
Terms for subject Biology containing ring spot | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Chinese cabbage ring spot白菜轮点病 (Brassica virus 1)
ring leaf spot of soybean大豆轮纹病 (Ascochyta sojae Miura)
ring spot mosaic of Chinese cabbage白菜环疽花叶病白菜环斑花叶病,Turnip mosaic virus (TPMV),病毒病害
ring spot of apple苹果轮斑病 (Alternaria mali Roberts)
ring spot of broad bean蚕豆轮纹病 (Cercospora fabae Tautrey)
ring spot of cotton棉轮纹病 (Pestalozzia gossypii Hori)
ring spot of grape葡萄轮斑病 (Pestalozzia uvicola Speg.)
ring spot of loquat枇杷轮斑病 (Pestalozzia congensis P. Henn.)
ring spot of maidenhair银杏轮斑病 (Pestalozzia ginkgo Hori.; Pestalozzia sinensis Shen)
ring spot of rose蔷薇轮斑病 (Pestalozzia compta var. ramicola Berl. et Brev.)
ring spot of tobacco烟草环斑病 (Nicotiana virus 12)
tobacco ring spot virus烟草环斑病 (Nicotiana virus 12 Smith)