
Terms containing reach | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A credit memorandum will reach you quite soon你方很快就会收到付款通知单
gen.above one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
gen.above one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
gen.above the reach of超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
gen.above the reach of为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
adv.advertising reach广告到达率
tech.alluvial reach冲积河段
expl.An adequate priming ensures that the explosive will reach its maximum velocity as quickly as possible under the condition of use充足的起爆药保证炸药在使用时可尽快达到最大速度
tech.armored gravel bed reach粗化砾底河段
gen.as far as eye can reach眼所能及之
tech.astern reach倒车惰性滑动距离
adv.AT&T, "Reach out and touch someone"美国电话电报公司、 "伸出臂膀、拥抱世界"、艾耶父子广告公司、1979 (N. W. Ayer & Son)
adv.average weekly reach平均每周到达率
gen.Before you reach for the cough syrup, try one of these natural remedies在你使用咳嗽糖浆之前,试试这些天然疗法的其中之一吧
gen.beyond one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
gen.beyond one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
mob.com.beyond the reach of为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
mob.com.beyond the reach of超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
mob.com.be beyond the reach of为…力量〔能力〕所不及
tech.boom reach伸臂长度
tech.boom reach最大臂距
tech.boom reach起重机臂伸出极限长度
tech.boom reach起重机伸臂长度
tech.boom reach吊杆最大伸距
tech.boom reach最大伸距
tech.bottleneck reach卡口河段
tech.braided reach汊流河段
tech.braided reach网状河段
tech.braided reach辫状河段
tech.braided reach分汊河段
tech.braided reach游荡性河段
tech.bridging crossing reach桥渡河段
tech.broad river reach宽阔河段
tech.broad shallow reach宽浅河段
tech.bucket reach of dipper dredge铲斗挖泥船挖斗伸距
tech.bucket reach of dipper dredger铲斗挖泥船挖斗伸距
tech.cable reach钢绳冲击钻进过程中的钢绳弹性拉伸
tech.canal reach运河区
tech.canal reach运河段
tech.cantilever reach腕臂活动
shipb.cargo-derrick out-reach吊货杆舷外跨距
tech.channel reach渠段
adv.channel reach频道到达率
tech.channel reach河段
tech.characteristic river reach特征河段
tech.closed reach有闸河段
tech.confluence reach regulation交汇段整治
tech.connecting rod and reach rod jaw连杆与拉杆爪
tech.constricted reach束窄段
tech.contracting reach收缩
tech.contracting reach缩窄段
tech.control reach控制段
gen.Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您
met.crane reach起重机工作极限
tech.critical reach容泄水流最底溶氧度
tech.critical reach关键河段
tech.crossing reach过渡
tech.curve reach弯曲
tech.curved reach弯曲
compr.cylinder cock reach rod bracket气缸旋塞拉杆座
tech.dam lower reaches slope坝下游坡度
tech.dam upper reaches slope坝上游坡度
tech.degradation along downstream reach of reservoir水库下游沿程冲刷
avia.descend so as to reach为了到达而下降
tech.diked reach有坝河段
auto.driver's reach驾驶人操作空间动作所及范围
tech.dumping reach卸载距离
auto.easy to reach容易达到的
auto.easy to reach易于接近的
adv.effective reach有效到达率
tech.effective reach有效射程
tech.embanked reach堤防段
tech.embanked reach堤段
tech.embanked reach堤区
tech.embanked reach设堤河段
tech.embanked reach有堤河段
econ.Employees should reach an employment agreement with employers雇员与雇主应达成一项雇用协议
tech.estuarine river-flow reach河口河流段
tech.estuarine tidal current reach河口潮流段
tech.expanding reach伸展范围
tech.expanding reach扩张河段
dril.extended reach大位移【扩大边】井段【区域】
dril.extended reach drilling加深钻井
dril.extended reach drilling大位移钻井
dril.extended reach drilling program加深钻井设计
dril.extended reach drilling project大位移钻井方案
dril.extended-reach drilling technology井底大位移钻井工艺
dril.extended-reach drilling technology井底延伸钻井技术
dril.extended reach well加深井
