
Terms for subject Technology containing ratios | all forms | exact matches only
absorbed ratio吸收比
accelerator ratio促进剂比率
acid ratio酸比
acid test ratio酸性测验比率
acid test ratio流动资产负债比
acid-base ratio酸碱性系数
acoustical energy ratio声能比
acoustical impedance ratio声阻抗比
acoustical ratio声波比
acoustical ratio声强比
adsorption ratio吸附比
Al-Fe ratio铝铁比
annual expected loss ratio年期望损失率
annual ratio of run-off年流量比
annual ratio of runoff年径流率
annual ratio of run-off年径流率
annual ratio of runoff年流量率
appearance ratio超体视
appearance ratio夸大立体感比值
area ratio面积比 (率)
area ratio of earth fracture裂缝面积率
area ratio of the sampler取土样器面积比
area-distortion ratio面积变形比
area-distribution ratio面积变形比
area-to-mass ratio of satellite卫星面质比
area-volume ratio面积一体积比
asset-income ratio资产收益比 (率)
assets turnover ratio资产周转率
assets-income ratio资产收益比 (率)
assets-liabilities ratio资产负债比 (率)
asset-utilization ratios资产利用情况类比率
automatic gas ratio control气体比例自动调节
average capital ratio method平均资本比率 (法)
average collection period ratio平均托收期比率
average efficient ratio平均效率比率
average ratio平均比值
average stripping ratio平均采剥比
axial compression ratio轴向压力比
axial compression ratio轴压比
axial polarization ratio轴向极化比
axial ratio长短轴比
axial ratio轴率
axial ratio极化轴比
axial-ratio of finite strain ellipse有限应变椭圆轴率
axial velocity ratio轴向速度比
background block error ratio背景块差错率
ballistic quality ratio冲击强力比值
basic floor area ratio建筑面积与基地面积比率 (即容积率)
basic floor area ratio建筑面积密度
bench investment-earnings ratio基准收益率
big open void ratio大开空隙率
bio-accumulation ratio生物积累比
biological accumulation ratio生物积累比
biserial ratio of correlation双列相关比率
biserial ratio of correlation两双数列相关比率
blip-scan ratio尖头回波-扫描比
blip-scan ratio现扫比
blow-up ratio模膜直径比
bore stroke ratio缸径冲程比
boss ratio辐比
boss ratio幅比
boss ratio内外径比
brake ratio制动比
calculation plan of overburden ratio剥离量计算平面图
capacitance ratio容量比
carrying ratio实载率
channel gradient ratio河流比降比 (率)
coke expenses ratio焦比
collected-current ratio收集电流比
collected-current ratio二次发射有效系数
consumption-income ratio消费收入比
conversion ratio转换比 (率)
conversion ratio转换比值
conversion ratio换算率
convexity ratio圆度比
conveyance ratio输水比
conveyance ratio输水系数
corrected water-oil ratio curve method修正的水油比曲线法
corresponding ratio对应比
cosmic ratio radiation宇宙射电辐射
cosmical ratio radiation宇宙射电辐射
critical aspect ratio临界长径比
critical compression ratio临界压缩比
critical extension ratio临界伸长比
critical mass-ratio临界质量比
critical pressure ratio临界压力比
critical ratio临界比 (率)
critical shear span ratio临界剪跨比
critical shear span ratio临界剪切跨度比
critical steel ratio最小钢筋比
critical steel ratio最小配筋率
critical stress ratio极限应力比
critical void ratio极限孔隙比
critical void ratio of soil土的临界孔隙比
current assets ratio流动资产比率
current position ratio流动财务状况比率
current ratio电流变换系数
current-ratio regulator电流比自动调节器
current ratio relay电流比继电器
current transfer ratio电流传输比
cut-off ore ratio边界含矿率
cut-off ratio截弯取直率
cut-off ratio等压膨胀比
cut-off ratio裁弯取直
cut-off ratio裁弯取直率
cut-off ratio等压容积比
cut-off ratio断路比
cutting ratio切削比
cutting ratio切削厚度比
cutting ratio切屑厚度比
cuttings transport ratio岩屑携带比 (率)
cylinder ratio汽缸容积比
daylight ratio天然照明率
daylight ratio天然采光率
daylight ratio日光系数
deposite capital ratio存款与资本比率
deposite loan ratio存贷比率
determining ratio cost to selling price确定成本对售价的比率
deviation ratio偏移系数
differential absorption ratio差示吸收比
differential gear ratio差动齿轮传动比
diffusion ratio扩散比 (率)
dimensional ratio量纲比
