉
tech.rivet in single shear单剪铆钉
tech.rivet in tension受拉铆钉
tech.rivet insert铆接嵌衬
tech.rivet interval铆钉间距
tech.rivet iron铆钉铁
tech.rivet joint铆接 (头)
tech.rivet joint铆按
tech.rivet joint铆接头
tech.rivet joint铆钉接合
tech.rivet knob铆工模
tech.rivet length铆钉长度
tech.rivet length铆钉杆长度
tech.rivet line铆钉线
tech.rivet line铆钉线
tech.rivet line铆接线
tech.rivet list铆钉表
tech.rivet machine制铆钉机
tech.rivet making machine制铆钉机
tech.rivet nail紫铜钉
tech.rivet nut铆钉帽
tech.rivet on加上铆钉
tech.rivet on铆上
tech.rivet over铆上
tech.rivet pattern铆钉排列形式
tech.rivet pin铆上销子
tech.rivet pitch铆钉距
tech.rivet pitch铆钉
tech.rivet pitch铆钉心距
tech.rivet pitch铆钉行距
tech.rivet pitching tongs铆钉钳
tech.rivet pitching tongs铆钉定位钳
tech.rivet plug膨胀铆钉
tech.rivet point铆钉端部
tech.rivet point铆钉尖
tech.rivet punch铆冲器
tech.rivet punch铆钉冲头
tech.rivet removal tool铆钉拆除工具
tech.rivet rod铆钉杆
tech.rivet row铆钉行 (数)
tech.rivet seam铆缝
tech.rivet seam铆接缝
tech.rivet section铆钉截面
tech.rivet set铆钉模
tech.rivet ing set铆接用具
tech.rivet ing set铆接型杆
tech.rivet set铆钉冲头
tech.rivet set铆钉用具
tech.rivet shaft length铆钉长度
tech.rivet shank铆钉杆
tech.rivet shank铆钉体
tech.rivet single单行铆钉
tech.rivet snap铆钉枪头
tech.rivet snap铆钉窝子
tech.rivet snap铆钉
tech.rivet snap铆头模
tech.rivet snap hammer铆钉罩锤
tech.rivet space铆钉间隔
tech.rivet spacing铆钉
tech.rivet spacing铆钉间隔
tech.rivet spacing铆接间距
tech.rivet spinner铆钉旋压机
tech.rivet squad铆工组
tech.rivet stamp铆钉模
tech.rivet steeple head锥头铆钉
tech.rivet stem铆钉杆
tech.rivet stem铆钉体
tech.rivet symbol铆钉符号
CNCrivet table拉钉机
tech.rivet tail铆钉镦头
tech.rivet tail铆钉端部
tech.rivet tail铆钉尖
tech.rivet tester铆钉试验工
tech.rivet tight铆紧
tech.rivet tongs铆钉钳
tech.rivet value铆钉强度
tech.rivet washer铆钉垫圈
tech.rivet weld电铆
tech.rivet weld电铆焊缝
tech.rivet weld铆焊
tech.rivet welding电铆焊
bot.rivet wheat圆锥小麦 Triticum turgidum
bot.rivet wheat肿胀小麦 Triticum turgidum
biol.Rivet wheat圆锥小麦 (Triticum turgidum L.,禾本科)
tech.rivet wire铆钉钢丝
tech.rivet work铆工工作
gen.rivets contract on cooling铆钉在冷却时会收缩
tech.round rivet head圆铆钉头
tech.round-head counter sunk rivet埋头圆顶铆钉
tech.roundhead rivet圆头铆钉
tech.round-head rivet圆头铆钉
tech.roundhead rivet圆头
tech.round-headed rivet圆头铆钉
tech.row of rivets铆钉行 (数)
tech.row of rivets铆钉排列
tech.row of rivets铆钉行列
tech.screw rivet螺纹铆钉
tech.screw rivet螺旋铆钉
tech.screwed rivet螺纹铆钉
nautic., tech.semicountersunk rivet半沉头铆钉
tech.semi-tubular rivet半管形铆钉
tech.set-head rivet镦头铆钉
tech.set-head rivet型头铆钉
tech.set-head rivet钝头铆钉
tech.set-head rivet片头铆钉
