
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing ratios | all forms
absorption ratio吸收系数
absorption ratio吸收率
acid soluble zinc ratio酸溶锌率
acid-to-base ratio碱度
acid-to-base ratio of slag炉渣碱度
agglomeration ratio人造富矿入炉比
agglomeration ratio熟料比
air-charge ratio风料比
air-fuel ratio空气燃料比
alloy steel ratio合金钢比 (【技】合金钢产量占同期钢总产量的百分比。提高合金钢比是世界工业发达国家钢铁工业发展的一个共同趋势。)
Al-Si ratio铝硅比
alumina/silica ratio铝硅比铝土矿中的
aluminium recovery ratio铝回收率
anode slime ratio阳极泥率
anode-to-cathode ratio阳极与阴极面积比率
aspect ratio长宽比
aspect ratio形数比
assets-liability ratio资产负债率
atomic ratio原子比
attenuation ratio衰耗率
attenuation ratio衰减率
axial ratio轴比
balanced steel ratio平衡配筋率
base-to-acid ratio炉渣碱度
base-to-acid ratio碱度
base-to-silica ratio炉渣碱度
base-to-silica ratio碱度
basicity ratio碱度
bath ratio电解质比
bentonite/ore ratio膨润土添加比
biased flow ratio偏流比
billet surface area-to-volume ratio小方坯表面积/体积比
bleeding occurrence ratio渗钢发生比
blending ratio混合比例
blending ratio配比
blending ratio中和比
blowing time ratio送风时率
break-make ratio断-通比
broad face heat removal ratio宽面散热比 (【技】宽面散热比指的是板坯结晶器两个宽面的散热值之比。它与结晶器形状、钢水流场分布、浸人式水口吐钢孔角度和堵塞状况等有关。)
burden ratio配料比
burden ratio焦炭负荷
burden weight ratio炉料组分重量比
burden weight ratio配料组分重量比
burdening ratio配料比
burst strength-density ratio断裂强度-密度比
cadmium ratio镉比率
calcination ratio煅烧产出率
calcination ratio煅烧比
calcium absorption ratio钙吸收率
CaO/SiO₂ ratio碱度
CaO/SiO₂ ratioCaO/SiO₂ 比
capital-income ratio资本收益率
carbon ratio游离碳含量分数 (纯净煤中)
carbon ratio碳比
carbon ratio碳比
carbon ratio游离碳含量百分率
carbon-hydrogen ratio碳氢比
carbon-silicon ratio碳硅含量比 (生铁的)
carbon-silicon ratio碳硅比
carbon-zinc ratio碳锌比
casting time ratio连铸作业率 (Total caster output is a function of through-put rate and casting time ratio, which in turn relates to casting speed, number of strands, machine scheduling, sequence ratio and reliability. 连铸机总产量是过钢速率和浇注时间比的函数,同时它还和拉坯速度、流数、连铸机生产计划、连浇比以及运行可靠性有关。)
casting time ratio浇注时间比
caustic ratio苛性比
caustic ratio苛性比值
cement-aggregate ratio水泥-骨料比率
cement-space ratio水泥量与骨料孔隙比率
cement-water ratio灰水比
C-H carbon-hydrogen ratio碳氢比
charge ratio炉料比
charge ratio料比
charging ratio人炉比
charging ratio入炉比
charging ratio装料比
chlorine ratio氯比值
chlorine-to-oxygen ratio氯氧比
chromium-to-nickel ratio铬镍比
cladding ratio复合层厚度比
coal ratio煤比
coal/air ratio煤/空气比 (【技】影响高炉置换比的因素之一,单位为 kg/m³。 在一定范围内降低该比值有利于提高高炉的燃料置换比。)
coal/oxygen ratio煤/氧比 (【技】影响高炉置换比的因素之一,单位为 kg/m³。 在一定范围内降低该比值有利于提高高炉的燃料置换比。)
coal-to-air ratio煤/空气比
coal-to-coke replacement ratio煤焦置换比
coke ratio加焦量
coke ratio焦比
coke replacement ratio【铁】 焦炭置换比
coke replacement ratio焦炭置换比
coke to coal replacement ratio喷煤置换比
coke to coal replacement ratio【铁】 煤焦置换比
coke to fuel replacement ratio【铁】 燃料置换比
