
Terms for subject Technology containing renewal | all forms | exact matches only
ballast renewal道砟更新
boiler certificate renewal锅炉年检
branching renewal process of occurrence断层分支复原过程
contract renewal合约更改
contract renewal合同变更
contract renewal变更合同
delayed renewal process延迟的更新过程
dual-rail renewal成对换轨方法
electrolysis and cell renewal section电解和修槽工段
elementary renewal theory基本更新理论
extension and renewal clause延期和续定条款
financial provision for renewal更新的财政准备
forest renewal森林更新
fundamental renewal equation基本更新方程
housing renewal住宅更新
land readjustment work for urban renewal城市改建中的土地区划整理
machinery equipment renewal机械设备更新
major repair renewal and reconstruction expense大修更新改造费
Markovian renewal process马尔柯夫更新过程
marpol oil renewal船舶防油污染合格证更新
natural renewal of labor power劳动力自然更新速度
natural renewal of labour power劳动力自然更新速度
non-assisted urban renewal project无资助城市更新项目
parts renewal零件修复
periodic load line renewal载重线合格证定期更新
periodical load line renewal载重线合格证定期更新
plant equipment renewal厂房设备更新
Poisson's renewal pulse process泊松更新脉冲过程
rail renewal钢轨更新
rail renewal machine更换钢轨机
renewal a contract展期合同
renewal and reform of fixed asset固定资产的更新改造
renewal charges更换费
renewal charges更新费 (用)
renewal corrective maintenance更新校正维修
renewal cost更新成本
renewal cost更新费 (用)
renewal cost更换费
renewal equation更新方程
renewal expenses更新费 (用)
renewal fees更新费 (用)
renewal function再生函数
renewal of air换气
renewal of authorization to use继续委任使用
renewal of contract续订合同
renewal of equipment设备更新
renewal of facing换衬片
renewal of furnace bottom更换炉底
renewal of geologic information地质资料更新
renewal of geologic theoretics地质科学理论的更新
renewal of geological information地质资料更新
renewal of geological theoretics地质科学理论的更新
renewal of licensed patents专利权的维持
renewal of parts零件更新
renewal of parts旧件修复
renewal of parts零件修复
renewal of pavement路面大修
renewal of pavement路面翻新
renewal of rail路轨更换
renewal of registration续展注册
renewal of rolling stock机车车辆的更新
renewal of track线路更新
renewal of vault窖拱修复
renewal parts更换零件
renewal parts替换零件
renewal premium展延保险费
renewal premium续保保
renewal pruning更新修剪
renewal rate of mine field矿产地突破率
renewal repair换件修理
renewal theory更新
renewal toxicity test换液式毒性实验
renewal works更新工作
renewal works翻修工程
renewal works改建工作
repair by renewal of parts互换修【铁】
self-renewal resources更新资源
soil renewal土壤再生
surface renewal theory表面更新理论
tacit renewal默认合同续订
tacit renewal默契转期
tacit renewal延期或重订
tie renewal抽换枕木
town renewal城市改善
town renewal城市改建
town renewal城市更新
town renewal城市改造
track renewal轨道更换
track renewal线路更新
track renewal线路大修
track renewal换轨
track-renewal train换轨列车
urban renewal城市改造
urban renewal城市改建
urban renewal旧城改建
urban renewal城市重建
urban renewal area城市更新面积
urban renewal area城市更新区域
urban renewal housing城市更新住房
urban renewal plan城市更新规划
urban renewal planning城市更新规划
urban renewal project城市更新建设项目
urban renewal zone城市重建区
weather-coating renewal耐风雨涂层的更新