
Terms for subject Economy containing returned | all forms | exact matches only
a returned bill退票
Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担
capital returned to stock-holders in dividends摊还股本
capital returned to stock-holders in dividends以发放股息的方式摊还股本
capital returned to stock-holders in dividends退还股本的红利
If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项
material returned in the stockroom退料入库
returned cargo退运货
returned cheque退回的支票
returned lot退回的一批货
returned material report退料报告 (单)
returned purchase account购货退回账单
returned purchase invoice退货凭单 (发票、单据)
returned sales销货退回 (account, report, 账户、 报告单)
returned without action收回未使用的
the goods returned to vendor商品退回卖方
the returned cargo退货 (goods, purchase)
The signed Sales Note No. 310 has been returned to us stipulating January delivery instead of February第 310 号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是1月而不是 2 月
The signed Sales Note No. 14 has been returned to us stipulating June delivery instead of July第14号销售单已签退给我们,该单规定交货期是6月份而不是7月份
Upon our demand, they immediately returned to us all the samples and manuals根据我们的要求,他们立刻将所有的样品和说明书退坯给我们