
Terms for subject Economy containing rates | all forms | exact matches only
a basket of exchange rates一篮子汇率
a series of rates连续折扣率
accelerated rate of technical change技术变革的加速率
acceleration in the rates加快速度
acceptance rate票据现率
acceptance rate承兑利益
acceptance rate票据贴现率
accompanied by a stated rate公定年息
accounting rate会计汇
accounting rate of return会计收益报酬
additional rate增列运费率 (如超长、 超重、选港、改港等)
add-on rate附加利率
adjustable peg rate of exchange可调整的钉住汇率
adjustable pegged rate可调整的钉住外汇汇率
adjustable rate mortgage可调整利率抵押
adjustable-rate mortgage可调整利率抵押
adjustable rate mortgage可调利率按揭
adjustment of wage rates调整工资率
administered rate规定的费率
advertisement rates广告价格
advertising rates广告价格
airfreight rates航空货运费率
All workers of our company will benefit from our excellent rates of pay and our pension, life assurance and sickness benefit schemes我公司的全体工作人员将享受到优厚的薪水和养老金、人身保险和医疗福利
all-commodity rates各种货物运价表
alternative growth rates交替成长率
amortization rate分期偿还率
an actual rate实际汇率
an ad valorem rate of duty从价税率
an ordinary rate原费率
an ordinary rate普通价格
annual average rate of return年平均收益【盈利】率
annual average rate of return年平均盈利率
annual discount rate年贴现率
annual inflation rates年通货膨胀率
annual percentage rate of interest有效利率-
annual percentage rate of interest利息
annual rate method年率法
annual rate of increase年度增长率
annual rate of population increase人 口年增长率
annual rate of profit每年利润率
annual rate of return年度赢利率
annual rate of return年投资报酬率
annualized rate折算年率
application rate of overhead cost间接费或管理费分摊率
appropriate interest rate适当利率
appropriate population growth rate人 口适度增长率
arbitrated exchange rates裁定汇率
arbitrated rate of exchange汇兑率仲裁定价
as per original rates照原利率
assumed rate of interest假定利率
at all rates一定要
at all rates无论如何
At any rate please send up a full range of samples covering this commodity无论如何,请寄给我们这种商品的全套样品
average annual rate of growth年平均增长率
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行平均贷款和贴现订约利率
average freight rate assessment平均运费率估计值
average freight rate assessment平均运费估计额
average growth rate平均发展速度
average increase rate平均增长速度
average increasing rate平均递增率
average interest rate平均利率
average labour rate平均劳动率
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本的平均利润率
average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会总生产资金的平均利润率
average rate平均率
average rate平均汇率
average rate中间价
average rate平均税率
average rate of divided平均股息率
average rate of growth平均增长率
average rate of increase平均增长率
average rate of profit平均利润率
average social profit rate on funds社会平均资金利润率
bank charges and difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费和汇兑差额
banker's buying rate银行买进率
banker's rate银行汇价 (率)
bank's rates for customers银行对顾客收取的费率或汇价
basic depreciation rate基本折旧率
basic freight rate基本运费率
basic freight rate运费基价
basic freight rate基本交费率
basic freight rate per for sailing航运基价
basic freight rate per ton for a stay in port固定基价
basic freight rate per ton for a stay in port停泊基价
basic rate基础保险费率
basic rate基础费率
basic wage rate基本工资率
basic'wage rate基本工资率
basket of exchange rates一篮子汇率
berth cargo rate停埠船费率
berth rate轮船停泊费率
Bond collateral loans usually carry low rates债券抵押贷款的利率往往很低
book of rates税则
book of rates关税税率一览表
book of rates税率簿
British Bankers Association interest settlement rate英国银行业协会利息结算率
broken cross rates三边套汇一种不按标准期限,三种或多种汇率不成比例的外汇兑换率
ceiling exchange rate汇率上限
ceiling exchange rate汇率最高限
central bank rate中央银行贴现率
central birth rate中点的岀生率