tech.shop driven rivet厂合铆钉
tech.shop driven rivet厂铆铆钉
tech.shop driven rivet工厂铆合的铆钉
tech.shop rivet工厂铆接
tech.shop rivet车间铆接
tech.shop rivet工厂铆合的铆钉
tech.shop rivet厂铆铆钉
tech.shop rivet工厂铆合的铆钉
tech.shop rivet预铆铆钉
tech.single rivet单行铆钉
tech.single shear rivet受单剪的铆钉
tech.single shear rivet单剪铆钉
tech.single-line rivet joint单行铆接
tech.single-row rivet单行铆钉
tech.single-row rivet单行铆钉
tech.single-shear double rivet joint单剪双行铆接
tech.single-shear rivet单面受剪铆钉
tech.single-shear rivet剪铆钉
tech.single-shear rivet joint单剪铆接
tech.single-shear single-rivet joint单剪单行铆接
tech.sink in a rivet埋铆钉头
tech.site rivet现场铆钉
avia.slug rivet无头铆钉
tech.snap head rivet圆头螺栓〔铆钉〕
tech.snap head rivet半圆头铆钉
tech.snap rivet head圆头铆钉
tech.snap rivet head铆钉半圆头
avia.snaphead rivet圆头铆钉
tech.spacing of the rivets铆钉间隔
tech.split rivet开口铆钉
tech.split rivet拼合铆钉
tech.split rivet开尾铆钉
avia.spot rivet铳铆钉头
avia.spot rivet圆头铆钉
tech.spun rivet旋制铆钉
tech.spun rivet connection旋压铆钉连接
tech.staggered rivet joint交错铆接缝
tech.staggered rows of rivets错列铆钉排
tech.stainless steel rivet不锈钢铆钉
tech.stationary rivet die固定的铆钉模
tech.steel rivet钢铆钉
tech.stitch rivet缝合铆钉
tech.stitch rivet结合铆钉
tech.stitch rivet拼合铆钉
tech.stitch rivet缀缝铆钉
tech.straight shank rivet直颈铆钉
tech.straight shank rivet无头铆钉
tech.straight-neck rivet无头铆钉
tech.straight-neck rivet直颈铆钉
tech.strap rivet皮带铆钉
tech.stress rivet传力用铆钉
tech.stress rivet受力铆钉
tech.stress rivet耐力铆钉
tech.stud rivet螺旋铆钉
tech.stud rivet螺柱铆钉
tech.sunk heat rivet埋头铆钉
tech.sunk heat rivet埋头铆钉
tech.sunk rivet沉头铆钉
tech.swage rivet head模压铆钉
tech.swage rivet head模压铆钉头
tech.swell-neck pan head rivet盘头锥颈铆钉
tech.tacking rivet结合铆钉
tech.tacking rivet接合铆钉
tech.tap rivet螺旋铆钉
tech.tap rivet螺柱铆钉
tech.taper rivet锥形铆钉
tech.taper rivet斜梢铆钉
tech.tapered neck rivet圆锥铆钉
tech.tapered rivet斜削铆钉
tech.tapered rivet锥形铆钉
tech.temporary rivet临时铆钉
tech.tensioned rivet受拉铆钉
tech.thin flat head rivet扁平头铆钅
tech.thin flat head socket shank rivet扁平头半空心铆钉
tech.thorough rivet穿通铆钉
tech.timber-steel-rivet method木材钢铆钉法
tech.tinner's rivet白铁工用铆钉
tech.transverse pitch of rivets铆钉横距
tech.truss-head rivet大圆头铆钉
tech.tubular rivet空心管形柳钉
avia.tubular rivet空心柳钉
tech.tubular rivet管形铆钉
avia.tubular rivet管状柳钉
avia.tubular rivets空心铆钉
tech.upset rivet头部镦粗铆钉
tech.upset rivet膨径铆钉
avia.vertical rivet垂直铆钉
avia.vertical rivet number垂直的铆钉数
tech.weeping rivet铆钉渗水
tech.zag rivet错列铆钉
tech.zag rivet交错排列的铆钉
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