dril.extended reach well大位移井
dril.extended reach well延伸井
tech.eye reach视野
archit.eye reach眼界
China, lawfail to reach settlement through mediation调解不成
tech.faintly curved reach微弯河段
tech.fall of river reach河段落差
tech.fluctuating reach游荡性河段
auto.foot reach脚部活动范围
tech.free river reach无闸坝河段
econ.full reach and burden全装载负荷
busin.full reach and burden全载容量
econ.full reach and burden全装载量
tech.full reach and burden全部载货容量
shipb.Garden Reach Workshop格登•雷切船厂
shipb.Garden Reach Workshop, India印度格登雷切船厂
gen.get M by a long reach尽力伸手取 M
commer.Given good weather, the ship will reach Bombay Friday evening如果天气条件好,这条船将于星期五傍晩抵达孟买
tech.graded reach冲淤均衡段
tech.graded reach河床比降变化不大的平缓河段
auto.hand reach手操作空间范围
auto.hand reach手伸距
tech.hand reach手操作空间范围
tech.hand sander reach rod手拉撒砂器传动杆
auto.hard-to-reach part难于接近的零件
gen.have a wide reach范围宽广
tech.head reach向前冲程
tech.head reach直线冲程
tech.head reach上游段
tech.head reach正车惰性滑距
tech.head reach冲程
tech.head reach渠首部分
tech.head reach河源区
tech.head reach闸首区
nautic., tech.head-reach停船冲程
tech.heavily traffic reach交通频繁河段
tech.heavily traveled river reach交通频繁河段
tech.heavily travelled river reach交通频繁河段
tech.heavy traffic reach交通频繁河段
auto.high reach jack高升幅举升器
sport., med.highest reach原地伸手摸高
hips reach the ¹⁄₄ point of the circle髋部到达圆周的 ¹⁄₄ 处
tech.hook reach吊钩工作半径
busin.I believe that the products will reach you in time and hope they will give you complete satisfaction您会及时收到我们的货物,希望您能够满意
gen.If something is out of your reach, you can ask politely for someone to pass it to you如果你够不到食物,可以请别人帮你把菜传过来
econ.If the yearly turnover doesn't reach $50.000, we will not pay you the overriding commission如果一年的成交额不到五万美元,我方不会付给你方超额佣金
tech.inflow into reach河段入流
tech.inflow to reach河段来水
tech.inflowing reach入流段
tech.interception of upper reaches of river上游河道截流
commer.It is undoubtedly advisable to reach an agreement达成协议无疑是明智的
sport.jump and reach跳起摸高
auto.leg reach腿作用长度半径
auto.leg reach腿活动空间
tech.length of backwater reach回水距离
tech.length of reach河段长度
desert.length of reach to lower bound station至下界站河段长
desert.length of reach to upper bound station至上界站河段长
tech.level reach水道区段
tech.level reach河段
tech.limit of tidal river reach感潮河口段界限
tech.local contraction reach局部束窄河段
tech.local contraction reach局部狭窄河段
auto.long reach C-clamp长腿 C 形夹
agric.long reach hedge cutter伸臂式绿篱修剪机
tech.long reach plug长型火花塞
tech.long straight reach长直河段
tech.lower canal reach下运河段
tech.lower reach下游
tech.lower reach下游 (边)
ecol.lower reach下游
gen.lower reaches ofM M 的下〔上〕 游
tech.lower reaches of stream河流下游
agric.lower reaches of the yellow river黄河下游
tech.lowland reach低平原河段
adv.Lucky Strike cigarettes, "Reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet"Lucky Strike 香烟、"与其吃颗糖、不如抽根好运烟"、Lord & Thomas 广告公司、20世纪20年代 (Lord & Thomas)
gen.make a reach forM 企图抓住 M
gen.make a reach forM 伸出手
tech.maritime river reach靠近海岸的河段
securit.market reach市场伸展度
tech.maximum reach at ground level停机面最大挖掘半径
tech.meandering reach弯曲型河段
tech.meandering reach弯曲河段
tech.meandering reach蜿蜒河段
tech.meandering reach曲流段
tech.measuring reach测流河段
tech.measuring reach量测河段
adv.media reach媒介到达率
tech.metallogenic belt of the middle to lower reaches of the Changjiang river长江中下游成矿带
tech.middle reach河道中游
tech.middle reach中段
tech.middle reach中游
tech.middle reach中游河段
agric., water.suppl.middle reaches中游指江河
tech.migrating reach游荡河段
tech.modeled reach制模河段
sport., med.modified sit-and-reach test坐位体前屈改良法
mil., air.def.narrowband reach back窄带回传
