
Terms containing referring | all forms | exact matches only
econ.All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商
econ.As to our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our bank, the Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing关于笔方的业务情况和财务情况,请向中国银行北京总行查询
gen.by M we refer to用 M 表示 N (N)
gen.by M we refer to所谓M 我们指的是 N (N)
China, polit.the Presidium decide whether to refer the bills or proposals to the various delegations or to the delegations and relevant special committees for deliberation由主席团决定交各代表团审议,或者并交有关的专门委员会审议
house.E-dictionaries refer to palm e-dictionaries, personal computer dictionaries and on-line dictionaries电子词典分为掌上词典、个人电脑词典和在线词典
interntl.trade."Euro" is used to refer to "offshore" markets outside, as well as inside, Europe"欧洲" 一词指欧洲"海外"市场,也指欧洲内部市场
proj.manag.Exchangeable disk storage refers to disc pack storage used with main frame computers可替换磁碟贮存指的是大型电脑用的磁碟组贮存方法
China, lawfirst refer the bill to relevant special committees先交有关的专门委员会
econ.For further details, please refer to the attached schedule要知详情,请査阅附件明细表
econ.For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo关于我们的业务和财务情况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询
econ.Foreigners who want to invest capital in China can refer to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment想在中国投资的外国人可査阅《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法》
tech.imaging component instrument without referring wire无参考线虚分量仪
econ.In contracts, words importing the singular sometimes refer to the plural according to the context根据上下文,合同中单数词汇有时表示复数的含义
expl.multicollinearity refers to a high degree of linear correlation between two or more independent variables多重共线性指的是两个或两个以上自变量之间的高度线性相关性
commer.Please refer to the postscript to our letter of 5th inst请参阅我方本月五日函附言
nautic., tech.power refer to engine room unit area机炉舱单位面积功率数
nautic., tech.power refer to engine room unit length机炉舱单位长度功率数
nautic., tech.power refer to engine room unit volume机炉舱单位容积功率数
China, polit.refer a bill to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for deliberation将议案提请常务委员会全体会议审议
telecom.refer back参考返回 (PABX 的一种设施, 又称为 broker's call)
nautic., tech.refer cargo carrier冷藏货物运输船
tech.refer expression引用表达式
econ.refer oneself to依赖
econ.refer oneself to求助于
busin.refer our inquiry to the appropriate quarter将询问交有关部门
surg.refer pain放射性疼痛
textilerefer point衡量的标准
textilerefer point控制点
China, polit.refer problems to concerned organizations for them to address and followed up on how they were handled交办和督查
China, polit.refer the final version of a draft law to the plenary meeting of the Standing Committee for a vote将法律草案表决稿提请常务委员会全体会议表决
China, lawrefer the matter to the judicial committee for handling交审判委员会处理
China, lawrefer the proposal to the organ addressed交由受质询机关
gen.refer to提 〔谈〕到
gen.refer to是,系
gen.refer to适用于
gen.refer to借助
gen.refer to引证〔用〕
gen.refer to
gen.refer to参考〔照,看,阅〕
gen.refer to表示
gen.refer to称为
gen.refer to指的
gen.refer M to把M归功,因于N (N)
tech.refer to参看
agric.refer to引证
busin.refer to关于
tech.refer to使关联于
gen.refer M to把M归于N类 (N)
econ.refer the salesman to这位销售员我们经理 打听 (our manager, 或请教)
telecom.refer to参见
interntl.trade.refer to系指... ,参见...
telecom.refer to访问
telecom.refer to涉及
telecom.refer to引用
econ.refer our enquiry to我们的询问提给 (the appropriate quarter, 有关部门)
gen.refer M to用N来表示M (N)
gen.refer M to认为M属于 N类 (N)
gen.refer M to把M提交〔交付,委托〕N (N, 处理,讨论)
gen.refer M to叫〔引导,指引〕M参考〔参看,査阅,调査,注意,找〕N (N)
gen.refer M to认为M起源于N (N)
gen.refer M to认为M 是由于 N引起的 (N)
gen.refer to参考
gen.refer to M about参考〔查阅〕M关于 N (N, 的问题,的部分)
busin.refer to acceptor与承兑人接洽 (R/A)
interntl.trade.refer to acceptor询问承兑人
railw.refer to acceptor与承兑人接洽
busin.refer to acceptor交付接受人
commer.refer to acceptor汇票交付承兑人
busin.refer to acceptor请与票据承兑人洽
busin.refer to acceptor洽询承兑人
econ.refer to acceptor请与承兑人接洽 (banking)
econ.refer to acceptor请与承兑人接洽
tech.refer to acceptor请询问承兑人
lawrefer to arbitration交付公断
tech.refer to arbitration提交仲裁
gen.refer to M as把 M 当作 N (N, 来谈)
econ.refer to the statement as这_声明视为你方 (your agreement, 赞同)
gen.refer to M as把 M 称作 N (N)
shipb.refer to drawer交付出票人
tech.refer to drawer洽询出票人
tech.refer to drawer查问开票人
commer.refer to drawer询问出票人
econ.refer to drawer请与出票人接洽 (咨询)
tech.refer to drawer请查问出票人
tech.refer to drawer请与出票人洽询
busin.refer to drawer请询出票人
busin.refer to drawer向开票人查询
busin.refer to drawer请与出票人
interntl.trade.refer to drawer请与出票人接洽
interntl.trade.refer to drawer询洽出票人
interntl.trade.refer to drawer洽询发票人
busin.refer to drawer请询问出票人
busin.refer to drawer请与出票人接洽指银行由于发票人存款不足,票面金额与数字不符或发票人已破产等原因而拒付,并在支票注明"请询出票人"字样。简称 R/D
