
Terms for subject Economy containing receiver | all forms | exact matches only
a receiver in bankruptcy破产程序中的财产管理人
a receiver of stolen goods窝主
a receiver of stolen goods隐藏赃物的人
Because of the bankruptcy of the firm a receiver was appointed by the court由于该商行破产,法院指定了一位接管人
credit receiver举债人
credit receiver受信人
credit receiver贷款人
no such receiver无此收货人
official receiver商会指定的接收人
receive as a receiver接受为保管员
receiver in bankruptcy破产财产接管人
receiver of stolen goods隐藏赃物人
The holder of the mortgage, in any action to foreclose it, shall have the right to appoint a receiver在任何取消抵押品赎回权的诉讼中,本抵押单持有人将有权指派一名清算人
The owner terminated the employment of the contractor because a receiver has been appointed on account of contractor's insolvency由于承包商的破产,已指派了一名清算人,业主便终止了该承包