
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing right | all forms | exact matches only
agreement on preemptive right优先购买权协议
chain right ahead锚链正前方
left right左右
liabilities and right of owner under time chart定期租船船东的责任和权利
liabilities and right of owner under time charter定期租船船东的责任和权利
liabilities and right of time charterer定期租船租船人的责任和权利
liabilities and right of time charterer定期租船人的责任和权利
loss of right to limit of responsibility责任限制权利的丧失
protection of patent right专利权的保护
protection of the exclusive right to use registered trademarks注册商标专用权的保护
right-angle dynamometer直角转动动力仪
right-angle steering propeller直角转向螺旋桨
right hand右旋的
right-hand control右侧操纵
right hand engine右旋发动机
right-hand turning propeller右旋螺旋桨
right to claim damage要求赔偿损害的权利
tenant right承租人权利
transfer of the right to use使用权转让
unexercised right未行使的权力