
Terms containing result | all forms | exact matches only
sport.accept the result承认成绩
econ.acceptance of conformity assessment results合格评定结果的接受
econ.acceptance of conformity assessment results接受
China, lawaccording to the result of investigation依据调查结果
econ.accountable for the result对结果负责
econ.accountable for the result对成果负责
avia.accurate result精确结果
avia.action result table行动结果表
tech.actual result实际结果
tech.actual result实际效果
railw.actual train running result列车运行实绩
avia.additive result添加剂效果
tech.admixture result外加剂效果
expl.Also, different gas concentrations result at different states of expansion,for example at the detonation state况且、气体的浓度不同、比如在爆轰态、会造成不同的膨胀状态
compr.analog result模拟结果
busin.analog ue result模拟结果
archit.analog result模拟试验结果
tech.analog result比拟结果
tech.analog test result模拟试验结果
auto.analogue result模拟试验结果
construct.analogue result模拟试验结果
tech.analogue result模拟结果
tech.analogue result比拟结果
tech.analogue test result模拟试验结果
busin.analysis of advertising result广告效果分析
tech.analysis of simulation result仿真结果分析
tech.analytic result分析结果
tech.analytical result分析结果
tech.approximate result近似结果
met.as a result终于
met.as a result结果 (是)
gen.as a result所以
gen.as a result结果
gen.as a result从而
gen.as a result因此
gen.as a result of…的结果
gen.as a result of作为…的结
gen.as a result of通过
China, lawas a result of致使
gen.as a result of...…的结果
econ.As a result of large-scale unemployment, there was an over-flow of cheap labour force on the market in some African countries某些非洲国家的大规模失业现象造成市场上廉价劳动力泛滥
econ.As a result of severe damage, the goods are hardly salable adj., we have to resort to a claim损坏如此严重,货物几乎无法售出,我们只得提出索赔
econ.As a result of the merger n., your bank is the largest in this city作为合并的结果,贵行成了本市最大的银行
econ.As a result of your default, we cannot help revoking this contract由于你方毁约,我们不得不取消合同
math.as the final result作为最后结果
gen.as the result of由于
commer.as the result of that因此
commer.as the result of that随即
busin.assessment of result成果评定
avia.assessment on production process change result生产过程更改结果评估
tech.audit of investment result coefficient and payback period投资效果系数与投资回收期的审计
sport., med.average knowledge of result平均结果认识
dril.awaiting result of trial等待试验结果
tech.bad result恶果
met.balling result造球效果
gen.be pleased at the result对这结果感到高兴
tech.benchmarking method and result基准程序方法和结果
busin.best result最佳结果
tech.best result最好的效果
sport.best result最好成绩
econ.best result alternative最佳结果方案
busin.best result alternative最佳结果选择方案
tech.biased result有偏结果
expl.blast result爆破效果
expl.blast result爆破结果
expl.blasting result爆破结果
tech.boring result钻探结果
tech.boring result钻孔结果
stat.breakdown of results结果分类
stat.breakdown of results1/2峁掷
tech.budget result table决算表
tech.business result经营成果
tech.business result analysis经营成果分析
econ.compensation by the result按成果 (付酬)
agric., stat.calculation of result结果计算
horticult.calculation of result成果预测
tech.calculation result计算结果
avia.calibration result校准结果
sport.cancel the result取消比赛成绩
interntl.trade.certain translation adjustments as a result of currency depreciations and appreciations因货币贬值或升值而进行的某些货币换算调整
sport.chart of result成绩记录表
tech.check result检查结果
met.check result校核结果
tech.check result对照结果
tech.check result核对结果
tech.check result检验结果
tech.classic result经典结果
tech.classical result经典结果
tech.classification of result list成果表类别
tech.classification on the movement result运动结果分类
stat.closeness of agreement between results结果之间的一致程度
stat.closeness of agreement between results1/2峁r1/4涞囊恢鲁潭
tech.coal analysis result table煤质分析试验成果表
tech.compensation by result酬赏成果化
manag.compensation by the result按成果付酬
manag.compensation by the result酬赏成果化
busin.composite economic result综合经济效益
tech.composite result figure综合成果图
fin.comprehensive, balanced, incremental and result-oriented reform全面、均衡、渐进、实效的改革
tech.computation result of soil slope stability土坡稳定性计算结果
avia.computational result计算结果
