
Terms for subject Technology containing report | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance report验收报告 (单)
acceptance report接收报告
accountant's report査账报告
accountant's report会计师报告
accounting report of capital construction基本建设会计报表
action report执行报表
advance report预报通知
advance report notice预报通知单
advance report on available seating accommodation on trains by stations and train conductors站车预报
adverse opinion report否定意见报告书
analytic and interpretive report分析和解释性报告
annual operating report年运行报告
annual progress report年度进展报告
appraisal report评定报告
appraisal report评估报告书
Atlantic Merchant Vessel Report System大西洋商船报告系统
audit report审核报告
auditor's standard report标准审计报告
authorized program analysis report授权程序分析报告
authorized programme analysis report授权程序分析报告
automatic merchant vessel report system商船自动报告系统
automatic report of wrongly shunted system车辆误入另道的自动报告
Auxiliary report补充报告
Auxiliary report辅助报告
booking report货运预订报告单
branch office report分支机构报告
Bureau of Weather Reports气象局
calculation report of floodability稳性计算书
call report财政决算
canvassing report揽货报告单
cargo damage report货损报告
cash report现金收支报告
census report普查报告
change report变更报告
circumstantial report情况报告
code of reserve-report储量报告编号
comments on a report批示
communication report center通信中心站
compilation of geologic investigation report based on remote sensing遥感地质调查报告编写
compilation of geological investigation report based on remote sensing遥感地质调查报告编写
complement exploratory report补充勘探报告补充勘察报告
complement prospecting report补充普查报告
complement report补充报告
completion report项目完成报告
compliance audit report符合性审计报告
conception report方案硏究
conception report初步报告
conception report概念性报告
conclusion of report ratification报告审批结论
cook up a report捏造报告
current control reports本期控制报告
custom report顾客报告
customs house report海关报告
customs report海关进口船舶名单
damaged cargo report受损货物报告书
damaged cargo report货物残损报告单
damaged stability calculation report破舱稳性计算书
data report数据报告
data report资料报告
deficiency report故障报告
delivery performance report交货执行情况报告
demolition report建筑物拆除中清书
demolition report拆除申请书
design of report报告的设计
detail status report详细情况报告
detailed audit report详细审计报告
detailed exploratory report详勘报告
detailed project report工程详细报告
detailed prospecting report详查报告
devanning report集装箱的拆箱
devanning report出箱报告表
development report研究报告
deviation report偏航报告
deviation report绕航报告
difference report差别报告
difference report差分报告
dimensional check report尺寸检验报告
dimensional inspection report尺寸检查报告
director's report董事会报告
discharge monitoring report排污监测报告
dispensing report加料报告
dispersing report配料报告
distributing financing report forms分布财务报表
divisional performance report分部业绩报告
divisional report分部报告
docking report进坞报告
draft report报告草案
draft report文件草稿
draft report非正式报告
drifting buoy station report漂流浮标站报告
driller's tour report每日钻探记录单
driller's tour report钻探班报表
driller's tour report钻机日钻孔报表
earning report收益报表
empty container inventory report空集装箱清点报告 (表)
empty container inventory report集装箱空箱存场报告
engineering geologic investigation report工程地质勘察报告
engineering geological investigation report工程地质勘察报告
engineering report工程技术报告
engineering summary report工程总结报告
engineering test report工程试验报告
examination report of anomaly异常检查报告
examination report of ore discovery矿点检查报告
exception report例外报表
exception report异议报告
exception report例外报告
executive report执行报告
expert report专家报告
expertise report鉴定书
expert's report鉴定报告
exploratory report勘探报告
external financial report对外财务报告
factory report写实报告
fail to submit a true report不据实申报
fast-selling stock report快货销售库存报告
fault report故障报告
feasible report可行性报告
field report实地考察报告
file number of report ratification报告批准文件号
filing date of geologic report地质报告日期
filing date of geological report地质报告日期
