
Terms for subject Technology containing rise | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal rise zone of fault断层异升高度带
adiabatic rise of temperature绝热升温
adiabatic temperature rise混凝土绝热温升
adiabatic temperature rise绝热升温
adiabatic temperature rise绝热温度上升
air temperature rise空气升温
amount of tidal rise潮升量
angle of rise上升角
arch rise碹高
arch rise-span ratio拱高与跨度比
arched rise拱矢
area of capillary rise毛细上升区
automatic rise temperature自动升温
average rise平均潮位升高
average rise of tide平均潮升
beginning of rise涨洪开始 (期)
beginning of rise起涨
beginning of rise开始涨水
building low-rise低层建筑
building of high-rise高层建筑
buoyant plume rise浮力烟羽上升
buoyant plume rise浮选扬性缕烟上升
calculated rise计算矢高
calculated rise of arch计算拱矢高
cam rise凸轮升程
capillary rise毛管水高度
capillary rise毛管水上升
capillary rise毛管水上升高度
capillary rise毛细管上升
capillary rise毛细升高
capillary rise correction毛细管上升校正
capillary rise fringe毛管水上升边缘
capillary rise height毛细管上升高度
capillary rise height毛细提升高度
capillary rise method毛细管上升法
capillary rise rate毛细管上升
capillary rise test毛细水上升高度试验
capillary rise velocity毛细上升速度
cast high-rise block of flats浇制高层套房砌块
center of rise升压中心
circular rise循环上涨
classes of rise and fall升降坡度分级
commercial high-rise block商业高层建筑街坊
commercial high-rise block商业高层建筑区段
continental rise大陆
continental rise deposit陆隆沉积
continuous voltage rise test持续升压试验
dead rise船底升高
dead rise底部升高量 (航空、航海)
dead rise of ship bottom船底横向斜度
dew point rise露点升高
diaphragm chamber type rate-of-rise detector薄膜盒温升率探测器
drag rise阻力增长
duration of rise涨洪历时
duration of rise涨潮持续时间
duration of rise涨潮
duration of rise涨落持续时间
east Pacific rise东太平洋海隆
eye-level rise视线升高
fire hazard of high-rise building高层建筑火灾
flight rise梯段步高
geoidal rise大地水准面隆起
global relative rise of sea level全球性海面相对上升
groundwater table rise地下水上升
heat rise in mass concrete大块混凝土水化热
heat rise in mass concrete大体积混凝土内热量升高
heat rise in mass concrete大体积混凝土水化热
height of capillary rise毛细 (水上升高度)
height of capillary rise毛细提升高度
height of rise of water-level水位上涨高度
high-rise高层建筑 (building, 物)
high rise高层住宅或办公楼
high-rise高层房屋 (building)
high rise高层大楼
high rise高耸的
high-rise apartment高层公寓
high-rise apartment building高层公寓建筑
high-rise block高层建筑 (街坊)
high-rise block多层高楼街区
high-rise building construction高层建筑施工
high-rise capacity高生产能力
high-rise city空间发展城市
high-rise dwelling高层住宅
high-rise erection高层建筑安装
high-rise flats高层公寓
high-rise garage多层停车库
high rise/high density高层高密度
high-rise hotel高层饭店
high-rise hotel高层旅馆
high-rise housing高层住宅
high-rise low density高层低密度
high-rise manifold超高度歧管
high-rise operation高空作业
high-rise parking building高层停车车库
high-rise parking garage高层停车车库
high-rise rescue高层建筑救援
high-rise residential area高层住宅区
high-rise roof高屋顶
high-rise slums高层贫民窟
high-rise structure高层建筑 (物)
high-rise structure高层结构
high-rise structure高耸结构 (物)
ice rise冰隆
ineffective rise无效上升
initial rise初升
Lard Howe rise豪勋爵海隆
level rise velocity水位上涨速度
level rise velocity水面上升速度 (船闸灌水时)
level rise velocity水位升高速度
limit of temperature rise温升范围
limit of temperature rise温升极限
limit rise升达限幅
local relative rise of sea level局部海面相对上升
lock rise船闸上下游水位差
