
Terms for subject United Nations containing regulation | all forms
National Laws and Regulations on the Prevention and Suppression of International Terrorism防止和制止国际恐怖主义的国内法律和条例
Open-Ended Working Group on the Revision of WFP's General and Financial Regulations修订世界粮食计划署总条例和财务条例不限成员名额工作组
Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则
Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways国际内陆水道运输危险货物条例
Regulations concerning the International Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail国际铁路运输危险货物条例
United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations联合国运输危险货物建议书:示范条例