
Terms for subject United Nations containing resulting | all forms | exact matches only
Basel Protocol on Liability and Compensation for Damage resulting from the Transboundary Movement and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal危险废物及其他废物越境转移及处置所造成损害的责任及赔偿巴塞尔议定书
forced abandonment means actions resulting from a decision approved by the force Commander/Police commissioner or his authorized representative or a provision in the rules of engagement which results in the loss of custody and control of equipment and supplies被迫放弃是指导致丧失对装备和用品的保管和控制的、由部队指挥官/警务专员或其授权代表所核可的决定或由接战规则中的一项规定所引起的行动
intensified operational condition factor means a factor applicable to the reimbursement rates for major equipment and for self-sustainment rates to compensate the troop/police contributor for increased costs resulting from the scope of the task assigned, the length of logistics chains, non-availability of commercial repair and support facilities, and other operational hazards and conditions频繁使用状况系数是指一个适用于主要装备偿还费率和自我维持费率的系数,以补偿部队/警察部队派遣国由于所派任务的范围、后勤链的长度、缺乏商业保养和支持装备及其他作业危险和条件而造成的增加费用
loss or damage means a total or partial elimination of equipment and/or supplies resulting from损失和损坏是指装备和用品由于以下原因全部或部分报废
Protocol concerning Marine Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf关于因勘探和开发大陆架而造成的海洋污染议定书