final construction report竣工报告
final contract report最终合同报告
final exploratory report最终勘探报告
final geologic report最终地质报告
final geological report最终地质报告
final prospecting report最终普查报告
final report决算报告
final report决算书
final report总结
final report结算报告
final report总结报告
finding report调查报告
flash report要况报告
flight report飞行报告
form of manufacturer's data report制造厂的数据报告格式
form of report报告书的格式
general annual reports年度总决算报告
generating standard report编制标准报告
geologic report地质报告 (s in prospecting and exploration)
geologic report地质报告
geologic report for mining采矿地质报告
geologic report in exploration stage勘探地质报告
geologic report target地质成果指标
geologic research report地质研究报告
geological report地质报告 (s in prospecting and exploration)
geological report for mining采矿地质报告
geological report in exploration stage勘探地质报告
geological report target地质成果指标
geological research report地质研究报告
geophysical exploration report物探报告
geotechnic investigation report岩土工程勘察报告
geotechnic study report岩土工程勘察报告
geotechnical investigation report岩土工程勘察报告
geotechnical study report岩土工程勘察报告
graphical report generator图形报告生成程序
half-yearly economic report半年经济报告
hatch survey report舱口检验报告
hatch survey report舱口检查报告
hatch survey report货舱检查报告
hazard report危害报告书
ice report冰况报告
ice report冰情报告
identification report of fossils化石鉴定报告
identification report of heavy placer重砂鉴定报告
identification report of rock and mineral岩矿鉴定报告
idle equipment report闲置设备清单 (list)
idle machine time report闲置机器时间报告
inactive stock report呆滞材料报告单
informal audit report非正式审计报告
information report情况报告
interim report单记录速取报告
interim report中期报告
interim stage report中间阶段报告
intermediate geologic report中间地质报告
intermediate geological report中间地质报告
intermediate report中间报告
inventory report库存报告单
inventory shortage and over report库存盘盈盘亏报告
job report工作报告
job time report工时报表
job time report工作时间报告
labor efficiency report人工效率报告
labor weekly cost reports工人费用周报表
laboratory report化验报告
laboratory test report化验单
labour weekly cost reports工人费用周报表
latest market report最近市场报告
learned report学术报告
liability mix report负债混合报告表
liquidity report流动性报告
Lloyd's Report劳氏报告
loading report装货报表
local weather report地方天气报告
long form report详细审计报告
long-term report详细査账报告
make a progress report on a project填报工程进度
managerial report管理报表
managerial report管理报告
managerial report system管理报表系统
managerial report system管理报告系统
man-hour distribution task report人时分配任务报告
manpower report劳动力报告
manufacturer's data report制造厂的数据报告
manufacturer's partial data report制造厂的部分资料报告
manufacturing expense budget report制造费用预算报告
marine accident report海事报告
marine survey report海事调查报告
master's report海事报告
materials received report入库原材料报告
materials returned report已退原材料报表
materials returned report已退原材料报告
meeting report会议报告
meteorologic report气象报告
mining feasibility report开采可行性报告
name of marketing surveying report市场调查报告名称
national report国家报告
non-periodic report非定期报告
non-periodic report不定期报告
non-periodic statistic report不定期统计报表
non-periodical report非定期报告
non-periodical statistical report不定期统计报表
noon report正午船位报告
off-time report非定时报告
operating report运行报告
operational hazard report运转事故报告
operational report经营报告
oral audit report口头审计报告
organization status change report组织情况变化报告
other financial report其他财务报表
output report输出报告
outturn report货物溢短残损单
overlanded and short-landed report短溢报告
over/short landed cargo report溢/短卸货报告单
page number of report报表页面数
party report班报表
patent report专利报告
periodic discharge monitoring report定期排污监测报告
periodic drainage monitoring report定期排污监测报告
periodic inspection report定期检查报告
periodic performance report定期工作报告
personnel occurrence report人员事故报告
personnel records and reports人事记录与报表
photographic report照相报告
photographical report照相报告
pollution survey report污染调查报告
position report船位报告
