
Terms for subject General containing reach | all forms | exact matches only
above one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
above one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
above the reach of超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
above the reach of为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
as far as eye can reach眼所能及之
Before you reach for the cough syrup, try one of these natural remedies在你使用咳嗽糖浆之前,试试这些天然疗法的其中之一吧
beyond one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
beyond one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您
get M by a long reach尽力伸手取 M
have a wide reach范围宽广
If something is out of your reach, you can ask politely for someone to pass it to you如果你够不到食物,可以请别人帮你把菜传过来
lower reaches ofM M 的下〔上〕 游
make a reach forM 企图抓住 M
make a reach forM 伸出手
out of the reach够不着的
out of one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
out of one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
out of the reach难以接近
out of the reach不能达到
out of the reach力所不及
planks reach from the ground to the truck跳板从地面搭到卡车上
reach a conclusion得出结论
reach a decision决定下来
reach a decision作出决定判断
reach after追求
reach after伸手去够〔取,抓〕
reach after竭力想达〔得〕到
reach an agreement取得一致意见
reach as far asM 一直延伸到 M
reach at追求
reach at伸手去够〔取,抓〕
reach at竭力想达〔得〕到
reach back回顾
reach back回忆
reach bottom査明
reach bottom打听出来
reach bottom到底
reach first base获得初步成功
reach M for把 M 拿〔递〕给 N (N)
reach out one's hand for伸手取〔拿〕
reach for伸出手去抓
reach for伸手去够〔取,抓〕
reach for追求
reach for竭力想达〔得〕到
reach an identity of views取得一致的看法
reach into the reactor core伸进堆芯
reach out提供援助
reach out追求
reach out伸出
reach port靠港
reach smooth water冲破难关
reach the acme of perfection十全十美
reach the acme of perfection尽善尽美
reach the case适用于这种情况
reach the designated position到位
reach the job到工地
reach unanimity of views on some problems在某些问题上取得一致意见
short reach plug短螺纹火花塞
upper reaches ofM M 的下〔上〕 游
What number are you trying to reach?您找哪位呀?
What time does the train reach Boston?这趟火车什么时候到达波士顿?
When we reach the Disneyland, I'll let you know. Then step down at the back door, please到达迪士尼乐园时,我会提醒。请从后门下车
within easy reach of在…附近
within easy reach of离…很近
within easy reach of在…容易达到的地方
within one's reach所能及
within one's reach为…力所能及所能达到的范围内
within reach够得着的
within reach力所能及的
within one's reach在…够得着的地方
without one's reach…所不能及
without one's reach在…所及的范围之外