tech.natural reach天然河段
tech.navigable reach通航河段
tech.neck reach窄颈段
adv.net reach净到达率
tech.non-navigable reach不通航河段
tech.normal reach正常
tech.normal reach正常范围
tech.normal reach正常运行距离
tech.open river reach宽阔河段
gen.out of the reach够不着的
auto.out of the reach够不着
sport.out of reach够不着
gen.out of one's reach超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
gen.out of one's reach为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
gen.out of the reach难以接近
gen.out of the reach不能达到
gen.out of the reach力所不及
math.out of the reach of超出…的有效,作用,影响范围
math.out of the reach of为…力所不及〔力所不能达到〕
tech.outflow from reach河段出流量
telecom.over-reach interference越站干扰
met.oxidizing aqueous reach水溶液氧化浸出
adv.persons reaches到达率
gen.planks reach from the ground to the truck跳板从地面搭到卡车上
commer.Please time your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment以便及时到达我方
commer.Please time your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment安排装运
commer.Please time your L/C so that it reaches us in good time for shipment请计时开证
tech.polluted reach污染河段
tech.pool reach闸间河段
tech.port reach港内河段
tech.procedure of extended reach drilling延伸钻井程序
econ.Processes will reach their capacity limit if demand continues to grow如果需求持续增长,生产加工能力将达到极限
tech.quiet reach河流静水段
desert.quiet reach静水段 (河流)
tech.quiet reach of river稳定河段
mil., air.def.range reach射程
China, polit.reach a basic consensus基本取得共识
sport.reach a climax达到高潮
fin.reach a comprehensive agreement on...就…达成全面协议
econ.reach a compromise达成要约 (妥协)
busin.reach a compromise达成妥协
China, lawreach a compromise on one's own accord自行和解
gen.reach a conclusion得出结论
sport.reach a consensus一致意见
econ.reach a deadlock陷入僵局
econ.reach a deadlock搁浅
gen.reach a decision决定下来
gen.reach a decision作出决定判断
China, lawreach a mediation agreement on free will自愿达成调解协议
China, polit.reach a new high迈上新台阶
China, polit.reach a relative consensus形成较为一致意见
econ.reach a settlement得到解决
China, lawreach a settlement agreement达成和解协议
China, lawreach a settlement on one's own自行和解
auto.reach adjustable转向管柱长度调节
gen.reach after追求
gen.reach after伸手去够〔取,抓〕
gen.reach after竭力想达〔得〕到
China, lawreach an advance pricing agreement达成预约定价安排
gen.reach an agreement取得一致意见
China, lawreach an agreement on litigation jurisdiction订有诉讼管辖协定
fin.reach an agreement on the debt ceiling就债务上限达成协议
tech.reach an identity of views取得一致看法
sport.reach an understanding达成谅解
econ.reach and burden容积和载重吨位
econ.reach and burden额积和载重吨位
tech.reach and burden容积与载重量
adv.reach and frequency到达率和频次
gen.reach as far asM 一直延伸到 M
gen.reach at追求
gen.reach at伸手去够〔取,抓〕
gen.reach at竭力想达〔得〕到
gen.reach back回顾
gen.reach back回忆
gen.reach bottom査明
gen.reach bottom打听出来
gen.reach bottom到底
avia.reach cruising altitude达到巡航高度
commer.reach equilibrium with…与…达到平衡
commer.reach equilibrium with与…达到平衡
gen.reach first base获得初步成功
gen.reach M for把 M 拿〔递〕给 N (N)
gen.reach out one's hand for伸手取〔拿〕
gen.reach for伸出手去抓
gen.reach for伸手去够〔取,抓〕
gen.reach for追求
gen.reach for竭力想达〔得〕到
tech.reach forklift crane伸缩叉式起重机
tech.reach forklift truck伸缩叉式装卸车
tech.reach full growth达到完全长成了的
gen.reach an identity of views取得一致的看法
adv.reach-in case商用冷冻冷藏展示柜
anim.husb.reach-in cooler冷藏柜
tech.reach-in freezer冻结柜
refrig.reach-in freezer冷冻柜
tech.reach-in refrigerator大型冷柜
tech.reach-in refrigerator柜台冷柜
tech.reach-in refrigerator大型冷库
org.name.REACH Initiative"着力消除儿童饥饿"倡议
org.name.REACH Initiative再接再厉消除儿童饥饿 REACH倡议
gen.reach into the reactor core伸进堆芯