position report位置报告
preliminary data report准备数据报告
preliminary data report原始数据报表
preliminary design report初步设计报告
preliminary exploratory report初勘报告
preliminary prospecting report初查报告
preliminary report预备报告
preliminary working plan report施业案初步报告
probation report检定报告
profile report轮廓报告
program error correction report程序误差校正报告
programme error correction report程序误差校正报告
progress report进度报表
progress report进度记录
progress report工程进度报告
progress report工作进展报告
progress report for project工程进度报告
project analysis report工程分析报告
project completion report工程竣工报告
project draft environmental impact report工程环境报告影响报告书草案
project performance audit report工程性能审查报告
project report工程报告
prospecting report普査报告
public report公开报告
quadrangle report图历薄
quarterly progress report季度进展报告
quarterly report季节报告
quick access report立即可取报告
quick report of goods transport accident货运事故速报
radio quarantine reports from ship at sea海上船舶无线电检疫报告
raid report袭击报告
railway annual report audit铁路年度报告审计
rate of delayed report迟报率
rate of missing report漏报率
reading report书面报告
receiving report验收报告 (单)
reliability report可靠性报告
report calculating reserves储量计算报告
report center通信中心站
report clause报表子句
report clause报告子句
Report Customizer Program Product报告定制人程序产品
Report Customizer Programme Product报告定制人程序产品
report definition mode报表定义方式
report delay报告延迟
report description报表描述
report description entry报表描述项
report development拟定报告
report entry报表款
report footing报表尾部
report footing报告总计
report for variety test品种试验报告
report form of balance sheet报告式资产负债表
report generating报告生成
report generation报告产生 (法)
report generation报告生成
report generation报表形成
report generation报告形成
report generation parameter报表生成参数
report generation parameter报告生成参数
report generator报告生成程序
report generator报告产生程序
report generator报表生产程序
report generator报告文件处理机
report generator language报告生成语言
report group报表组
report group报表栏
report group报告群
report group description entry报表栏描述款
report group description entry报表组描述项
report head报表表头
report head报表提要
report head报表头
report heading报表表头
report interval报表时间间隔
report interval报告时间间隔
report item报表项目
report line报表行
report line报告行
report name报表名
report name报告名
report number报告编号
report of analysis chemistry化学分析报告
report of analysis spectrum光谱分析报告
report of cargo damage survey货物损害鉴定书
report of deviation绕航报告
report of disclaimer of opinion放弃表达意见报告
report of entry for foreign-going ship国际航行船舶进口报告书
report of geologic surveying地质调查报告
report of geological surveying地质调查报告
report of investigation调查报告
report of investigation研究报告
report of mine environment quality矿山环境质量报告书
report of oil analysis油样化验报告
report of passenger number on train by accident旅客区段密度报告
report of passenger number on train by junction station分界站报告
report of reconnaissance勘察报告
report of regional geologic survey区域地质调查报告
report of regional geological survey区域地质调查报告
report of scrap materials废料报告
report of shipment装运报告
report of voting表决报告
report of wreck surveying沉船测量报告
report on a special topic专题报告
report on exception to cargo discharged卸货事故报告书
report on feasibility可行性研究报告
report on fossil identification化石鉴定报告
report on identification heavy mineral sand重砂鉴定报告
report on inspection of port state control港口国管理检验报告
report on mineral identification矿物鉴定报告
report on ore identification矿石鉴定报告
report on rock identification岩石鉴定报告
report on sea casualty海事报告
report on tenders投标审查报告
report on the amount of work工程进行情况报告
report on the process of work工程进行情况报告
report package一套财务报表
report page format报告页面格式
report program报表程序
report program报告程序
report program generator报表编程语言
report program generator报表程序发生器
report program generator报表产生器
report program generator报告程序编制器
report program generator报告程序的生成程序
report programme报表程序
report programme报告程序
