
Terms containing relations between | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
el.a low stipulating the relation between water-cement ratio and strength混凝土水灰比强度定律
econ.change in relations between supply and demand商品供求关系的变化
commer.Considering the long relations between us, we are willing to waive the claim考虑到我们双方长久的业务关系,我方愿意放弃索赔要求
tech.contact relation between intrusive body and country rocks侵入体与围岩接触关系
China, polit.develop relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits发展两岸关系
tech.diagram showing the relation between pressure and density压力与密度关系图
tech.diagram showing the relation between temperature and depth温度与深度关系图
commer.dovetail the relations between procurement, production and marketing衔接供产销关系
econ.dovetail the relations between production and marketing衔接产销关系
commer.give an impulse to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries促进两国友好关系的发展
China, polit.laws concerning commercial relations between individuals with equal standing in society有关社会平等主体间商事关系的法律
China, polit.laws concerning property and personal relations between individuals with equal standing in society有关社会平等主体间财产关系和人身关系的法律
tech.map showing the relation between structural systems and the distribution of ore构造体系与矿产分布图
econ.relation between供求关系 (supply and demand)
tech.relation between bank and enterprise银企关系
econ.relation between cause and effect因果关系
tech.relation between ground river and surface water暗河与地表水联系
agric., stat.relation between r and F testr 与 F 测验之间的关系
shipb.relation between sale and production销售与生产的关系
bridg.constr.relation between seismic grade and seismic degree地震烈度与地震震级的关系
tech.relation between seismic grade and seismic degree地震烈度和地震震级关系
busin.relation between series attributes属性间相关
econ.relation between series of attributes品质相关
tech.relation between storage water and reservoir earthquake水库地震与蓄水关系
econ.relation between supply and demand供求关系
tech.relation between tectonic layers构造层层间关系
textilerelation between the sellers and buyers买卖双方关系
ITrelation between type and token类型和类例关系
tech.relation between well alignment and groundwater flow井排与地下水流向关系
tech.relation curve between mud sandstone and interval velocity泥沙岩与层速度关系曲线
China, polit.relations between big powers大国关系
commer.relations between employers and employees雇主与雇员关系
hydroel.st.Relations between flood peak and volume洪峰、洪量关系图
commer.relations between labour and capital劳资关系
China, polit.relations between "large nations"大国关系
China, polit.relations between major countries大国关系
commer.relations between ownership and management of enterprises产权关系
econ.relations between the units and their multiples and devisions主管单位与其上下单位之间的关系
manag.relations between the units and their multiples and divisions主管单位与其上下单位之间的关系
commer.The commercial relations between the two countries have been normalized两国间的商业关系已经正常化
econ.the materialized relations between men人与人之间关系被物化
econ.The prices of stocks also depend upon the relation between demand and supply股票价格也取决于供求关系
commer.The recurrence of this incident may deteriorate the business relations between us这类事件再度发生可能会损害双方的业务关系
econ.The relations between management and employees have improved管理层和职员之间的关系改善了
econ.the relations between procurement, production and marketing供产销关系