
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing ratios | all forms
aggregate ratio集料水泥比
air space ratio排水气隙比
air space ratio含气量体积比
air void ratio含气率
air void ratio氣隙比
air void ratio孔隙比
area ratio面积比取样器
aspect ratio形状比
background contrast ratio背影反差比
balance steel ratio平衡配筋率
bearing ratio承重比
bearing ratio承载比
benefit-cost ratio收益成本比
breadth ratio method压缩层深度宽度比法
California Bearing Ratio加州承载比
California Bearing Ratio test加州承载比试验
carbon hydrogen ratio碳氢比
cement ratio水泥骨料比
cement sand ratio灰砂比
cement-space ratio灰隙比
charge ratio满载比
clearance ratio间隙比
colour ratio色比
compressibility ratio压缩比
conductance ratio传导比
consolidation ratio固結比
consolidation ratio壓密比
consolidation under constant stress ratio等应力比固结
constant ratio of equivalent damping等值衰减定比
creep ratio潛變比
critical pore ratio临界孔隙比
cyclic shear stress ratio循环剪应力比
cyclic stress ratio循环〔周期〕应力比
cyclical shear stress ratio循环剪应力比
cyclical stress ratio循环〔周期〕应力比
damage ratio受灾率
depth ratio基础埋深比
depth-width ratio高宽比
depth-width ratio河槽深宽比
diameter to height ratio试样直径高度比
dimensionless ratio无量纲比
discharge ratio排泄率
distribution ratio分布比率
distribution ratio分配率
drainage ratio径流率
drawdown ratio水位下降比
drawdown ratio降深比
ductility ratio延性比
dynamic Poisson’s ratio动泊松比
earthquake damage ratio地震破坏率
elastic ratio弹性比
equal settling ratio等沉比
equilibrium swelling ratio平衡膨胀比
extract ratio回收率
extract ratio回采率
extract ratio提取率
extraction ratio回收率
extraction ratio采收率
facies ratio层相比
fatigue ratio疲劳强度比
final void ratio最终孔隙比
fissure spacing to span ratio隙跨比
flatness ratio扁平度比
free-settling ratio
free-settling ratio自由沉落比
frequency ratio频率比
full pore-pressure ratio全孔隙压力比
gradient ratio梯度比
gravel-to-sand ratio砾砂比
groutability ratio可灌比
head ratio水头比
head ratio水位比
heave ratio冻胀比
infiltration ratio入渗比
initial shear stress ratio初始剪应力比
inner clearance ratio内间隙比
in-place void ratio原位孔隙比
inside clearance ratio内間隙比取樣器
inside clearance ratio内淨徑比
inside clearance ratio内间隙比取土器
jam-to-signal ratio噪信比
length height ratio长高比
linear shrinkage ratio线性收缩率
load increment ratio荷载增量比
macrovoid ratio大孔隙比
minimum to maximum stress ratio最小最大应力比
mixing ratio配合比
modular ratio of elasticity弹性模量比
mortar-voids ratio砂浆孔隙比
open area ratio开孔面积比
outer clearance ratio外间隙比
outside clearance ratio取样器外间隙比
overburden ratio盖挖比
overconsolidation ratio過壓密比
overconsolidation ratio超固结比
peak critical void ratio最大临界孔隙比
peak pore pressure ratio最大孔压比
peak pore pressure ratio峰值孔压比
perimeter ratio十字板刃厚周长比
permeability ratio curve相对渗透率曲线
Poisson’s ratio泊松比
pore ratio-pressure curve压缩曲线
pore ratio-pressure curve孔隙比-压力关系曲线
pore-solid ratio空隙比
pore-solid ratio孔隙比
pore-solid ratio孔隙-固体比
pore-solids ratio孔隙比
pore-solids ratio空隙比
pore-solids ratio孔隙-固体比
pressure-void ratio curve壓縮曲線
pressure-void ratio curve压缩曲线
principal stress ratio主应力比
principle stress ratio主应力比
ratio of compression压实度
ratio of expansion膨胀率
ratio of reinforcement含筋率
ratio of rise to span高跨比
ratio of slenderness长细比
ratio of slope坡率
ratio of slope坡度比
recompression ratio再压缩比
recovery ratio取样回采率
recovery ratio回釆率取樣
recovery ratio岩芯采取率
reduction ratio递减率
relative void ratio相对空隙比
replacement ratio置换率
rigidity ratio刚度比
sand aggregate ratio砂石比
sensitivity ratio靈敏度比
sensitivity ratio灵敏度系数
settling ratio沉淀比
shrinkage ratio收縮比
size ratio粗粒土粒径比
slope ratio坡度
soil bearing ratio土承载比
static Poisson’s ratio静泊松比
steel ratio钢筋百分率
steepness ratio陡度比率
stone column replacement ratio碎石桩置换率
strain ratio method压缩层确定应变比法
strength ratio强度比
stress concentration ratio应力集中比
stress ratio method确定压缩层下限应力比法
success ratio成活率
surface-to-volume ratio表面积-体积比
tangential Poisson’s ratio切线泊松比
void-cement ratio水泥隙灰比
water cement ratio水灰比
water-solid ratio水固比
water-to-cement ratio水灰比
weight ratio重量配比
zero air void ratio零气孔隙比