tech.consistent result一致结果
tech.convolution result褶积结果
tech.corrected result已修正的结果
avia.corrected result已修正结果
tech.data table of interpretation result for dip log地层倾角测井解释成果数据列表
tech.database result wizard数据库结果向导
busin.decision of test result试验结果决策
tech.deduction result figure in induced polarization method激电法推断成果图
sport.definite result明确的结果
China, lawdeliberation result report审议结果的报告
libr.delve deep into a result list探究搜索结果
avia.density result密度结论
avia.design result设计成果
commer.desired result预期结果
tech.desired result预期收益
tech.desired result预期效果
avia.diagnostic result诊断结果
tech.diagram of radioactive result放射性成果图件
tech.digital result数字结果
agric.disastrous result灾难性结果
tech.display of seismic result地震成果显示
sport.double result半全场赛果
gambl.double result成功预测比赛上半场和全场得分的投注
avia.drag result阻力结果
tech.drilling result钻探结果
tech.economic result经济效果
tech.economic result经济结果
met.economic result analysis经济效果分析
met.economic result indicators经济效益指标
tech.economic result indicators经济效果指标
met.electron probe microanalysis result电子探针显微分析结果
doping.elevated result化验结果超标
met.empiric result经验数据
met.empiric result经验结果
securit.empirical result数据分析结果
met.empirical result经验数据
met.empirical result经验结果
securit.empirical result经验证明的结果
tech.end result成品鉴定
econ.end result variables最终变量
busin.end-result variables极限变量
econ.equivalence of conformity assessment results合格评定结果的等效
econ.equivalence of conformity assessment results等效
busin.evaluation and controlling by result成果考核与管制
AI.evaluation of image fusion result图像融合效果评价
tech.evaluation of result结果评价
avia.exact analytical result正确的分析结论.
econ.expected result期望结果
tech.expected result预期结果
avia.experimental and numerical result实验及数值模拟结果
tech.experimental result试验成果
tech.expression method of heavy placer prospecting result重砂测量成果表示法
tech.expression of result结果的表达
tech.extended result output扩充结果输出
auto.eyeballing result weight检测站用语检查权重
manag.faith as result of experiences经验信条
China, lawfalsify inspection result伪造检验结果
agric.fattening result肥育效果
commer.favourable result有利结果
econ.feedback of result and follow-up结果的反馈与跟进
busin.feedback of result and follow-up结果反馈与跟进
tech.field result野外试验结果
auto.field-test result现场试验结果
manag.final financial result最终的财务成果
tech.final financial result最终财务成果
met.final result最终结果
sport.final result最后成绩
tech.final result最后结果
tech.final result最终成果
tech.final result最终答案
auto.final result成果
sport.final result决赛成绩
tech.final result table测量成果表
tech.financial result财务成果
fin.financial result account财务成果帐户
gen.first-order result初次结果
tech.float-and-sink analysis of fines result table煤粉浮沉试验结果表
China, lawforge a quarantine result伪造检疫结果
construct.freak result反常结果如偶然接收到极远(短波)电台的信号
tech.freak result反常结果
gen.fruitful results成果
commer.gain maximum economic result取得最大经济效益
sport.game-result sheet比赛结果表
gen.get a result获胜
gen.get a result有下文
gen.get a result达到目的
gen.get a result打赢
gen.give no result没有结果〔成绩〕
tech.graph of synthetic result of drill hole钻孔综合成果图表
tech.graph of synthetical result of drill hole钻孔综合成果图表
agric.grazing result放牧结果
tech.ground check result map of survey area测区地检结果图
sport.half-time result半场赛果
expl.However, the use of biofuels instead of fossil fuels in explosives would result in lower overall CO₂ emissions, as the biofuel growth phase removes an equivalent amount of CO₂ from the atmosphere然而、制造炸药使用生物燃料代替化石燃料的结果、会使二氧化碳的整体排量降低、因为生物燃料在生长期从大气中消除同样当量的二氧化碳
gen.Hunger and malnutrition are a cause, not just a result, of poverty饥饿与营养不良是贫困的起因,而不仅仅是结果
expl.ideal result理想结果
gen.in the result结果〔局〕
sport.In running races, a difference in speed of reaction to the pistol shot can result in several meters gained or lost赛跑比赛中、对枪声反应的快慢可能造成好几米的得失
econ.In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained鉴于你方违约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权
tech.increasing rate of result value成果价值增长率