central exchange rates中心汇率
central rate against ECU中心汇率对欧洲货币单位的比价
column 2 rates第 2 列税率
column 1 rates第 1 列税率
common rate商品分类运价
common rate常价
completive rate填载运费率
composite rates for interest综合利率
compound rates of return复报酬率
concessional rates of a loan优惠率
conference rate海运公会运价
conference rate班轮公会运价
consolidated freight rates混合装载货物运费率
constant growth rate固定成长率
constant known rate of demand恒定已知需求率
constant rate恒速的
constant rate固定的速率
constant rate比例不变
constant real rate实质的汇率
constant real rate不变的
consumption rate消费价格
consumption rate消费价格率
consumption rate消费率
consumption rate of interest消费值利率
control of interest rates利率控制
conversion process conversion rate换算率
conversion process conversion rate折合率
conversion rate本国币制和外国币制的兑换率
conversion rate折合率
conversion to higher rate of growth转换为较高的成长率
crude rate of increase总增长率
crude rate of increase原始增长率
current freight rate现行运价
current rate电〔气〕 流强度
current rate现行利率
current rate of interest现行利率
cut-off rate停止投资率
cut-off rate极限率
cut-off rate舍取率
cut-off rate of return最低预期回报率
daily rates日取费率
daily subsistance rates每日生活津贴率
debt/equity rate负债与自有资本比率
decrement rate减率
degressive freight rate递远递减运价
departmental hour rate部门时
departmental manufacturing overhead rate部门制造间接费用率
departmental overhead rate部门间接费用分摊率
departmental rate部门制造费用率
departmental rate of gross margin分部毛利率
deposit rates折扣率
deposit rates存款利率
depreciated implicit exchange rate暗中贬值的汇率
difference in exchange rate汇率差额
different proportional rates in different parts of the country分地区比例税制
differential birth rate差别出生率
differential piece rate差别计件率
differential piece rate system差别计件工资制
differential piece rate system差别计件工资率制度
differential rate差别比率
differential rate差别工资率
differential rate method差别比率法
differential rate method差别比例法
differential rate system差别工资率
differential system of multiple rate of exchange多数外汇制
diminish rates on cost method变率递减法
direct indirect quotation of exchange rate汇价直接或间接标价法
direct rate以本国货币标价直接汇率
discriminatory cross rate差别汇率
discriminatory exchange rate差別汇率
distance for charging freight rates货物计费里程
distance for charging freight rates计费里程
distress rates削价运费率
dollar rate美元兑换率
domestic rates英国对住宅征收的地方税
double rate declining balance depreciation双倍余额递减折旧法
dual exchange rate双轨汇率
dual exchange rate两价汇率
dual exchange rate system双重汇率制度
dual rate双重运费
dual rate system双重汇率制度
effective interest rates实际利率
effective interest rates有效利率
efficiency rate效率比
efficient rate of interest有效利率
eight-grade progressive rates levied on income in excess of specific amounts八级超额累进税
end-of-year rates of operation年终生产能力使用率
end-of-year rates of operation年终交易率
end-of-year rates of operation年终作业率
equality of rate of profit利润率均等
error rate误差率 (ratio, 比)
ex ante rates of return事前收益率
exemption of rates免税
ex-factory pass rate出厂合格率
expected rate of profit期望利润率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资收益报酬
expected rate of return on investment预计投资报酬率 (ROI)
external interest rate境外货币适用的利率
external rate of return外部收益率
factory overhead rate工厂间接费用分摊率
Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits不断下跌的汇率一直是企业利润亏损的引发因素
falling-rate-of-profit theory资本利率减少理论
farm wage rates农业工人工资率
federal fund rate联邦资金日折利率
filler cargo rate装填空余舱位货运费
final rate最后定价
fixed interest rates 9.5 percent per annum固定年率9.5%
fixing fares and rates限定票价和运价率
fixing rate成交运费率
flat rate比例税率
flat rate allowance统一运费率津贴
flat rate benefits单一比率养恤金
