
Terms for subject Commerce containing risk | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal risk特别风险
Aflatoxin risk is a special additional coverage in CIC黄曲霉素险系中国保险条款中的一种特殊附加险
against all risks承保综合险
air transportation risks空运险
all and every risk all perils切风险
all loss risks不论原因全险
all-risk cover综合险保单
all-risk policy综合险保单
all risks综合险亦缩为A/R
As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险
assigned risk分摊的风险
at the buyer's risk风险由买方承担
attachment of risk保险责任开始生效
avoidable risk可避风险
bear all risks and expenses承担一切风险和费用
business risks商业风险
calculated risk预计的风险
carrier's risk损失由运输人承担
CIF and war risk payment upon arrival到岸价加战争险在内条件,货到付款
clashing risk碰损险
class of risks危险类别
classification of risks危险分类
company's risk损失由公司承担
conventional risk外汇折算风险
E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险
ensure the goods against risks安排货物保险
equally share the benefits as well as the risks共担风险
equally share the benefits as well as the risks共享利益
exchange transfer risk外汇转移风险
Export Risk Guarantee瑞士出口保险局
extraneous risk外来风险
failure to delivery risk交货不到险
fire risk ashore岸上火险
fire risk extension clause火灾险扩展条款
fire risks火险
fresh water and or rain water damage risks淡水雨淋险
human risk人为风险
including war risk兵险包括在内
insurance against all risks保综合险
intermixture and contamination risks混杂沾污险
land risks陆运险
land risks陆上风险
manufacturer's risk生产者风险 (指在抽样检验 (sampling inspection) 中,一批合格概率很高的产品因抽样不合格而被整批判为不合格,故亦称第一类错判)
manufacturer's risk制造厂商风险
market-based risk management tool以市场为基础的风险管理工具
market-based risk management tool市场风险管理工具
miscellaneous risks其他风险
natural risks自然风险
no risk after discharge保险卸货后不担保
obviate the risk of leakage避免渗漏风险
on deck risk甲板货险
overland transportation risks陆上运输险
owner's risk保险货主承担风险
owner's risk货主风险
owner's risk clause船主负风险条款
owner's risk of breakage保险破碎由货主负责
owner's risk of breakage货主负责破损的危险
owner's risk of damage损害危险由货主承担
owner's risk of damage货主负责损害的危险
owner's risk of fire保险火灾由货主负责
owner's risk of freezing保险冷冻由货主负责
owner's risk of leakage保险渗漏由货主负责
owner's risk of shifting保险货物移动由货主负责
owner's risk of wetting保险受湿由货主负责
peak risk保险巨额危险
performance risk履约风险
Please kindly note that the insurance covers FPA and War Risks only. Should additional insurance coverage be required, the extra premium incurred would be for the buyer's account请注意保险只包括平安险加战争险,如果要求投保附加险,所需额外保险费将由买方支付
post-shipment risk卸船后风险 (指按仓至仓 (warehouse to warehouse) 承保货物时,货物卸船后运往买方仓库过程中可能遇到的风险)
premium for risk风险酬金
preshipment risk装运前风险 (指使用仓库至仓库条款 (warehouse to warehouse clause) 时,货物由卖方仓库运出至装船时的风险)
pretest risk检验前风险
principle of maximum risk最大风险原则
producer's risk生产者风险 (指在抽样检验 (sampling inspection) 中,一批合格概率很高的产品因抽样不合格而被整批判为不合格,故亦称第一类错判)
producer's risk制造厂商风险
purchaser's risk购买者风险
purchaser's risk消费者风险
quantitative import risk analysis数量进口风险分析缩写为QIRA
rain and fresh water damage risk淡水雨淋险
risk and uncertainty风险与不确定性
risk capital company风险资本公司
risk note风险承保条
risk of contingency loss或有损失险
risk of craft and lighter驳运险
risk of deterioration of the goods in transit运输中货物变质险
risk of expropriation被征用险
risk of fresh & /or rain water damage保险淡水雨淋险
risk of heat发热险
risk of nondelivery遗失险
risk of nondelivery提货不着险
risk of shortage货物短量险
risk of strikes, riots and civil commotions罢工、暴动与民变险
risk of sweat damage汗湿损失险
risk of the theft and/or pilferage盗窃险
risk of war保险战争险
risk reduction减少风险
risk reward风险酬金
risks of foreign trade国际贸易风险
risks of rejection and condemnation拒收与没收险
rust risk锈损险
share risks and losses分担风险与亏损
sovereign risk limit主权风险限制
specified risk level规定风险水平
speculative risk投机性风险
strike risk罢工险
subject to approval, no risk须予批准,无风险
Such risks are contingent to the trade此类危险对于该行业而言是偶然会发生的
sweating and heating risks受潮受热险
taint of odour risk串味险
take into account certainty, uncertainty and risk in planning of business management考虑企业管理规划中的确定情况、不确定情况及风险
The goods are covered against all risks and war risk货物受保综合险与兵险
The goods are to be insured against all risks and war risk货物须投保综合险与战争险
The market risk is within our contemplation市场风险在我们仔细考虑的范围之内
The risk is coverable at a premium of 2%此保险费为2%
trading risk经营风险
transaction risk交易风险
transit risk运输风险
transportation risk运输风险
unavoidable risk不可避风险危险
undertake responsibility for the risk of price fluctuation承担价格波动风险
war risk保险兵险
war risk and strikes, riots and civil commotions保险战争险及罢工、暴动和民变险
war risk insurance保险战争险保险
war risk only保险仅保战争险
war risk surcharge战争险附加费用
warehouse to warehouse risk仓至仓险
with all risks包括一切险
with all risks保险综合险