report programme generator报表编程语言
report programme generator报表程序发生器
report programme generator报表程序的生成程序
report programme generator报表产生器
report programme generator报告程序编制器
report programme generator报告程序的生成程序
report ratifier报告审批单位
report section报表节
report section报告部分
report table of viscosity result黏度结果报表
report tape报告带
report testing separability of ore矿石可选性试验报告
report title报告名称
report type报告种类
report write control system报表书写控制系统
report writer报表书写程序
report writer报表生成
report writer报表程序的生成程序
report writer报告编写人员
report writer control system报表编制控制系统
report writer feature报表编辑功能
report writer logical record报表编制逻辑记录
report writing报告编号
report-writing date报告编写日期
report-writing unit报告编写单位
reporting date of report报告提交日期
returned sales report销货退回报告单
route report路线说明
route report路线图
runway condition report跑道状况报告
satellite report辅助报告
security classification of report报告密级
seismic report地震报告
semi-annual report半年度报告
ship position report船位报告
ship report船舶报告
ship synoptic report船舶天气报告
ship synoptical report船舶天气报告
ship weather report船舶天气报告
ship's weather report船舶天气报告
short form appraisal report产业估价简表
shortage/damage report残短单
short-term report短期报告
sieve float-and-sink analysis report table筛分浮沉试验报告表
signal intelligence report通信情报报告
simulation report模拟研究报告
sizing test report table筛分试验报告表
special case report特别检查报告
special report特别报告
special research report专题研究报告
special technical report特种技术报告
special weather report特殊天气报告
statistic report统计报告
statistic report of aids' classification航标分类统计报告
statistic report on m-of-w facility铁路工务设备统计报表
statistical report统计报告
statistical report of aids' classification航标分类统计报告
statistical report on m-of-w facility铁路工务设备统计报表
status change report状况变化报告
status report资信报告
status report情况报告 (指工程方面)
status report现况报告
status-of-equipment report装备状况报告
stock status report储备情况报告
stores balance report器材耗存报表
stores inventory report库存物资盘存报告单
stores inventory report材料盘存报告单
stores inventory report库存物资盘点报告
stormy weather report风暴天气预报
summary report概要报表
summary technical report技术报告摘要
supplemental information report补充资料报告
supplier's factory inspection report供货商的工厂检验报告
survey report centre测绘资料中心
survey report on quality品质鉴定证
surveyor's report鉴定报告
surveyor's report鉴定行报告
system of statistic report统计报表制度
tariff report关税同盟
taxes assessed by taxpayers' report纳税人申报的税额
technical inspection report技术检查报告
technical report技术报告
technical research report技术研究报告
telemetry report遥测报告
temperature salinity and current report温度含盐量及海流观测报告
temperature salinity and current report温盐流报告
ten-day report旬报
tentative annual report试编年度报表
termination of report processing报表处理终止
test analysis report试验分析报告
test data report试验数据报告
test equipment error analysis report试验设备误差分析报告
test report No.试验报告编号
test report table试验报告表
testing report试验报告 (单)
the income and expense report of transport revenue运输收入进款收支报表
tour report班报表
train consist report列车编组顺序表
training report训练报告
transmission report file发送报告文件
transportation report and control system运输报告与控制系统
trouble and failure report故障事故报告
ullage report空距表 (油轮)
unpublished report未出版的报告
unsatisfied report未最后定稿的报告
upper-air report高空气象报告
urgent meteorological danger report紧急气象报告
urgent navigational danger report紧急航行危险报告
usable rate of geologic report地质成果利用率
usable rate of geological report地质成果利用率
usage report耗用报告
vanning report装箱报告单
variance report差异报告
verification report论证报告
vessel arrival and departure report船舶至达及离岸报告
vessel movement report船舶动态报告
vessel position report船位报告
voyage report航次报
water resource investigation report水资源调查报告
weather report天气预报
weekly condition report情况周报
work analysis report工程分析报告
work report form工程报表
work start report开工申请
work start report开工报告
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