direct ratio正比 (例)
direct ratio直接比
dispersion ratio分散
displacement length ratio排水量船长比
distortion ratio变态率
distortion ratio of model模型变率
distribution ratio提取系数
distribution ratio分布系数
distribution ratio分配比 (率)
division in capital ratio按资本比例分配
division ratio分割比
division ratio分频比
division ratio of bifurcated channel汊道分流比
division ratio of branched channel汊道分流比
double ratio复比
double ratio重比
double ratio estimate复比估计值
double ratio estimation复比估计
double ratio estimator复比估计量
double reinforcement ratio双筋比
double reinforcement ratio双配筋比
drivage ratio掘进率
driver ratio传动比
drop-off to pickup ratio继电器返回系数
drop-off to pickup ratio返回系数
drum to rope ratio绞筒钢丝绳直径比
drum to rope ratio卷筒和钢丝绳直径
effect in response ratio响应率的效应
efficiency ratio功效比值
elasticity ratio弹性比
electron charge mass ratio电子荷质比
employee turnover ratio职工周转率
evapouration ratio蒸发倍率
evapouration-rainfall ratio蒸发雨量比
evapouration-rainfall ratio蒸发雨量率
exhaust pressure ratio passage排气压比
expanded area ratio桨叶展开面积比
expanded ratio膨胀倍数
external breeding ratio外增殖比
external conversion ratio外转换比
external operating ratio外部操作时间比
external operation ratio运行率【计】
external ratio外分比
filtering ratio过滤率
final water-cement ratio最终水灰比
flakiness ratio宽厚比
floor area ratio建筑面积比
floor area ratio楼面面积率总建筑面积对基地面积的比率
floor area ratio建筑容积率指建筑容积与建筑用地之比
floor area ratio建筑系数
flow ratio流量混合比
flow ratio control流量比控制
flow ratio controller流量比率控制器
flowing gas-oil ratio自喷油气比
front-to-back ratio正反向比
front-to-rear ratio前后比
gas ratio离子电流率
gas ratio油气比
gas water ratio气水比
gas-liquid area ratio气液面积比
gas-liquid volume ratio气液体积比
gas-oil ratio生产油气比
gas-oil ratio油一气比 (率)
gas-to-dust ratio气尘比
gas-to-oil ratio油气比
gear ratio齿轮传动
gear ratio齿轮齿数
gear ratio齿轮速比
gear ratio order传速系数装定指令
gear reduction ratio齿轮减速比
gear-stage velocity ratio级速比
green coverage ratio绿化覆盖率
green ratio绿信比
grid control ratio栅控系数
grid ratio栅格比值
hardness ratio硬度比
highlight-to-lowlight ratio反差系数
holding power to weight ratio抓重比
horsepower to weight ratio马力重量比
hydration ratio水化比
hydration ratio水化率
hydrostatic pressure ratio静水压
inside clearance ratio内间距比
inside clearance ratio内径比
inside clearance ratio净空比
inside clearance ratio内间隙比
inside clearance ratio内净径比
intrinsic stand-off ratio本征变位比
intrinsic stand-off ratio本征偏离比
inverse ratio反比 (例)
inverse-ratio curve反率曲线
inverse-ratio curve反比曲线
jack ratio传动摇臂的臂长比
kill ratio射杀率
knot area ratio节疤面积比率
lane utilization ratio车道利用比
lay ratio绞距比
lay ratio绞距系数
lever ratio杠杆比
livability space ratio居住面积比值
load ratio负荷率
load ratio负荷比
load ratio荷载比
load ratio adjuster带载电压调整装置
load ratio control带载电压调节
load ratio voltage regulator负载电压调整器
load ratio voltage regulator带载电压调整器
load-discharge ratio输沙率流量比
manipulation ratio焊条焊着率
man-land ratio人-地比率
marked ratio变压器标称变比
max possible compression ratio最大理论压缩比
maximal ratio combiner最大比率并合器
method of average ratios to trend趋势平均比率法
method of axial ratio measurement轴比测量法
method of water-level variation-precipitation ratio水位变幅-降雨量比值法
Mg-Fr ratio镁铁比
Mg-Si ratio镁硅比
mismatch contact ratio失配重叠系数
mixing ratio in site工地配合比
mixing ratio in site施工配合比
mixing ratio indicator混合比指示器
mixing ratio regulator混合率调节器
mixing ratio sheet配料单
mixture ratio配比
mixture-ratio control混合比调节
mobility ratio迁移系数
mobility ratio迁移率
modular ratio弹率比
modular ratio比模量
modular-ratio design模量比法设计
modular ratio of concrete and steel混凝土和钢筋的弹性模量比