coke to iron ratio焦比
coke to iron ratio焦铁比
coke to oil replacement ratio油焦置换比
coke/coal replacement ratio【铁】 煤焦置换比 (【技】在高炉冶炼中,每喷人单位质量的煤所能替代的焦炭量。)
coke/fuel replacement ratio【铁】 燃料置换比 (【技】高炉冶炼中每喷人单位质量的燃料所能替代的焦炭量。)
coke/oil replacement ratio油焦置换比
coke/pulverized-coal replacement ratio喷吹煤粉的置换比 (【技】在高炉冶炼过程中,每喷人单位质量的煤粉所能替代的焦炭量。)
coke-to-coal replacement ratio for blast furnace高炉喷煤置换比 (【技】高炉喷吹煤粉的主要目的是利用价格低廉的煤粉取代价格昂贵资源紧缺的焦炭。高炉每喷人单位质量的煤粉所能替代的焦炭量即高炉喷煤置换比。喷吹煤粉能置换焦炭是由于煤粉中的碳和氢代替了焦炭中的碳。故影响高炉喷煤置换比的主要因素有:喷吹煤粉的种类和数量。含碳和含氢量高的煤粉,置换比就高,反之就低。喷吹煤粉在风口前的气化程度高,置换比就高,反之就低。此外,风温风压的高低、富氧程度、煤气流的利用状况以及高炉的操作状况都会对高炉喷煤置换比产生影响。)
coke-to-coal replacement ratio for blast furnace高炉煤焦置换比
coke-to-metal ratio【铁】 焦比
coke-to-metal ratio焦比
combustion ratio燃烧比 (CO2 与 CO2 + CO 之比)
common mode rejection ratio共态抑制比
compression ratio压缩比
concentrate-flux ratio精矿-熔剂比
concentration ratio【选】精选比
constant ratio code恒比代码
conti-casting ratio连铸比
continuous casting ratio连铸比
continuously cast ratio连铸比
continuously cast steel ratio连铸钢比
contraction ratio压缩比
contraction ratio收缩率
contrast ratio反差比
contrast ratio衬度系数
control of fuel/air ratio燃料-空气比控制
control ratio控制系数
conversion ratio转换比
converter steel ratio转炉钢比
convexity ratio凸度比率 (焊件加强高度与计算厚度比率)
cooling/ sintering time ratio冷却时间/烧结时间比
cooling/ sintering time ratio冷却时间与烧结时间比例
cooling/sintering time ratio【团】 冷却时间和烧结时间比
corrected flow stress ratio校正流变应力比
critical oxygen to carbon ratio临界氧碳比 (高炉喷吹参数之一)
critical pressure ratio of nozzle喷嘴临界压力比
critical radius ratio临界半径比
critical reactant ratio临界反应物比
critical upsetting ratio临界镦粗比
critical void ratio临界孔隙率
crystallization ratio结晶比
crystallization ratio of mold flux结晶器保护渣结晶比
cumulative cycle ratio累积循环次数比
current deep drawing ratio瞬时拉延【深】比 (拉延【深】过程中外缘直径与拉出件的直径比值)
current ratio电流比
cycle ratio应力循环比
cycle ratio循环比
damage ratio【金】 损坏率
damage ratio损伤率
damage ratio损坏率
damping ratio衰减系数
degradation ratio粉末率
degradation ratio粉化率
dephosphorization ratio脱磷率
depth-span ratio (例)
depth-span ratio
desulphurization ratio脱硫率
dilution ratio稀释比
direct ratio正比例
distribution ratio分配比
distribution ratio分配系数
drying mass ratio【团】干燥段烟气质量比
drying mass ratio干燥段烟气质量比
economical ratio of reinforcement经济配筋率
edge distance ratio边距比率
electron ratio电子比
electron-atom ratio电子与原子数比率
endurance ratio疲劳比
entrainment ratio含气率
entrainment ratio吸引比
equal settling ratio等沉降比
equal settling ratio等落比
equiaxed crystal ratio等轴晶率
equilibrium ratio平衡比率
equilibrium sulfur partition ratio硫的平衡分配比
equipment loading ratio设备负荷率
equipment operation ratio设备运转率
equipment utilization ratio设备利用率
eutectoid ratio共析体比率
excess air ratio过剩空气率
excess air ratio过剩空气系数
