
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing record | all forms | exact matches only
addition record补充记录
addition record追加记录
additional record补充记录
additional record追加记录
break annual record of continuous casting production破连铸生产年纪录
continuous record连续记录
drill record岩心记录
drill record钻井剖面
duplicated record备份记录
duplicated record复制记录
end of record记录终止符
establish new record of sequence length创造连续浇注炉数新记录
heat record熔炼记录
home record起始记录
home record引导记录
logic record逻辑记录
monthly continuous casting production record连铸生产月记录
oscillograph record示波器记录
photographic film record胶片照相记录
quarterly continuous casting production record连铸生产季度记录
rapid-record oscillograph快速记录示波器
record cast破记录浇注
record chart记录纸
record head记录头
record header记录首标
record length记录长度
record management记录管理
record paper记录纸
record separator记录分隔符
record sheet记录纸
set new sequence length record创造连浇炉数新记录
stock rod record探料尺记录图
stock rod record探尺记录图
test record sheet试验记录单
unit record单元记录
world record for continuous billet casting小方坯连铸世界纪录
world record for lining life炉衬寿命世界记录
world sequence length record连浇炉数世界纪录 (Bethlehem Steel's one-year-old continuous slab/bloom caster at its Sparrows point, plant established a world sequence length record during the month of February 1987.伯利恒钢公司雀点厂的一台仅投产一年的板坯/大方坯兼用型连铸机于1987年2月创造了一项连浇炉数世界纪录。)
world slab casting record世界板坯连铸记录