
Terms for subject Technology containing repeating | all forms | exact matches only
antenna repeat dial旋转天线位置指示刻度盘
automatic request for repeat反复重复
baseband frequency repeating system基频接转制
baseband frequency repeating system基频中继系统
coordinate repeating system坐标重复系统
direct repeating system直接复示系统
hybrid repeating coil差动转电线圈
impulse repeating脉冲重发
input repeat time投入重复期
instantaneously repeating communication satellite即时转发型通信卫星
line repeating coil转电线圈
load repeat counter负荷重复计数器
longitudinal repeat纵向重复
non-repeating design不重复花纹
pattern repeat cycle图像重复循环
pattern repeat cycle模式重复循环
period of repeating decimal小数循环节
phantom circuit repeating coil幻象电路转电线圈
phantom repeating coil幻路转电线圈
pulse repeating relay脉冲重复继电器
pure repeating decimal纯循环数
radio-frequency repeating system射频接转制
repeat action key重复作用键
repeat base unit重复基本单元
repeat change device重复变换装置
repeat character反复字符
repeat character重复字符
repeat count重复计数
repeat counter重复次数计数器
repeat cycle重复周期
repeat design循环图案
repeat design重复图案
repeat design重复设计
repeat dialing重复拨号
repeat feed分级进给
repeat feed重复进给
repeat frequency重复频率
repeat glass复制镜头
repeat integral反复积分
repeat key stroke重复击键
repeat key stroke重复键行程
repeat knob重复按钮
repeat number重复数
repeat offer重复开价
repeat operator重复操作符
repeat order补定购
repeat order添定
repeat phasing重复相位
repeat point双点调谐
repeat point number of equivalent point system等效点系重复点数
repeat position number of equivalent place group等效位置组重复位置数
repeat print重复印刷
repeat statement重复语句
repeat station重复观测点
repeat station position重复观测点位置
repeat test重复试验
repeat to address重复编址
repeat to address重复地址
repeat transmission重复传输
repeating amplifier增音放大器
repeating audit经常审计
repeating center转播中心
repeating circle复测经纬仪度盘
repeating coil转续线圈
repeating-coil bridge cord转电线圈桥接软线
repeating coil rack转电线圈架
repeating cone复测轴
repeating current meter多层联测海流计
repeating current meter串联流速仪
repeating current meter复测流速仪
repeating current meter串联海流计
repeating current meter多层联测流速仪
repeating data重复数据
repeating display terminal复示终端
repeating flash tube反复闪光管
repeating group重复组
repeating indication system复示式显示制度
repeating installation中继〔帮电〕 装置
repeating instrument复测仪
repeating instrument中继设备
repeating key重复键
repeating load反复荷载
repeating loading反复荷载
repeating loading重复荷载
repeating mechanism打簧机构
repeating mechanism连打机构
repeating mechanism转播装置
repeating motor步进电机
repeating optic theodolite复测光学经纬仪
repeating optic transit复测光学经纬仪
repeating optical theodolite复测光学经纬仪
repeating optical transit复测光学经纬仪
repeating part重复部分
repeating pattern重复形式
repeating pattern周期性形式
repeating point重复调谐点
repeating selector复述选择器
repeating ship信号中继船
repeating signal复示信号
repeating signal重复信号 (器)
repeating slide连打滑片
repeating station广播转播电台
repeating station增音站
repeating structural unit重复结构单元
repeating theodolite复测式光学经纬仪
repeating tie循环穿吊法
repeating timer反复计时器
repeating turning point重复调谐点
repeating unit重复单位
repeating unit重复链段
repeating watch打簧表
repeating work重复机构
repeating work打簧机构
repeating work打簧机件
request repeat system by interference detection干扰检测请求重发方式
side circuit repeating coil半面电路中继线圈
step and-repeat分步重复
step and-repeat连晒机
step and-repeat camera分步重复照相机
step and-repeat machine逐步反复加工机
step and-repeat pattern分步重复图形
step and-repeat process分步重复 (法)
step and-repeat process分步重复工序
step and-repeat system分步重复系统
step and-repeat technique分步重复技术
step repeat分步重复