expand ratio扩径率 (【技】表示管坯直径与毛坯直径之间的关系。毛管直径的增长率根据扩径率数值的不同分为:扩径穿孔、等径穿孔、减径穿孔。生产厚壁管时,扩径率为负值;生产薄壁管时,扩径率为正值。在生产中最好使用等径穿孔。)
extrusion ratio挤压系数 (【技】挤压比:表示挤压变形程度的一个参数。用挤压前毛坯的横断面积与挤压后制品的横断面积之比表示0)
extrusion ratio挤压比
false breakout alarm ratio漏钢报警误报率
fatigue ratio疲劳比
feedback ratio反馈系数
ferroalloy recovery ratio铁合金回收率
fill ratio填充率
fill ratio装填系数
filling ratio填充率
filling ratio装料率
filter ratio过滤比
filtering ratio过滤比
fineness ratio粒度比
finished steels to crude steel ratio材钢比 (【技】 通常指一个年度内钢材产量与钢产量的比值。它反映了一个国家钢铁工业生产技术水平、金属有效利用程度和经济效果。)
fixed ratio transformer固定变比变压器
flame ratio氧气燃气体积
flocculation ratio絮凝系数
flocculation ratio絮凝率
flow ratio单位时间流量
flow ratio流量比
flow stress ratio流变应力比
fluctuation ratio波动比
fluctuation ratio起伏比
fluid ratio流体比
flux/wire ratio焊条涂层相对重量
flux/wire ratio熔剂与焊丝重量比率
fracture stress / density ratio破断应力密度比
fracture stress/ density ratio破断应力密度比
free settling ratio自由沉降比
free swelling ratio自由膨胀率
front to rear ratio方向性系数
front to rear ratio正反向比
fuel air ratio燃料成分比
fuel air ratio燃料和空气比
fuel ratio燃料系数
fuel ratio燃料比
fuel-air ratio control燃料-空气比控制
gas ratio control气体比率控制
gear ratio齿轮变速
gyromagnetic ratiog 因数
gyromagnetic ratio回磁比
Hausner ratio豪斯纳系数 (摇实密度 TD 与松装密度 AD 之比)
heat removal ratio between broadfaces板坯宽面散热比
heat removal ratio between narrow faces板坯窄面散热比
helium-argon ratio氦-氩比
high post combustion ratio高二次燃烧率
hindered settling ratio受阻沉降比
hindered settling ratio阻落比
hitting ratio命中率
hot charging and rolling ratio热装轧制比
hot charging ratio热装率
hot metal ratio铁水比 (【技】通常指转炉炼钢时人炉铁水占含铁炉料总量(铁水加废钢)的比率。: The results of the computer simulation indicate that the hot metal ratio can be decreased from 78.8% to 70. 0%, if the average hot metal temperature is increased by 200°C。 计算机模拟结果表明,如果铁水平均温度提高 200°C, 铁水比可以由 78.8% 下降到 70. 0%。)
hot returns ratio热返矿率
hot returns ratio热返矿比
hot zone ratio赤热带比
humidity ratio比湿度
humidity ratio湿度比
hydrogen utilization ratio【铁】 氢利用率
hydrostatic pressure ratio静水压力系‘数
increasing post-combustion ratio提高二次燃烧比
injection fuel replacement ratio喷吹燃料置换比
input/output ratio投人产出比
intensity ratio强度比
inverse ratio反比
iron to steel ratio铁钢比 (【技】一定时期内(通常为一年)生铁产量与钢产量的比值。铁钢比的高低与一个国家的经济结构、废钢资源等有关。)
iron-coke ratio铁焦比 (化铁炉操作的)
length to diameter ratio长径比
length-width ratio长宽比
limit drawing ratio极限拉延比
limiting drawing ratio【压】 极限深冲比
limiting drawing ratio极限拉伸比
limiting drawing ratio极限深冲比
logarithmic extrusion ratio对数挤压比
low yield ratio steel低屈强比钢 (【技】即屈强比明显低于其他钢种的高强度合金钢。材料的屈强比即其屈服强度与拉伸强度之比,是衡量金属板材冲压性能的重要指标。一般要求非合金钢的屈强比不大于70%,低合金高强度钢的屈强比不大于80%,否则冲压性能较差,必须采取一定的工艺措施改善其冲压加工性。深冲用钢板的屈强比不大于66%。双相钢是典型的低屈强比钢。)
lump sinter ratio烧结块率
mass ratio质量比
mass-surface ratio铸件质量表面比
mass-to-charge ratio质荷比
melting loss ratio of splashed slag coat溅渣层熔损率