busin.indicator system for economic result经济效果指标体系
busin.indirect result间接结果
tech.inevitable result必然结果
chem.inspection result检査结果
tech.inspection result检查结果
tech.inspection result of main dimension主要尺寸检査结果
tech.inspection result of main item主要项目检査结果
commer.intended result预期结果
tech.internal system result内部系统结果【计】
tech.interpretation-estimated result map解释推断成果图
tech.investment result投资效益
securit.irrelevance result无关定律
securit.irrelevance result无关结果
agric.key result重要成果
tech.knowledge of result结果知识
psychol.knowledge of result知晓结果
sport., med.knowledge of result结果认识
sport., psychol.knowledge of result了解结果
wind.laboratory result实验室结果
tech.laboratory result实验结果
sport.lamentable result可悲的结局
sport.latest result最近成绩
gen.lead to no result是徒劳〔无益〕的
gen.lead to no result得不出任何结果
tech.local result局部结果
China, lawloss suffered by the infringed as a result of the infringement因被侵权所受损失
sport.lowest result最低成绩
avia.main result主要结果
avia.main result主要成绩
econ.make the investment yield result发挥投资效果
econ.management by result目标管理
busin.management by result成效管理
busin.management by result成果管理
commer.Many facts emerged as a result of the investigation调查的结果是:许多事实暴露出来了
tech.map of seismic result地震成果图
busin.marked result明显效果
avia.maximax result大中取大结果
avia.meaningful result有意义的结果
avia.measurement result测量结果
tech.measuring result测量结果
tech.measuring result量测结果
agric.mixed results混合效果
avia.model result模型结果
avia.modeling result建模结果
auto.negative result否定的结果
agric.negative result负结果
agric.negative result反试验
agric.negative result阴性
busin.net result最后结果
tech.net result净结果
commer.net result最终目标
tech.net result最终结果
China, lawnew legal person that result from the change变更后的法人
avia.newtonian result牛顿结果
avia.No cycle process is possible whose sole result is the flow of heat from a single heat reservoir and the performance of an equivalent amount of work on a work reservoir不可能建造这样一个循环工作的机器,这机器除了从单一热源吸热和举起重物作功之外,而不引起其他的变化
China, lawnon-service-related technological result非职务技术成果
fin.number of ordinary shares issued as a result of conversion of debt to capital因债务转资本而发行的普通股股数
tech.numbering in result list成果表中编号
tech.numeric result计算结果
avia.numerical and experimental result数值和实验结果
tech.numerical result计算结果
avia.numerical result数值结果
polit.obligation of result结果义务
tech.observation result观测结果
tech.observed result观察结果
sport.official result正式成绩
busin.ongoing result现有成果
commer.operating result经营成果 (指营业纯收入 (operating net income) 或营业毛利(operating margin))
manag.operating result业务成果
busin.operating result经营成果
tech.operating result运行结果
fin.operating result account业务成果帐户
met.optimum result of injecting pulverized coal粉煤喷吹最佳效果
busin.paid by result计时付酬
econ.past result已获成果
busin.payment by result按成果付酬
earth.sc.payment by result按劳付酬
agric.payment by result计件工资
compr.performance result性能结果
met.plotted result曲线图描绘结果
met.plotted result曲线图标出结果
gen.Poor solvent purity or quality can result in an objectionable odor in the textiles溶剂纯度或质量差可能导致纺织品上留下难闻的气味
tech.positive result成果
tech.positive result良好结果
tech.post result事后成效
tech.postponed result延期结果
tech.practical result实效
tech.practical result实践结果
tech.predictor result预报结果
agric.primary result初步成果
tech.processing result治理效果
met.project result audit项目效益审计
tech.promising result满意效果
China, lawproperty obtained as a result of the said act因该行为取得的财产
sport.Protests concerning the result or the conduct of an event shall be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result of that event涉及比赛成绩的抗议或比赛过程的抗议、必须在正式宣告该项成绩后30分钟内提出
tech.quantitative result定量结果
China, lawquarantine result检疫结果
tech.quick result速效
sport.Reaction time in specific movements will improve as a result of extensive practice of those movements大量练习某些专项动作、 将会提高这些专项动作的反应时
tech.real result实际结果
met.rechecked result复验结果
econ.recognition of conformity assessment results合格评定结果的承认
econ.recognition of conformity assessment results承认
