
Terms for subject General containing result | all forms | exact matches only
as a result所以
as a result结果
as a result从而
as a result因此
as a result of…的结果
as a result of作为…的结
as a result of通过
as a result of...…的结果
as the result of由于
be pleased at the result对这结果感到高兴
first-order result初次结果
fruitful results成果
get a result获胜
get a result有下文
get a result达到目的
get a result打赢
give no result没有结果〔成绩〕
Hunger and malnutrition are a cause, not just a result, of poverty饥饿与营养不良是贫困的起因,而不仅仅是结果
in the result结果〔局〕
lead to no result是徒劳〔无益〕的
lead to no result得不出任何结果
Poor solvent purity or quality can result in an objectionable odor in the textiles溶剂纯度或质量差可能导致纺织品上留下难闻的气味
result from起因于
result from等于
result from由…得出答数 (结果)
result from由于
result from由…引起〔产生,造成〕
result in终归
result in终于造成
result in结果是
result in结果形成
result in结果用…表示
result in归纳为
result in引起
result in结果引起产生
result in导致
this result would obtain for point x这个结果对点 x 来说是可以的
We will do our best to remove the stain, but we cannot guarantee the result我们将尽力去掉这块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉
without result无效〔益〕地
without result毫无结果地
without result白白〔徒劳〕地
write us the result把结果写信告诉我们