
Terms for subject China containing result | all forms | exact matches only
according to the result of investigation依据调查结果
as a result of致使
deliberation result report审议结果的报告
falsify inspection result伪造检验结果
forge a quarantine result伪造检疫结果
loss suffered by the infringed as a result of the infringement因被侵权所受损失
new legal person that result from the change变更后的法人
non-service-related technological result非职务技术成果
property obtained as a result of the said act因该行为取得的财产
quarantine result检疫结果
result agreed upon by the parties当事人协议的结果
result in a serious animal epidemic引起重大动物疫情
result in damage导致损害发生
result of a quality assessment of the project工程质量验收情况
result of a test检测结果
result of assessment proves the need to modify经评估确需修改
result of investment in education教育投资效益
service-related technological result职务技术成果
the election result in favor of him当选