lock rise船闸提升高度
low-rise block低层公寓
low-rise storied building低层建筑 (物)
low-rise building低层房屋
low-rise building低层建筑
low-rise development低建发展
low-rise dwelling低层住宅
low rise/high density低层高密度
low-rise roof矮屋顶
low-rise roof屋顶
low-rise spheric shell低曲率球壳结构
low-rise spherical shell低曲率球壳结构
low-rise structure低层建筑 (物)
maximum temperature-rise最高温升
maximum temperature-rise最大温升
maximum temperature-rise极限温升
mean neap rise小潮平均潮升
mean neap rise of high tide平均小潮高潮升
mean neap rise of low tide平均小潮低潮升
mean rise平均潮位升高
mean rise interval平均潮升间隙
mean rise interval平均涨潮间隙
mean rise of high tide平均高潮升
mean rise of low tide平均低潮升
mean rise of water水位上升平均高度
mean spring rise大潮平均潮升
mean spring rise平均大潮
mean spring rise of high tide平均大潮高潮升
mean spring rise of low tide平均大潮低潮升
mean tide level rise平均潮位升高
mechanical temperature rise机械温升
median rise中间隆起
medium rise block中等高层街坊
medium rise block中层街坊
medium rise building中等高度建筑
medium rise building中层建筑
medium rise building中等高层建筑
mid-rise building多层建筑 (物)
mid-rise building中层建筑
mid-oceanic rise大洋中脊
mid-oceanic rise洋中隆
mid-Pacific rise太平洋中隆
modulation rise调制度增高
momentary rise of pressure瞬时压力升高
momentary rise of pressure瞬时增压
multiple use high rise building多用途高层建筑
multiple use high rise building多用途高层房屋
multiple use high rise building多用途高楼
name of rise海隆名称
nanosecond rise time纳秒上升时间
neap rise小潮潮升
neap rise小潮高度
neap rise小潮升
nominal rate of rise标称上升率
observable temperature rise可测温升
oceanic rise大洋隆起
oceanic rise海洋隆起
period of rise上升期
period of rise涨洪期
phreatic rise潜水上升 (指地下水)
piezometric rise测压管水头上升
piezometric rise test测压管水头上升试验
piling rise板桩上升
pitch of rise and fall升降距
plume rise烟羽上升
plume rise烟缕上升
plume rise烟羽抬升
plume rise by buoyancy force热力抬升
plume rise by source momentum动力抬升
plume rise formula烟羽抬升公式
plume rise height烟羽抬升高度
pneumatic rate-of-rise tubing气动差温式探测管
point of rise洪水的起涨点
potential rise电位升
potential vertical rise竖胀潜量
pressure rise压力升 (高)
pressure rise压力增加
pressure rise气压上升
pressure rise压力增长
pressure rise center升压中心
pull-rise curve拔升曲线
pulse rate of rise脉冲上升率
pulse rise delay脉冲上升延迟
pulse rise time脉冲前沿时间
pulse rise time correction脉冲前沿校正
radar rise gradient雷达作用范围
rapid rise in prices价格飞涨
rapid rise test快速升压试验
rate of capillary rise毛管水上升率
rate of capillary rise毛细管上升
rate of husked rise出糙率
rate of level rise水位上涨率
rate of pressure rise压力升高
rate of rise升压速度
rate of rise上涨率
rate of rise上升速率
rate of rise增长速率
rate of rise of water水位上涨速率
rate of rise restriking voltage再击穿电压上升率
rate of temperature rise温升速率
rate of voltage rise电压上升速度
rate of voltage rise电压增长率
rated temperature-rise容许温升
rated temperature-rise current容许温升电流
ratio of rise两地的潮升比
ratio of rise to span矢跨比
ratio of rise to span高跨比
relative rise of sea level海面相对上升
relative speed rise转速升高度
Rio grand rise里奥格兰德海丘
rise amount潮升量
rise and down of pipe管子的升降
rise and run高宽比 (楼梯踏步)
rise and run ratio踏步高宽比
rise and run ratio踏步级高与踏步宽之比
rise and run ratio楼梯踏步高宽比
rise-and-fall升降 (高差)
rise-and-fall clause价格变动条款
rise-and-fall clause价格涨落条款
rise-and-fall luminaire升降式吊灯
rise-and-fall milling machine升降铣床
rise-and-fall pendant升降吊灯