melting ratio熔化金属与燃料比
melting ratio铁焦比
metal distribution ratio金属分配比
metallic charge-to-coke ratio焦比
metallic charge-to-coke ratio金属料与焦炭消耗的重量比
metallic charge-to-coke ratio金属料与焦炭重量比
minimum limit of forging ratio最低锻造比 (极限)
minimum limit of forging ratio最低锻造比极限
mixing ratio混料比
mixing ratio of pellet feeds球团料混合比
mixture ratio【团】配料比
mixture ratio配料比
Mn/Si ratio锰硅比
mobility ratio迁移率比
moderating ratio减速系数
moderating ratio慢化比
moderating ratio减速比
molar ratio克分子比
mold aspect ratio结晶器形状比
mold narrow-face heat removal ratio结晶器窄面散热比 (【技】即连铸板坯结晶器两个窄面板的散热值之比。浸人式水口偏流常常是造成结晶器窄面散热比偏离正常值的主要因素。)
molten iron ratio铁水配比
mould ratio铸型系数
mould ratio模型系数
mushy-to-liquid ratio糊/液比 (【技】铸坯内糊状区与液相区之比。)
narrow face heat removal ratio窄面散热比 (【技】板坯结晶器两个窄面的散热值之比,常常反映出浸人式水口的偏流程度。)
negative strip distance ratio距离负滑脱率
negative strip ratio【连】 负滑脱率
negative strip ratio during sinusoidal oscillation正弦振动负滑脱率
negative strip ratio of moving distance运动距离负滑脱率
negative strip ratio with sinusoidal oscillation正弦振动负滑脱率
negative strip time ratio时间负滑脱率
negative strip velocity ratio速度负滑脱率
nickel-copper ratio镍铜比
nickel-to-cobalt ratio镍钴比
non-conditioned slab ratio板坯免整率 (【技】 板坯离开连铸机后无需进一步精整的比率,是衡量板坯总体质量的指标。)
notch constriction ratio缺口收缩比
notch strength ratio缺口强度比 (缺口强度与非缺口强度之比)
notch tensile ratio缺口抗拉强度比 (缺口抗拉强度与非缺口抗拉强度之比)
notch tensile ratio缺口拉伸强度比
notch yield ratio缺口屈服强度比
oil-per-coke replacement ratio油焦置换比
oil-to-coke replacement ratio油焦置换比
one-to-partial-select ratio"1"半选信号比
optimum compression ratio最佳压缩比
ore ratio单位生铁耗矿石量
ore ratio单位生铁矿石耗量
ore ratio矿比
ore to coke ratio焦炭负荷
ore to coke ratio【铁】 矿焦比
ore to iron ratio矿铁比 (【技】铁矿石产量(直接人炉的块矿和铁精矿粉的产量)与生铁产量的比值,是钢铁工业内部重要品种结构之一。)
ore/coke ratio矿焦比 (【技】单位时间内矿石总消耗量与焦炭总消耗量的比值。矿焦比亦称焦炭负荷。矿焦比越大,焦比越低。: What is more, owing to the increase in the injection amount of pulverized coal, the ore / coke ratio of furnace burden has increased, resulting in a relative decrease in the charging amount of coke. 此外,由于粉煤喷吹量增加。炉料的矿焦比也已经增加,从而导致焦炭人炉数量相对下降。)
ore/coke ratio【铁】 焦炭负荷
oxygen-acetylene ratio氧气与乙炔气体积比率
oxygen-charge ratio氧料比
oxygen-fuel gas ratio氧气与燃气体积的比率
partition ratio分配比
partition ratio分配系数
partitioning ratio分配比
pellet blending ratio球团人炉比
pellet blending ratio球团入炉比
percentage ratio百分比率
percentage ratio百分比
phase ratio相比
phosphorus partition ratio between slag and metal渣-金间磷的分配比
piercing ratio穿孔比
plastic strain ratioR 值 (【技】板材拉延时板宽方向与板厚方向的变形比值。)
plastic strain ratio塑性应变比
plate-and-pipe to finished-steel-product ratio板管比
pneumatic ratio controller气动比率控制器
Poisson's ratio泊松系数
Poisson's ratio泊松比
Poisson's ratio for work roll工作辊泊松比
powder ratio粉化率
powder ratio【团】粉化率
powder ratio粉末率