tech.recording of digital result数字结果记录
org.name.Reformed Programming, Budgeting and Results Based Monitoring System经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理监测系统
tech.relative result相对结果
tech.reliable result可靠成果
auto.rep resen ta tive result有代表性的结果
tech.report table of viscosity result黏度结果报表
tech.reproducible result重复结果
fin.result account成果帐户
met.result address结果地址
China, lawresult agreed upon by the parties当事人协议的结果
sport.result better than expected出乎意料的好成绩
sport.result book成绩册
tech.result buffer结果缓存
telecom.result call结果调用
tech.result data item结果数据项
tech.result element结果元素
agric.result exponent结果指数
busin.result feedback成果回授
tech.result figure of electric method电法勘探成果图件
tech.result figure of electrical method电法勘探成果图件
gen.result from起因于
gen.result from等于
gen.result from由…得出答数 (结果)
gen.result from由于
econ.result from海上事故造成的结果 (maritime accident)
gen.result from由…引起〔产生,造成〕
econ.result from investment投资效果
fin.result from operation经营成果
fin.result from operation经营绩效
construct.result function终〔结果,目标〕函数
tech.result function目标函数
gen.result in终归
gen.result in终于造成
gen.result in结果是
gen.result in结果形成
gen.result in结果用…表示
gen.result in归纳为
econ.result in...结果是
econ.result in...导致…
gen.result in引起
gen.result in结果引起产生
gen.result in导致
China, lawresult in a serious animal epidemic引起重大动物疫情
China, lawresult in damage导致损害发生
busin.result management目标管理
tech.result map成果图
tech.result maps of geochemical prospecting化探成果图
tech.result maps of geophysical prospecting物探成果图
tech.result matrix of mapping成果矩阵
telecom.result mode结果方式
econ.result monitoring结果监测
econ.result monitoring产出监测
manag.result of a decision决策的产物
busin.result of a decision决策结果
refrig.result of a measurement测量值
avia.result of a measurement测量结果
China, lawresult of a quality assessment of the project工程质量验收情况
China, lawresult of a test检测结果
China, lawresult of assessment proves the need to modify经评估确需修改
met.result of computer simulation计算机模拟结果
tech.result of decision决策产物
securit.result of decision决策结果
tech.result of detection探伤结果
met.result of electromagnetic braking电磁制动效果 (【技】电磁制动的效果包括:降低结晶器内金属弯月面下的钢水水平流速和弯月面的波动,防止保护渣卷人,促使保护渣均匀铺展,降低铸坯表面纵向和横向裂纹产生的几率;降低流股的向下流速和贯穿深度,有利于夹杂物上浮和均匀分布;弯月面下钢水温度得以提高,有利于保护渣吸收上浮的夹杂物,改善铸坯质量;有利于初生坯壳的均匀生长,降低角裂和漏钢的发生几率。)
tech.result of experiment实验结果
tech.result of hydraulic test水压试验结果
tech.result of hydrogeologic investigation水文地质调查成果
tech.result of hydrogeological investigation水文地质调查成果
ecol.result of implement实施结果
tech.result of interpretation of ground EM method地面电磁法解释结果
tech.result of investigation勘察工作成果
China, lawresult of investment in education教育投资效益
drag.result of lane drawing线道抽签结果
manag.result of learning学习效果
busin.result of management管理效果
telecom.result of number check号码核对结果
manag.result of operation营业成绩
econ.result of operation经营成果概念
manag.result of operation营业结果
commer.result of operation经营成效
manag.result of operation concept营业成果概念
tech.result of operation concept经营成果概念
manag.result of rating考核成绩
tech.result of reserve calculations储量计算结果
tech.result of scientific research科研成果
busin.result of subscriptions认缴的法定结果
busin.result of survey调查结果
tech.result of test检验结果
busin.result of the current term本期经营成果
econ.result of the tax examination税务检査结果
busin.result of the tax examination税务检查结果
stat.result of weighted average加权平均结果
telecom.result operand reservation结果操作数保留
econ.result-oriented management以成果为目标的管理 (原则)
econ.result-oriented management结果导向的管理
busin.result-oriented management以成果为目标的管理
fin.result-oriented reform有实效的改革
telecom.result output period length输出结果周期长度
tech.result phase结果状态
tech.result reduction测量结果归化
tech.result reduction结果处理
telecom.result retrieval结果检索
manag.result's management结果管理法
manag.result's management成效管理
econ.result's management成果管理
comp., MSresult set結果集 (The set of records that results from running a query or applying a filter)