rise-and-fall system高低归算系统
rise-and-fall table升降工作台
rise-and-falling saw升降锯机
rise angle水平舵上浮转角
rise by big margin大幅度增长
rise face升高工作
rise-fall delay上升下降延迟
rise-free design无位移花纹
rise in steam temperature蒸汽温度升高
rise in temperature升温
rise in temperature温度上升
rise in the net output value纯产值的增长
rise of a truss桁架的矢高
rise of arch碹高
rise of arch拱矢
rise of arch矢高
rise of barrel vault筒拱矢高
rise of bottom船底斜度
rise of carriageway车行道的路拱高度
rise of columns柱升起
rise of concrete strength混凝土强度提高
rise of flight梯段尺寸
rise of flight梯段高度
rise of flood洪水上涨
rise of floor船底斜度
rise of groundwater level地下水位上升高度
rise of high tide高水位高程
rise of level水位上涨
rise of mean water-level水位上升平均高度
rise of pile power反应堆功率上升
rise of river水位上涨
rise of sea level海平面升高
rise of stage水位上涨
rise of the river水位上涨高度
rise of tide涨潮
rise of tide潮升
rise of tide高水位高程 (提高水位与基准面之差)
rise of vault穹顶矢高
rise of water水位升高
rise of water-level水位上涨
rise of water-table地下水位上升
rise of water-table潜水位上升
rise of wave centre line波浪中心高度
rise of yield point屈服点升高
rise per tooth齿升量
rise project洋隆调查计划
rise rate of clarifier澄清池上升流速
rise rating上升速率
rise/run ratio梯级高进比
rise steam蒸汽升压
rise table踏步高计算表 (梯级)
rise tholeiite洋隆拉斑玄武岩
rise time升起时间
rise time上沿时间
rise time发泡时间
rise time生成时间
rise time升压时间
rise time起动时间
rise time兴起时间
rise-time correction上升时间校正
rise-time jitter上升时间跳动
rise-time response上升时间响应
rise-time switching上升时开关
rise to run ration级高与级宽比 (楼梯)
rise working上升开采
river rise河流涨水
river rise河水上涨
sea level rise面升高
seal cavity pressure rise密封腔压力上升
seasonal rise季节性升高
seasonal rise in level季节性涨水
secular rise长期缓升
secular rise of zero-reading冰点长期上升
secular rise of zero-reading零点长期上升
shallow-rise cupola低矮圆屋顶
shallow-rise dome低矮穹隆
sharp rise猛涨
specific temperature rise比温升
speculation on the rise and fall of the market市场上的买空卖空
speed rise速度提高
speed rise速度加快
speed rise速度上升
speed rise转速上升
spring rise大潮潮升
spring rise大潮升
stage temperature rise级温升
stair rise梯段尺寸
stair rise梯段高度
stair rise楼梯踏步高度
steadily rise平稳上涨
steam temperature rise蒸汽温度升高
steep rise急剧上升
stream rise河流涨水
submarine mineralization on the east pacific rise东太平洋洋隆海底成矿作用
sun-rise industry朝阳工业
super-high-rise building超高层建筑
temperature rise升温
temperature rise coefficient温升系数
temperature rise curve升温曲线
temperature rise curve温升曲线
temperature rise efficiency升温效率
temperature rise of groundwater地下水温上升
temperature rise of light号灯温升
temperature rise period升温阶段
temperature rise period温升周期
temperature rise period升温期
temperature rise ratio温升比
temperature rise room升温室
temperature rise room蒸汽养护室
tidal rise潮升
tide rise潮升
time of rise增长时间
time of rise建立时间
time of rise起潮时刻
time of rise涨潮时间
time of rise涨洪时刻
torque rise扭矩增大
total rise of a roof屋面总高度
transient temperature rise瞬态温升
tread rise踏步高
tread rise踏步步高
vault rise拱顶高
velocity of capillary rise毛细上升速度
velocity of rise of water水位上涨速度
vertical rise cable垂直电缆
vertical rise cable竖立电缆
vertical rise of concrete per hour混凝土浇注每小时竖升量
vertical rise of escalator自动扶梯垂直高度
voltage rise电压升 (高)
voltage rise压升
water-table rise地下水位上升
water-table rise潜水面上升
water-table rise地下水面上升
wave rise波浪升高