modulation frequency ratio调制频率与载频的比
moisture combined ratio水分结合比湿度结合比
moisture combined ratio加水燃比
moisture content ratio by weight重量含水率
moisture content ratio by weight重量含湿率
moisture ratio含湿比
moisture ratio水分比
moisture-content ratio湿度比
moisture-content ratio重量含水率
molecular ratio克分子量比
molecular ratio分子比率
moment shear ratio弯矩剪力比
move in ratio移人率某地区的移人户数和总居住户数之比
move out ratio移出率某地区的移出户数和总居住户数之比
multiple correlation ratio多元相关比
multiple dilution ratio多次贫化率
multiplication of the brake gear ratio制动倍率
multi-storied dwelling house ratio住宅高层率三层以上建筑中的住宅户数与全住宅户数之比
neutralization ratio中和比率
nom rock ratio名义摇臂比
nominal compression ratio额定压缩率
nominal compression ratio额定压缩比
nominal focal ratio标称焦距比
nominal maximum reduction ratio额定最大破碎比
nominal maximum reduction ratio最大公称破碎比
nominal mix ratio标称配合比
nominal pitch ratio标称螺距比
nominal pitch ratio公称螺距比
nominal transformer ratio标称变换系数
nominal transformer ratio标称变压比
nominal water-cement ratio名义水灰比
octane ratio辛烷值
odour air dilution ratio恶臭稀释倍数
optimum ratio最适比率
optimum ratio优越比例
optimum ratio between the cations阳离子间最适比率
optimum reflux ratio最佳回流比率
optimum signal to noise ratio最佳信噪比
optimum signal to noise ratio最佳信号噪声比
optimum stripping ratio最佳剥比
optimum stripping ratio最佳剥采比
optimum width-depth ratio最佳宽深比
optional gear ratio选定传动比
overlap ratio重叠比
overlap ratio重合度
overshoot ratio尖头信号相对值
percent ratio error变比误差率
plasticity ratio塑性比
plot ratio分割比
population ratio粒子数比
potassium-adsorption ratio钾吸附比率
pristine/n-17 alkane ratio姥鲛烷/正十七烷
pristine/phytane ratio姥鲛烷/植烷
profitability ratio获利能力比率
public green area ratio公共绿地率
pulley ratio滑轮组倍率
pulsation ratio脉动节拍比
punctuality ratio of train moving列车运行正点率
punctuality ratio of train starting列车出发正点率
putrefaction ratio腐烂率
putrefaction ratio腐烂程度
quasi-ratio scale拟比率尺度
reactance resistance ratio电抗电阻比
reactivity ratio反应竞聚率
reactivity ratio反应率
recirculating ratio循环系数
release ratio释放比
release to birth ratio释放比
rentable space ratio出租面积比
rentable space ratio出租面积系数
rentable space ratio可出租面积系数
response ratio反应比
response ratio反应系数
returned sludge ratio污泥回流比
rib ratio支撑比例
rinsing ratio清洗倍率
risk assets ratio风险资产比率
risk ratio危险比
risk ratio率比
root top ratio地上地下比率
rotation speed ratio转速比
saturated humidity mixing ratio饱和湿度混合比
scale of ratios相称比例
scale of ratios比值标准
scale of ratios协调比例
scale ratio比例
scale ratio比尺
scale ratio标度比
scale ratio比例尺关系
scale ratio尺度比
scale-ratio mosaic拼接镶嵌图
scale ratio of roughness糙率比尺
self-financing ratio自筹资金比率
sensible heat ratio感热比
sensible heat ratio显热比
sinuosity ratio弯曲比
sinuosity ratio蜿蜒比
solvency ratios偿债能力比率
solvent oil ratio溶剂对油比
solvent support ratio溶剂载体比
solvent/liquid ratio溶剂与液体比
source contribution ratio污染源贡献率
source contribution ratio污染源排污物组分比率
speed length ratio速长比
speed ratio传动比
speed ratio速度比 (率)
speed ratio转速比
speed ratio control速率比控制
speed ratio controller速率比控制器
speed reducing ratio减速比
speed-height ratio速高比
spread ratio间距比 (率)
steady-state fuel conversion ratio稳态燃料转换比
steel area ratio配筋率
steel ratio含筋率
steel ratio钢筋比率
steel ratio含钢量
steel ratio含钢率
steel ratio钢筋百分比 (率)
steel ratio钢筋比 (率)
steel ratio of concrete钢筋混凝土含钢率
steel ratio of concrete钢筋百分比 (率)
steel ratio of concrete混凝土配筋比
steel ratio of concrete钢筋配筋比
steel to clinker ratio钢球熟料比
stiffness ratio刚性比
stiffness ratio刚度比 (例)
stiffness to density ratio刚度密度比
stiffness to weight ratio比刚度
stiffness to weight ratio刚度重量比
