
Terms for subject Securities containing reserve | all forms | exact matches only
accumulated reserve累积储备金
available fiscal reserve可动用的财政储备
available reserve可动用的储备
bank reserve equation银行准备金方程
banker's mutual reserve association银行业共同准备金联盟
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统管理委员会美国联邦储备系统五大组成部分之一,联邦储备系统核心机构
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System美联储理事会
bond retirement reserve债券偿债准备金
book reserve账面准备金
book reserve账面储备
capital common reserve funds资本公积金
capital redemption reserve资本赎回储备金
capital reserve fund资金储备
capital reserve fund公积金
capital works reserve fund基建工程储备基金
capitalization of reserve准备金资本化
capitalization of reserve公积金资本化
China International Reserve Center中国国际储备中心 (CIRC)
collective reserve共同储备
collective reserve集体储备
compensation fund reserve account赔偿基金储备账户
compulsory reserve强制准备金
contemporaneous reserve accounting同期准备金会计
contingency reserve偶然事故公积金
contingent reserve意外事件准备金
depletion reserve损耗储备
depository reserve存储准备金
depository reserve存储准备
discretionary common reserve fund自主公积金
discretionary common reserve fund可调节的公积金
dividend equalization reserve股利均衡化准备金
documentary reserve method证券准备金方法
excess bank reserve银行超额准备金
extinguishment reserve偿债准备金
Federal Reserve Act联邦储备金法
Federal Reserve Act联邦储备金法
Federal Reserve Bank account联邦储备银行账户
Federal Reserve Bank collections account联邦储备银行收款账户
Federal Reserve Bank float联邦储备银行浮动
Federal Reserve Bank note联邦储备银行券
Federal Reserve Bank reserve requirement联邦储备银行储备规则
Federal Reserve Bank stock联邦准备银行股票
Federal Reserve Bank system联邦储备银行系统
Federal Reserve Board FRB联邦储备委员会
Federal Reserve check collection system联邦储备银行支票收款制度
Federal Reserve commercial paper composite联储商业票据综合指数
Federal Reserve Communication System联邦储备通信系统
Federal Reserve credit联邦储备信贷
Federal Reserve currency联邦储备货币
Federal Reserve discount rate联邦储备贴现率
Federal Reserve District联邦储备区
Federal Reserve note联储的票据
Federal Reserve note联邦储备券
Federal Reserve open-market operation联邦储备公开市场操作
Federal Reserve requirements联邦储备体系规定成员银行持有的款额
Federal Reserve System联邦储备体系
Federal Reserve trade-weighted dollar index联储外汇加权指数
Federal Reserve Wire Network12 家联邦储备银行及其分支的 联邦储备通讯系统
fixed cash reserve固定的现金准备金
fixed minimum reserve固定最低准备金
Foreign Exchange Reserve Operation Center PBC中国人民银行外汇储备运作中心央行上海分部
fractional reserve部分储备
fractional reserve部分准备金
fractional reserve banking银行部分准备金制度
fund for reserve准备基金、准备金
general reserve一般准备金
Gold Reserve Operation Center PBC中国人民银行黄金储备运作中心央行上海分部
healthy reserve充足准备金
healthy reserve充足储备金
hidden reserve隐匿准备
iceberg/reserve order冰山/保留指令
interest reserve ratio利率对准备金的比率
internal reserve内部预留
investment reserve投资储备
lagged reserve滞后储备
lagged reserve requirement时差准备金规定
lagged reserve requirement滞后准备金规定
latent reserve隐藏储备
latent reserve隐蔽储备
legal bank reserve法定银行准备金
legal earned reserve法定盈余储备金
liability reserve负债准备金
liability reserve funds债务准备金
liquid reserve流动性准备金
loan loss reserve呆账准备金
maintenance reserve保证金准备
maintenance reserve维持准备金
mandatory securities valuation reserve强制性证券估价准备金
mathematical reserve数理准备金
member-bank reserve成员银行准备金指美国联邦储备系统的成员银行的准备金
members of Federal Reserve System联邦储备体制成员
monetary reserve通货准备金
money reserve funds货币准备金
multiple currency reserve system多种货币准备制度
net borrowed reserve借人准备金净额
net borrowed reserve净借人准备金
non-distributable capital reserve公积资本储备
non-distributable capital reserve非用于分配的资本储备
non-distributable reserve非分配储备
non-distributable reserve公积储备
