
Terms for subject Business containing regular | all forms | exact matches only
air mail regular定期空邮
air mail regular航空平信
at regular intervals每隔一1定时期
complete regular measure完全正则测度
constraint on the regular budget经常预算拮据
fixed regular working capital固定正常营运资金
fixed regular working capital固定正常周转资本
group of regular polyhedrons正多面体群
in regular turn依正常顺序
keep up regular supply保持正常供应
kerosene regular普通煤油
non-regular estimation非正规估计
non-regular estimator非正规估计式
non-regular statistic非正规统计
off the regular price低于市价
payment at regular fixed times定期缴款
place regular order定期订购
regular air line常规航空线
regular air line定额航线
regular and prescribed inspection规定定期检查
regular bank account定期银行存款户
regular bank account普通银行存款账户指活期存款账户
regular business经常业务
regular charge account正规收费账
regular customer普通消费者
regular customer常年顾客
regular delivery定期送货
regular detection function正规检测函数
regular dividend固定股利
regular dividend正常股利
regular employee固定职工
regular employment正式雇佣
regular end-of-year inventory定期年终盘存
regular end-of-year inventory年终定期盘存
regular endorsement正式背书
regular evaluation正式评价
regular generates一般规程
regular holiday例假
regular incentive一般奖励
regular inspection of equipment设备定期检查
regular interagency consultation机构间定期磋商
regular intervals固定间隔
regular ledgers通用分类账
regular liner定期航班
regular long form bill of lading常规提单
regular long form bill of lading正常格式提单
regular long form B/L正规详式提单
regular mogas普通车用汽油
regular order常规定货
regular oscillation规则振动
regular pay固定工资
regular payroll常规薪资
regular procedure通用程序
regular procedure正式手续
regular program通用程序
regular salary正常薪金
regular spread正式开展
regular supply经常供应
regular tax and additional tax正税与附加税
regular time正常时间
regular turn车,船正常运行
regular unleaded普通不加铅汽油
regular wage固定工资
regular way普通方法
regular way交易所正常交易
regular way control正常管理
regular work固定工作
regular work正式职工
regular worker普通工人
What is your regular practice about terms of payment?关于付款方式,你们通常怎么操作?
workers and staff on the regular payroll在编人员