stripping ratio采剥比
swelling ratio膨胀比 (率)
tensile strength to weight ratio抗拉强度一重量比
thinning ratio稀释比 (率)
thixotropic ratio触变比
transfer current ratio转移电流比
transfer ratio传送比
transfer ratio传送系数
transfer voltage ratio转换电压比
transmission gear ratio齿轮减速比
transmission ratio传送比
transmission ratio传递比
transmission ratio速比
transmission ratio转速比
Trouton's ratio特鲁顿比值
turnover of ratio of accounts payable应付账款周转率
turnover ratio周转比率
turnover ratio of gross and net working capital运营资本总额及净额周转率
turnover ratio of receivable account应收账款周转率
turnover ratio of total operating assets运营资产总额周转率
two-to-one ratio二对一比率
ultimate void ratio极限孔隙比
unweighted signal-to-noise ratio不加权信噪比
unweighted signal-to-noise ratio未加权信噪比
up-link protection ratio上行线路保护率
vacancy ratio住房闲置率
vane ratio叶片比
variable compression ratio engine缩比发
variable expenses ratio变动成本比率
variable profit ratio变动利润比率
variable ratio可变比
variable ratio pantograph可变比例缩放仪
variable ratio reinforcement变比型强化
variable-ratio transformer可变比变压器
variance of deviation ratio偏差比的方差
variance of ratio estimate比率估计值的方差
variance ratio变化率
variance ratio方差比 (率)
variance-ratio distributionF 分布
variance-ratio distribution方差比分布
variance-ratio transformation方差比变换
variance-mean ratio方差平均值比率
velocity ratio潮流振幅比
velocity ratio
velocity ratio速度比 (率)
velocity ratio of the tides潮速比
velocity/height ratio速度高度比 (值)
vertical amplification ratio竖向放大比
vertical exaggeration ratio竖向放大比
vertical ratio analysis纵向比率分析
vertical retrace ratio垂直回描率
visibility ratio发光度
visual thermometry by estimating gas-liquid ratio目测气液比测温法
voltage feedback ratio电压反馈比
voltage-ratio method电压比值法
voltage-ratio regulation变压比调节
voltage-ratio type relay电压比式继电器
voltage standing wave ratio indicator电压驻波比指示器
voltage-turns ratio伏圈比
volume fissure ratio体积裂隙率
volume ratio体积比率
volume ratio容积比 (率)
volume ratio of truck to dipper车铲容积比
volume weight ratio体积重量比
volume-capacity ratio拥塞系数
volume-surface ratio体积与表面比
volume-to-surface-area ratio体积表面积比
wall ratio壁厚比
wall slenderness ratio墙体长细比
water air ratio气比
water depth-ship draft ratio吃水系数
water depth-ship draft ratio水深吃水比
water depth-to-ship draft ratio水深吃水比
water gypsum ratio水膏比
water ratio水灰比 (例)
water ratio冷却水与排气量之比
water ratio of concrete混凝土水灰比
water ratio theory水比理论
water requirement ratio of cement mortar水泥砂浆需水比
water void ratio水隙比
water-air ratio水气比
water-air-cement ratio水气灰比
water-bearing ratio curve method含水率曲线法
water-binder ratio水与结合料之比
water-binder ratio水胶比
water-binder ratio水和胶结料之比
water-binder ratio水与黏结料之比
water-cement ratio水灰比 (例)
water-cement ratio law水灰比定律
water-cement ratio of concrete混凝土的水灰比
water-cement ratio strength law水灰比强度定律
water-cement ratio theory水灰比理论
water-containing ratio含水率
water-gas ratio气水比
water-oil ratio curve method水油比曲线法
water-oil ratio in flooding注水油水比
water-plastic ratio水塑比
water-plasticity ratio水塑比
water-rock ratio水岩比值
water-solid ratio水料比
water-table ratio地下水水位比
water-table ratio水位比
water-to-cement ratio水灰比 (例)
water-to-earth ratio库容土方比
water-to-earth ratio蓄水量与挖方量之比
water-to-pelt ratio水与裸皮重量比
water-use ratio蒸腾率
water-use ratio用水比
weighted creep ratio加权蠕变比
wetted midship and canal area ratio断面比 (指船中水下面积与运河断面面积的比值)
Wiedemann-Franz ratio威德曼一弗朗兹比值
wood failure ratio木材破坏率
wood failure ratio木质破坏率
working capital ratio流动资金比率
working reduction ratio工作破碎比
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