shipb.refer to drawer与出票人接洽
busin.refer to endorser洽询背书人
busin.refer to endorser请询问背书人
tech.refer to endorser请询背书人
econ.refer to the supplier for供应商咨询 (information, 信息)
gen.refer M to N forP叫〔建议,引导〕M去査阅 〔参考〕N以便看到〔找到〕P
China, lawrefer to in application比照适用
China, polit.refer to reference to international practice参照国际惯例通行做法
textilerefer to my telegram参照我方电报
busin.refer to my telephone call参照我方通话
commer.refer to our cable关于我方电报
busin.refer to our cable参照我方电报
econ.refer to our letter参阅我方信函
busin.refer to our letter请参照我方信件
commer.refer to our letter关于我方函件
textilerefer to our letter参照我方信函
busin.refer to our letter参照我方信件
busin.refer to our radiogram参照我方…无线电报
busin.refer to our telegram请参照我方电报
commer.refer to our telex关于我方电传
econ.refer to our telex参阅我方电传
commer.refer to our telex telegram关于我方电传电报
busin.refer to our telex参照我方电传
tech.refer to reference引用
China, polit.refer such proposals、a legislative bill to the congress for deliberation将法律案提请会议审议
China, polit.refer such proposals to the congress for deliberation提请会议审议
China, lawrefer to the execution officer for enforcement移送执行员执行
commer.refer to the letter参阅该信件
busin.refer to the letter参照…信件
busin.refer to your advice参照你方通知
econ.refer to your cable贵电悉
commer.refer to your cable关于你方电报
econ.refer to your cable关于【参阅】你方电报
busin.refer to your cable参照贵电
econ.refer to your letter关于【参阅】你方信件
econ.refer to your letter贵函悉
interntl.trade.refer to your letter关于贵函
busin.refer to your letter参阅贵函
busin.refer to your letter关于贵方来函
commer.refer to your letter关于你方函件
busin.refer to your letter参照你方信件
busin.refer to your message参照你方电文
busin.refer to your radiogram参照你方无线电报
busin.refer to your service message参照你方公务电文
econ.refer to your telegram贵电悉
econ.refer to your telegram关于【参阅】你方电报
busin.refer to your telegram参照你方电报
busin.refer to your teletype message参照你方电传公文
econ.refer to your telex贵电传悉
commer.refer to your telex关于你方电传电报
commer.refer to your telex关于你方电传 (telegram)
econ.refer to your telex关于【参阅】你方电传
busin.refer to your telex参照贵方电传
busin.refer to your telex参照你方电传
busin.refer your letter参照贵函
busin.refer your telex关于贵方电传
AI.referring expression指示短语
AI.referring expression指示词
el.mach.referring factor折算系数
tech.referring factor折合系数
tech.referring impedance折算阻抗
tech.referring object基准标点
tech.referring object参照符号
tech.referring of rotor quantity转子量的折算
tech.referring point控制点
tech.referring point参照点
tech.referring point参考点
el.mach.referring reactance折算电抗
plast.referring to归功于
plast.referring to关系到
plast.referring to涉及
busin.referring to关于
busin.referring to our cable参照我方电报
busin.referring to our letter参照敝函
busin.referring to our letter参照我方信函
busin.referring to our telegram参照敝电
busin.referring to our telex参照我方电传
gen.referring to radio请注意收听无线电〔广播〕
busin.referring to telegram参照电报
commer.referring to telegram引证电报
gen.referring to telegram请注意收〔电〕报
commer.referring to your关于你方的
commer.referring to your advice关于你方通知
busin.referring to your advice参照你方通知
busin.referring to your cable参照贵电
busin.referring to your letter参照贵函
econ.referring to your letter参阅贵方信函
commer.referring to your letter关于你方函件
busin.referring to your letter参照你方信件
busin.referring to your message参照你方电文
busin.referring to your radiogram参照你方无线电报
econ.Referring to your request to act as our insurance agent, we may consider this question seriously关于你方要求作为我方保险代理人一事,我方会慎重考虑的
busin.referring to your service message参照你方公务电文
commer.referring to your telegram关于你方电报
busin.referring to your telegram参照贵电
busin.referring to your telegram参照你方电报
busin.referring to your teletype message参照你方电传电报
busin.referring to your teletype message参照你方电传公文
commer.referring to your telex关于你方电传
econ.referring to your telex参阅贵方电传
busin.referring to your telex参照贵方电传
busin.referring to your telex参照你方电传
proj.manag.The term "plug-in" refers to a small, addon piece of software which extends the capabilities of your -web browser"插件"指的是一个附加的小软件、它能够扩展你的网络浏览器的功能
commer.We have no occasion to refer to the matter still further我们没有更进一步谈及此事的必要
econ.We may refer you to Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing for inquiry of our credit status请向北京中国银行总行査询我公司信用情况
commer.We refer you to our cable of April 10, 1995请参阅我方1995年4月10日电报
econ.We refer you to the Mercantile Bank of London, Ltd. as to our credit standing关于我方信用情况,请向伦敦商业银行股份有限公司查询
commer.We refer you to your letter dated 3rd June and our reply thereto of 6th id请参看贵方六月三日来函及我方同月六日回复
econ.We refer you to your letter of the 10th May and our reply thereto of the 20th idem请参阅你方5月10日来信和我方同月20 日对该信的答复
econ.You'd better refer the aftersale to the vendor你们最好将售后服务问题交给卖主处理