
Terms for subject Geophysics containing read | all forms | exact matches only
check and read校验和读出
direct read-out image dissector直接读出析像管
fraction of reads读数的小数部分
non-destructive read-write无损读写
read analog input读出模拟输入
read back回读
read backward回读
read block阅读块【单元】
read, compute, write读出 、计算和写入
read digital input数字量读入
read digital input读数字输入
read frequency读入频率
read magnetic tape读磁带
read out读出
read out只读
read strobe读选通脉冲
shared read-only只共享读
shared read-write access共享读写存取
surface pressure read-out地面压力读数
surface read out地面读出