AI.result sharing结果共享
sport.result standard成绩标准
tech.result success成绩
busin.result table成果表
tech.result value实验值
tech.result verification实验证明
econ.results chain结果链
econ.results framework结果框架
sport.reverse the game's result扭转比赛结果[局面]
work.fl.Revised Implementation Performance Results-based Management Monitoring Report经修订的执行绩效和基于结果的管理监测报告
org.name.Revised Implementation Performance Results Based Management Monitoring System经过修订的对执行绩效进行基于结果的管理监测系统
tech.satisfactory result满意效果
tech.scalar result标量结果
tech.search result register查找结果寄存器
met.sedimentation result沉降分析结果
auto.self-diagnostic result自诊结果
met.separating result分离结果
expl.Serious injuries and fatalities result from improper judgment or practice during rock blasting严重的伤亡事件起因于岩石爆破过程中判断不当或操作失误
China, lawservice-related technological result职务技术成果
tech.show methods of coal analysis result煤质分析结果的表示方法
tech.sieve test result diagram筛分试验曲线
met.sieving result筛析结果
avia.significant result显著性结果
avia.simulated result模拟结果
tech.simulation result模拟结果
avia.simulation result仿真结果
tech.single-measured result单次测量结果
tech.sizing test total sample laboratory test result筛分试验总样化验结果
securit.solid result稳健业绩
securit.solid result坚实业绩
tech.speculated result figure of mise a-la-masse充电法推断成果图
tech.speculated result figure of self-potential method自然电场法推断成果图
tech.statistic result统计结果
stat.statistical result统计结果
busin.tabulating result列表结果
manag.tangible result明确的成效
manag.tangible result确实的成效
tech.tender result投标结果
met.test result试验结果
chem.test result试验结果
busin.test result检验结果
busin.test result classification检验结果分类
tech.test result processor测试结果处理器
busin.testing of advertising result广告效果预测
avia.testing process and result assessment试验过程及结果评定
met.testing result试验结果
China, polit.the election result in favor of him当选
econ.the ongoing result现有成果
econ.the production result生产成果
econ.the result account成果账户
econ.the result feedback成果回援
econ.The result of survey has resolved all doubts调査结果消除了所有疑虑
econ.The result of the advertising campaign has fulfilled our hopes大规模广告宣传的结果使我们满意
manag.the result oriented结果指向
econ.Their efforts will undoubtedly yield the desired result毫无疑问,他们的努力将产生预期的结果
busin.theoretical result理论效果
avia.theoretical result理论结果
tech.thermal result热效应
expl.These rock fragments result in human injuries, fatalities and structure damages when they are thrown beyond the allowable limits如果岩石碎片抛到容许的范围之外、就会造成人员伤亡和财产损坏
econ.They have done a lot to promote the sales, as a result, many repeat orders from our customers are rush in他们做了许多促销工作,结果顾客的续订定单大量涌来
gen.this result would obtain for point x这个结果对点 x 来说是可以的
sport.Three consecutive misses result in elimination连续 3 次失误将被取消比赛资格
econ.trade results贸易结果
interntl.trade.transferee as a result of negotiation经背书的受让人
fin.transferee as a result of simple transfer经一般债权让与手续的受让人
agric.trial result实验结果
agric.trial result试验结果
avia.typical result典型值
agric.ultimate result主要结果
agric.ultimate result最后结果
fin.underwriting result承销业绩
securit.underwriting result承保业绩
busin.undesired result失望的结果
org.name.Unit for Field Programme Coordination and Result-Based Monitoring实地计划协调及绩效监测科
racingvalid result有效成绩
econ.validity of the result有效的结果
busin.validity of the result有效结果
avia.vector result结果向量
avia.velocity result速度结果
avia.videogrammetry result视频测量结果
econ.We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价
econ.We shall have the right to claim for the loss sustained as a result of your default我方有权索赔由于你方违约而使我方蒙受的损失
gen.We will do our best to remove the stain, but we cannot guarantee the result我们将尽力去掉这块污迹,但我们不能保证肯定可以去掉
econ.Why, What, Who, When, Where, How, How much, Result制定计划方法为何、何事、何人、何时、何地、如何、多少、结果如何
commer.wire sb. the result把结果用电报告知某人
gen.without result无效〔益〕地
gen.without result毫无结果地
gen.without result白白〔徒劳〕地
gen.write us the result把结果写信告诉我们
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