
Terms containing right lay | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.Lang's right-hand lay右搓钢丝绳
gen.lay the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
gen.lay the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
gen.lay the saddle upon the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
gen.lay the saddle upon the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
tech.regular lay right lay钢丝绳右向交叉捻绕
tech.right lang lay单向右捻钻探钢丝绳
tech.right lang lay右同向捻
oilright lay绳股右绞
tech.right lay正搓绳索
met.right lay右捻 (钢丝绳的)
tech.right lay右搓绳
dril.right lay右捻绳股
mil.right lay右捻〔扭,搓,撚〕
tech.right lay rope右捻钢丝绳
dril.right regular lay右向逆捻钢丝绳
dril.right regular lay cable正绞逆捻钢丝绳
dril.right regular lay cable绳股右绞股丝左捻的钢丝缆绳
tech.right regular-lay cable右捻钢丝绳
met.right-hand direction of lay右捻 (钢丝绳的)
met.right-hand lang lay同向右捻
tech.right-hand lang-lay同向右捻
tech.right-hand lang-lay右向顺捻
tech.right-hand lay顺时针方向扭绞
telecom.right-hand lay右转扭绞
telecom.right-hand lay顺时针扭绞
oilright-hand lay绳股右绞
oilright-hand lay绳股右捻
met.right-hand lay右捻 (钢丝绳的)
tech.right-hand lay右搓
dril.right-hand lay钢丝绳绳股右绞
tech.right-hand lay右向捻 (绳子)
tech.right-hand lay右捻
met.right-hand lay wire rope右捻钢丝绳
met.right-hand ordinary lay交叉右捻 (钢丝绳的)
el.mach.right-handed lay顺时针方向扭绞
tech.right-lay rope右旋〔捻〕钢丝绳