practical replacement ratio【铁】 实际置换比 (高炉喷吹燃料的)
pressure-void ratio curve压力孔隙比曲线
productivity ratio利用系数
pulverized coal injection ratio粉煤喷吹比
purification ratio提纯比
purification ratio净化比
quick steel-tapping ratio快速出钢率
radial/ axial shrinkage ratio径向/轴向收缩比
radial/axial shrinkage ratio径向/轴向收缩比
ratio by mass质量比
ratio by volume容积比
ratio by volume体积比
ratio by weight重量比
ratio control比例控制
ratio control比率控制
ratio control system比率控制系统
ratio cutting machine比例仿型切割机
ratio error比率误差
ratio flow control按比例控制流量
ratio flow control比例流量控制
ratio meter比率表
ratio meter比率计
ratio of base to acid碱度
ratio of closed pores闭气孔率
ratio of compression压缩比
ratio of concentration富集比
ratio of concentration浓度比
ratio of continuously cast steel连铸比
ratio of crushing破碎比
ratio of desulphurization脱硫率
ratio of equiaxed crystal zone等轴晶区比
ratio of fine ore粉矿比
ratio of fines粉末率
ratio of fines粉矿率
ratio of gear传动比
ratio of heat removal from two broad faces宽面散热比
ratio of knotting钢丝的打结率
ratio of lay捻比系数 (钢丝绳的捻距与直径之比)
ratio of mixture混合料组分比率
ratio of mixture混合比
ratio of open pores开气孔率
ratio of ore-to-coke矿焦比
ratio of ore-to-coke【铁】 焦炭负荷
ratio of ore-to-coke焦炭负荷
ratio of reduction破碎比
ratio of reduction还原比
ratio of reduction还原率
ratio of reinforcement钢筋比率
ratio of return fines返矿比
ratio of rolling reduction轧制压缩比
ratio of scrap to hot-metal prices废钢/铁水价格比
ratio of secondary refining炉外精炼比
ratio of size reduction破碎系数
ratio of size reduction尺寸缩减比
ratio of slenderness长细比
ratio of slip滑动比
ratio of slip【金】 滑移系数
ratio of slip滑移系数
ratio of volume to capacity转炉炉容比
ratio of width to thickness宽厚比
ratio setter比例定值器
ratio setter比例调节器
ratio test比率检验
ratio test变压比试验
recall ratio检索比
recovery ratio回收率
rectifying ratio整流系数
rectifying ratio整流比
recut ratio of slab板坯再切率
reducing ratio还原率
reducing ratio减径率
reduction drawing ratio拉延比
reduction ratio还原率
reduction ratio压缩比
reduction ratio还原比
reduction ratio破碎比
reflux ratio回流比
rejection ratio of slab for transverse crack横裂纹板坯报废率
rejection ratio of slab with transverse crack横裂纹板坯报废率
residual anode ratio残极率
return fines ratio返矿率
return fines ratio返矿比
rolling reduction ratio轧制压缩比
saturation ratio饱和率
scrap metal ratio废钢/铁水比 (炉料中的)
scrap ratio废品率
scrap ratio废钢比
scrap ratio of converter转炉废钢比
scrap steel/hot-metal price ratio废钢/铁水价格比
scrap steel/hot-metal ratio废钢/铁水比
scrap/coal ratio废钢/煤比
secondary combustion ratio二次燃烧率
secondary refined steel ratio炉外精炼比
sensitivity ratio灵敏度
sequence ratio连浇比 (Total caster output is a function of throughput rate and casting time ratio, which in turn relates to casting speed, number of strands, machine scheduling, sequence ratio and reliability. 连铸机总产量是过钢速率和浇注时间比的函数,同时它还和拉坯速度、流数、铸机生产计划、连浇比以及运行可靠性有关。)