sport.reach its halfway mark赛程过半
econ.reach man's estate达到成年
tech.reach me请与我联系
interntl.trade.reach of average users一般用户所接受的范围
tech.reach of channel渠段
tech.reach of channel槽段
tech.reach of channel河段
tech.reach of crane起重机臂工作半径〔伸出长度〕
auto.reach of crane起重机臂工作半径伸出长度
tech.reach of crane起重机臂伸出长度
expl.reach of explosive炸药爆破力的作用半径
expl.reach of explosive炸药爆力展布范围
tech.reach of river河流流程
tech.reach of river河流的上下游
tech.reach of river河段
tech.reach of river河道
tech.reach of river河的上下游
tech.reach of river河区
auto.reach of sightvision视距域,野
tech.reach of stream河段
construct.reach of stream河流直段
tech.reach of stream河流流程
tech.reach of stream河的上下游
tech.reach of stream河区
gen.reach out提供援助
gen.reach out追求
gen.reach out伸出
gen.reach port靠港
tech.reach post下端桩
tech.reach range达到的宽广度
tech.reach range作用半径
tech.reach range所及范围
fin.reach record levels达到创纪录水平
auto.reach rod转换拉杆
auto.reach rod转向直拉杆
tech.reach rod联接杆
gen.reach smooth water冲破难关
tech.reach stacker正面吊运机
tech.reach targeted levels达到指标水平
gen.reach the acme of perfection十全十美
gen.reach the acme of perfection尽善尽美
gen.reach the case适用于这种情况
shipb.reach the conclusion得出结论
gen.reach the designated position到位
sport.reach the final取得决赛权
sport.reach the final进入决赛
sport.reach the finish line到达终点线
sport.reach the floor触地
sport.reach the headlines成名
gen.reach the job到工地
sport.reach the national standard for physical training体育达标
China, lawreach the offeror到达要约人
econ.reach the shore抵达海岸
sport.reach the standard达标
sport.reach the summit登顶
China, polit.reach the targets实现目标
fin.reach the tipping point达到临界点
sport.reach the top eight进入前八名
securit.reach through到底机制
securit.reach through穿透机制
telecom.reach-through photodiode穿透式光电二极管
tech.reach travel curve河段回流曲线
tech.reach travel curve河段汇流曲线
auto.reach truck式装卸
tech.reach truck前伸式叉车
refrig.reach truck伸臂叉车
gen.reach unanimity of views on some problems在某些问题上取得一致意见
commer.reach unanimity of views on trade terms在贸易条款上达成一致看法
tech.reach with divided flow汊流河段
tech.regulation of meandering reach蜿蜒性河段整治
tech.regulation of tidal reaches潮汐河段整治
tech.regulation of tidal reaches潮汐河段治理
auto.restrained reach有效约束保护距离
auto.restrained reach安全带约束限制长度
tech.restricted reach窄浅河段
tech.restricted reach狭窄河段
tech.river reach上下游河区
tech.river reach河区
desert.river reach circumstance河段情况
tech.river reach of bridge crossing桥渡河段
tech.rock-infested reach多岩石河段
tech.sand-reel reach抽筒卷筒摩擦离合式控制杆
adv.schedule reach预计到达人数
tech.sea reach通海直水道
tech.seashore reach outside estuary口外海滨段
tech.shallow reach浅水河段
tech.shallow reach
tech.sharp bend reach急弯河段
tech.shoal reach浅滩段
tech.shoal reach浅滩河段
tech.shoaly reach多浅滩河段
auto.short reach火花塞短螺纹
gen.short reach plug短螺纹火花塞
tech.shovel reach挖掘机工作半径
tech.side reach横偏
tech.side reach侧向伸出长度
tech.sight reach瞄准极限
tech.slightly curved reach微弯河段
tech.slightly sinuous reach微弯河段
tech.sluggish reach缓流河段
tech.sluggish river reach缓流河段
sport., med.standard sit-and-reach坐位体前屈
China, lawstill cannot reach仍达不到
tech.still water reach静水河段
tech.storage in a reach河段蓄水 (量)
tech.straight reach顺直河段
tech.straight reach顺直段
tech.straight reach河流直段落
tech.straight reach直线河段
tech.straight river reach顺直型河段
tech.stream reach河区
tech.stream reach河流流程
tech.stream reach河流直段
tech.strongly curved reach急弯河段
tech.study reach研究河段
tech.summit level reach山墙河段
tech.summit level reach峰上河段
tech.summit reach分水岭上河段
tech.summit reach越岭河段
tech.summit reach canal越岭河段
tech.system reaches equilibrium系统区段平衡
tech.tail reach尾水段
tech.test reach试验河段
