
Terms containing report to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
spaceattack and launch early report to theater警戒向战区预报攻击和发射 (系统,美国导弹预警卫星地面站的)
China, polit.deliver a good report to the people向人民交出满意的答卷
fin.fiduciary's report to the court受托人对法院之报告
el.report to dispatcher向调度汇报
bridg.constr.report to examine报审
sport.report to referee报告裁判长
securit.report to stockholders向股东报告
China, lawreport to the Central People's Government for decision报请中央人民政府决定
fin.report to the competent authority for recordation报经主管机关备查
econ.report to the court请求法院裁
securit.report to the exchange for filing in advance提前报交易所备案
environ.report to the minister A written account or statement describing in detail observations or the results of an inquiry into an event or situation and presented to any person appointed or elected to a high-level position within some political entity向部长报告 (说明事件详细调查结果的书面声明,说明当选或被任命为一个政治实体的高层人员的情况。)
China, polit.report to the Standing Committee of the National Peopled Congress NPC for recording报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案 (the record)
China, lawreport to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案
econ.We shall make an immediate report to you when we find any infringement of the patent by any third party如发现任何第三方对专利造成任何侵犯时,我们立即向你方通报
econ.We will submit a report to the Board of directors under oath if necessary如有必要,我们将向董事会提交一份报告,以明信守