
Terms for subject China containing recorded | all forms | exact matches only
archive record for future reference存档备查
bad record不良记录
be reported to the NPC at its next session for the record报全国人民代表大会下次会议备案
check and inspection record system查验记录制度
complete accounting record完整账簿
corresponding record of formal schooling相应学历
court record法庭笔录
criminal record前科
file for the record存档备查
keep on record备案
make a record记录 (of)
make a record in writing记入笔录
original record system原始记录制度
overhaul record检测记录
procedures to file for the record备案手续
put on record and reviewing进行备案审查
record false information虚伪记载
record in accounts列账
record local statutes with the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee and the State Council报全国人民代表大会常务委员会和国务院备案的地方性法规
record of an interrogation讯问笔录
record of breeding繁殖记录
record of the deliberation评议笔录
report and record报备
report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案
serve as a record备案
special filing for the record专项备案
thing recorded for keeping登记保存的财物
written auction record拍卖笔录
written record笔录
written record of an investigation调查笔录
written record of the inspection检查笔录