
Terms for subject International trade containing registration | all forms | exact matches only
certificate of registration注册执照
certificate of registration登记证明书
certificate of registration of mortgage抵押登记凭证
change of registration变更登记注册
commercial registration商业注册
commercial registration商业登记
Convention on the Registration of Inland Navigation Vessels, with annexed Protocols 1965年内河航行船舶注册公约,附议定书
country of registration船籍国
country of registration船舶注册国
foreign currency registration certificate外币登记表
home registration certificate本国注册证明
luggage registration charge行李登记费
Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Mark1891 年关于商标国际注册的马德里协定
priority of registration注册在先
registration and stamp tax登记与印花税
registration as a patent专利注册
registration certificate of import进口登记证明书
registration certificate of import输入登记证明书
registration duty登记税
registration fee更名费
registration of an award仲裁裁决的登记
registration of assignment转移注册
registration of business names商业名称登记
registration of commercial enterprise商业注
registration of ships船舶注册
registration of ships船舶登记
registration of treaties条约的登记
registration statement申请上市登记表
registration statement公司申请上市应呈交之报表
registration tax登记税
renewal of registration继续注册
the Madrid Agreement for International Registration of Trade Marks商标国际注册的马德里协定
uncontested registration未发生争议
uncontested registration无争议注册
vehicle registration车辆登记