
Terms for subject United Nations containing regional economic | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Action Programme for Regional Economic Cooperation in Investment-related Technology Transfer有关投资的技术转让区域经济合作行动纲领
Action Programme for Regional Economic Cooperation in Trade and Investment贸易和投资方面的区域经济合作行动纲领
Beijing Declaration of Regional Economic Cooperation北京区域经济合作宣言
Committee for Regional Economic Cooperation区域经济合作委员会
Committee on Regional Economic Cooperation区域经济合作委员会
Delhi Declaration on Strengthening Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific towards the Twenty-first Century加强亚洲及太平洋区域经济合作迈向二十一世纪德里宣言
Intergovernmental Meeting on Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific亚太区域经济合作政府间会议
Regional Seminar on an Interlinked Country Model System for Economic Forecasting经济预测互联国家模式系统区域讨论会
Regional Seminar on the Participation of Women in Political, Economic and Social Development妇女参与政治、经济、社会发展区域讨论会
Regional Training Course on the Application of Economic and Mathematical Methods in Development Planning关于发展规划采用经济和数学方法区域培训课程