tech.thawed reach解冻河段
econ.The cargo ship will take two weeks to reach its destination这艘货轮要航行两周才能到达目的地
econ.The company threatened to discontinue buying the materials if the quality did not reach the standard该公司威胁说如果材料质量达不到标准,要停止购买这批材料
econ.The price is within easy reach of the general public此价是一般大众易于接受的
econ.the reach of average users一般用户所能接受的范围
interntl.trade.the relevant L/C must reach the sellers not later than...买方最迟于某月某日以前将信用证开抵卖方
sport.The second runner starts to run before his teammate reaches the passing zone第二棒运动员在他的队友到达接力区前就开始跑动 (注释:目前接力区最常见的用法是 take-over zone)
commer.The shipment will reach you in due course这批货将按时到达你处
tech.tidal reach潮区段
tech.tidal reach感潮
tech.tidal reach潮汐河段
tech.tidal reach潮水区
tech.tidal reach有潮河段
tech.tidal river reach感潮河段
tech.tillage doesn't reach the B horizon耕不到 B 层土
tech.to reach all-time high达到历史最高水平
nautic., tech.track reach航迹航程停船迹程
nautic., tech.track reach停船轨迹
tech.tranquil flow reach缓流河段
tech.transitional reach河道过渡段
tech.transitional reach outside entrance口门外衔接段
fisherytrout reach鳟鱼区域
tech.turbulent reach紊流段
tech.typical river reach典型河段
tech.under reach缩短动作
tech.undiked reach无坝河段
tech.unnavigable reach不通航河段
tech.unregulated reaches of river未整治的河段
auto.unrestrained reach乘客不受限制无约束的范围
tech.upper canal reach运河上游河段
tech.upper end of reach河段上端
tech.upper end of reach河段上断面
tech.upper reach上游 (段)
tech.upper reach上游河段
gen.upper reaches ofM M 的下〔上〕 游
tech.upstream reach上游河段
tech.utilized river reach开发河段
tech.utilized river reach已利用河段
tech.variable reach易变河段
tech.wandering reach游荡河段
tech.water quality control river reach水质控制河段
tech.water quality control stream reach水质控制河段
tech.water storage in a reach河段储水
tech.water storage in a reach河段蓄水 (量)
econ.We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议
econ.We guarantee the shipment will reach you safely and promptly我们担保这批货将安全迅速到达你方
econ.We hope the goods will reach you in good time我们希望此货将及早到达你处
commer.We hope your L/C will reach us in good time我们希望你方信用证早日到达
econ.We sent you the notification that the shipment of 200 tons of sugar would reach you at the date specified我们已寄出200吨糖将于规定日期运到的通知
commer.We trust that the goods will reach you in due course我们相信货物将及时抵达你处
commer.We trust the shipment will reach you in due course我们相信此货将如期到达你处
tech.well-aligned reach平顺河段
gen.What number are you trying to reach?您找哪位呀?
gen.What time does the train reach Boston?这趟火车什么时候到达波士顿?
gen.When we reach the Disneyland, I'll let you know. Then step down at the back door, please到达迪士尼乐园时,我会提醒。请从后门下车
busin.When will the goods reach our port?货物什么时候能到达我方港口?
gen.within easy reach of在…附近
gen.within easy reach of离…很近
gen.within easy reach of在…容易达到的地方
gen.within one's reach所能及
gen.within one's reach为…力所能及所能达到的范围内
auto.within reach可以达够,得
nautic., tech.within reach可及的范围
gen.within reach够得着的
busin.within reach可以达〔得,办〕 到
busin.within reach可以达 〔够,得〕到
busin.within reach可以达到
gen.within reach力所能及的
gen.within one's reach在…够得着的地方
math.within the reach of为…力所能及所能达到的范围内
math.within the reach of在…够得着的地方
gen.without one's reach…所不能及
gen.without one's reach在…所及的范围之外
commer.Your confirmation must reach us before the 15th of the month, failing which we'll consider the deal off你方确认必须于本月十五日前到达我方,否则该项交易被视为取消
shipb.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before delivery.你们一定要在交货前 30 天把信用证送来达我方
busin.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排
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