official reserve官方储备央行黄金和外汇储备
offset reserve坏账准备金
one hundred percent reserve全部储备
one hundred percent reserve百分之百储备
operating reserve经营准备金
operational reserve经营储备金
overseas investment loss reserve海外投资亏损准备金
overseas legal reserve海外法定准备金
overseas market development reserve海外市场开发准备金
partial coverage reserve部分赔偿债务的准备金
primary reserve首要准备金
primary reserve基本准备金
profit sharing reserve利润分配准备金
public liability and property damage claim reserve政府债务和财产损失索赔准备金
qualified reserve限定准备金
regional reserve bank地区储备银行
registered reserve注册的储备
replacement reserve更新储备金
replacement reserve更新准备金
required reserve额定储备金
required reserve ratio规定的储备比率
reserve against deposit system存款准备金制度
reserve balance准备金余额
reserve borrowing capital保留借人资金
reserve charge for guaranteed fund保证基金的准备金
reserve check准备金支票
reserve city bank城市准备银行
reserve city bank城市储蓄银行
reserve clause限制条例
reserve equity准备金资本
reserve financing累积融资
reserve for bad and doubtful accounts坏账准备金
reserve for bad debt呆账准备
reserve for bad debt坏账准备
reserve for bond redemption偿债准备金
reserve for contingency或有准备
reserve for contingency未来损失准备
reserve for debt retirement偿债准备金
reserve for doubtful accounts呆账准备金
reserve for drought资金周转困难准备金
reserve for encumbrance不动产抵押权准备
reserve for equalization of dividends平均股息准备金
reserve for inadequacy资金不足准备
reserve for loan loss贷款亏损储备金
reserve for loss on doubtful account for bad debt呆账损失准备
reserve for realized losses已发生的亏损准备金
reserve for replacement重置准备金
reserve for retirement of inking fund bond偿债基金债券偿还准备金
reserve for retirement of long term debt长期负债偿还准备
reserve for revenue bond contingency收人担保债券意外准备金
reserve for revenue-bond-debt-service收人担保债券还本付息准备金
reserve for transaction loss交易损失准备
reserve for unexpired risk未到期风险金准备
reserve for unrealized increment in assets value未实现资产增值准备金
reserve foreign currency备用外汇资金
reserve fund保留金
reserve interest保留利息
reserve liability负债储备
reserve loan备用贷款
reserve loan储备贷款
reserve management储备金管理
reserve of appreciation涨价准备
reserve position in international financial institution国际金融机构储备头寸
reserve power保留权
reserve price最低接受价格
reserve profit保留利润
reserve ratio requirement法定存款准备金比率
reserve ratio requirement储备比率规定
reserve requirement法定存款准备标准
reserve right to claim保留索赔权
reserve settlement period准备金结算期
reserve share capital后备股本
reserve share capital储备股本
reserve share capital预留股本
reserve tranche储备份额
reserve transaction account准备金交易账户
reserve treasuries国库公债
reserve unit储备单位货币
reserve value per share on liquidation basis清算基础上的每股储备价值
revaluation reserve重新估价储备
revenue reserve收益储备金
risk reserve风险准备金
secondary bank reserve准银行储备金
secondary bank reserve二级银行储备 (银行储备资产中易转换为现金的高级别证券)
secondary bank reserve次级银行准备金
secondary cash reserve辅助现金储备
secondary cash reserve二级现金准备
secondary reserve二级储备
securities transaction responsibility reserve证券交易责任准备金
securities valuation reserve证券估值准备金
sinker fund reserve偿债基金的准备金
special reserve特殊准备金
specific reserve专门准备金
statutory common reserve fund法定公积金
statutory reserve法定准备金
statutory reserve requirement法定准备金规定
trade risk reserve交易风险准备金
true reserve真正准备
undistributable reserve不可分配的储备
undistributed post-acquisition reserve未分配的收购后储备
unremunerated reserve requirement无息存款准备金规定
valuation reserve估价准备金
voluntary reserve自愿储备
without engagement and under reserve不担义务并有保留
without reserve无预定价
without reserve无储备
working capital and reserve fund周转资金与准备金
working capital reserve经营资本准备金
working reserve经常储备量
working reserve周转储备金