settling ratio沉降比
silica ratio硅石比
silica ratio硅酸比
sinking ratio减径率
sinter ratio烧结矿人炉比
sinter ratio烧结矿入炉比
size ratio尺寸比
slab recut ratio板坯再切率
slag iron-lime ratio炉渣铁钙比
slag iron-silica ratio炉渣铁硅比
slag lime-silica ratio炉渣钙硅比
slag ratio渣比
slag ratio【铁】 渣比
slag ratio单位渣量
slag ratio渣铁比 (【技】高炉炼铁过程中每冶炼 1t 生铁的出渣量。减少渣量不仅可以降低焦比,同时也有利于提高高炉冶炼强度和高炉利用系数。)
slag-to-iron ratio渣量
slag-to-iron ratio渣铁比
slenderness ratio钢锭模锥度 【斜度】
solid loading ratio固体颗粒装入比
solid solution saturation ratio固溶饱和率
solids loading ratio固体颗粒装人比 (【技】在固体颗粒撞击的条件下,单位体积混合物内固体颗粒的质量比。)
solids loading ratio固体颗粒装入比
solid-to-liquid ratio固液比
solvent-to-liquid ratio溶剂水相比
speed ratio速比
steel area ratio钢筋面积比 (【技】钢筋混凝土中钢筋面积与全断面面积之比。)
steel ratio配筋百分率
stoichiometric ratio化学计量比
strain ratio应变比 (【技】一个应变周期内两个指定应变值的代数比。)
strength to rigidity ratio强度-刚度比
strength to weight ratio比强度
strength to weight ratio强度-重量比
strength-to-weight ratio比强度
strength-to-weight ratio强度-重量比
stress ratio应力比
stretch ratio拉伸比
sulfur partition ratio硫分配比
sulfur partition ratio硫分配系数
sulfur partition ratio between slag and metal渣-金间硫分配系数
sulphur partition ratio硫分配比
sulphur partition ratio硫分配系数 (指在炉渣与金属间的)
sulphur-iron ratio硫铁比
susceptibility ratio to brittleness脆性敏感度比
tear-strength /yield ratio撕裂强度-屈服强度比
tear-strength/yield ratio撕裂强度/屈服强度比
theoretical replacement ratio【铁】 理论置换比 (高炉喷吹燃料的)
thickness ratio板材厚度同轧辊直径之比
thickness ratio带材厚度同轧辊直径之比
thickness ratio厚度同轧辊直径之比
tongue ratio舌比 (【技】挤压的半空心型材所包括的面积与型材开口处宽度平方之比。)
transformation ratio变换比
transformation ratio变压比
transformer ratio变压比
true breakout alarm ratio漏钢报警报准率
turndown ratio调节比
tuyere ratio风口比
twin-casting ratio双流浇注比 (【技】双联连铸机插人中间隔板采用双流浇注方式生产较窄板坯的比率。)
upset ratio镦锻比
upsetting ratio镦粗比
upsetting ratio镦锻
utilization ratio of carbon monoxide氧化碳利用率
utilization ratio of hydrogen【铁】 氢利用率 (【技】衡量高炉炼铁过程中炉内氢在与铁氧化物的还原反应中转化为 H₂O 程度的指标。)
vapour-liquid ratio汽-液比
variable-ratio transformer调压变压器
variable-ratio transformer可调变压器
vitrification ratio玻璃化比
void ratio孔洞体积与总体积之比
void ratio空位比
voltage ratio电压比
volume to capacity ratio炉容比 (【技】转炉的有效容积和公称吨位之比。转炉有效容积为炉帽和炉身的容积加熔池体积的总和。炉容比是转炉结构的重要参数。)
water distribution ratio between inner and outer curved surfaces of strand铸坯内外弧面配水比
water distribution ratio of inner to outer curved surface of strand铸坯内外弧面配水比
water ratio含水率
water soluble zinc ratio水溶锌率
weight ratio重量比
width-to-thickness aspect ratio宽厚比 (A width-to-thickness aspect ratio of 2.5 to 1.0 could be taken as the division between flat and long products. 宽厚比 2. 5比 1.0 可以作为扁平材和长材的分界线。)
working volume-to-hearth area ratio【铁】 有效容积与炉缸面积比
working volume-to-hearth area ratio有效容积与炉缸面积比
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