flat rate charged直接扣取利率利息
flat rate charged直接扣取利率法
flat-rate tax比例税
flat tax rate固定统一税率
floating interest rate浮动利寄
floating prime rate of interest浮动基本优惠利率
floating rate游动汇率
floating rate collateralized mortgage obligation浮动利率附带抵押债务
floating rate note浮动利率本票
fluctuation in the exchange rates of the principal currencies主要货币汇率波动
forward rate期货汇价
forward rate远期货价
forward rate远期汇
forward rate arrangement远期利率契约
forward rates远期汇价
forward rates远期汇率
fourteen-grade progressive rates十四级全额累进税
free rates自由率
freight or shipping rates运费
function of interest rate利率职能
function of the interest rate利率的功能
gas rate煤气费
general cargo rate普通货物运价
general cargo rates一般货物运费率
general cargo ULD rates集装箱运价
general cargo ULD rates空运集装箱运费率
general death rate总死亡率
general fertility rate妇女生育率
general rate总系数
general rate increase基本费率提高
general rate of profit一般利润率
general tariff rate一般税率
general tariff rate固定税率
general tariff rate普通税率
graduated rates累进税率
high date rate高额日工资
high piece rate system高级计件工资率制
high quality product rate优级品率
hire labour rate临时工工资率
homeowner vacancy rate房主房屋的闲置率
hourly rate计时工资率
hourly rates小时取费率
hourly rates小时费率
hourly wage rate每小时工资率
in and out rates进出差异费率
individual wage rate个别工资表
individual wage rate个别工资本
information rate信息速度
insured unemployment rate有保险之失业率
interbank market bid rate银行同业市场出价利率
investment rate投资增长速度
investment rate投资率
issue rate发放价
issue rate发放率
job vacancy rate职位空缺率
job vacancy rate职位定额率
joint rate不同公司联运费率
joint rate联运运费率
joint rate联运运价
joint rate共同价格
land rates陆上运输运价
law of diminishing rates of profit利润率递减法则
law of diminishing rates of profit利润率低下法则
layoff rate暂时解雇率
LCL rate包裹运费
level of interest rates利率水平
Lombard rate证券抵押贷款利率
Lombard rate伦巴德利率以易转换、易变现资产为抵押的贷款利率
Lombard rate证券抵押、短期放款利率
Madrid interbank bid rate马德里银行同业市场出价利率
Madrid interbank offered rate马德里银行同业市场贷出利率
manipulate the rates of exchange between the currencies操纵外汇价格
market rates of exchange effect实际市场汇率
maximum economic rate of production最高经济生产量
maximum efficient rate最大采收率
maximum income tax rate最高所得税率
maximum permissible rate美国政府限制产条例规定的最高允许产量
maximum permissive rate美国政府限制产条例规定的最高允许产量
maximum rate最高率
maximum recovery rate最大复得率
maximum recovery rate最大回收复得
mean annual rate平均年度指数
mean annual rate每年平均速率
mean arrival rate平均到达率
measure rate按次计费率
measured day rate测定的日给率
mobility rate人口流动率
mobility rate人口 流动率
monetary market rates金融市场率
money market rates金融市场比率
money rates利息
most favored nation tariff rates最惠国关税税率
most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation tariff rates最惠国关税率
multiple exchange rate多种汇价
multiple exchange rate多元汇价
multiple exchange rate system多元汇率制
multiple exchange rates多种汇率
multiple internal rates多重内在率
multiple piece rate system多数计件工资制
multiple piece rate system多种计件工资制
multiple rate of exchange多元汇率
multiple rate of exchange复式汇率
multiple rate system of exchange control复式汇率外汇管理制度
multiple rates多元汇率制度
multiple rates of exchange system多元汇率制度
multiple time rate plan多样的时间工资计划
multiple time rate system多样的按时间计算工资制
name the rate规定比例
named cargo rate列名货物运输费用
natural growth rate自然增长率
natural growth rate of population人口自然增长率
natural increase rate人口自然增长率
natural increase rate人口自然增长率
natural population growth rate人口自然增长率
natural rate of growth自然增长速度
natural rate of growth自然生产率
natural rate of growth正常增长率
natural rate of increase自然增加率
natural rate of interest正常利率
natural rate of wages工资自然率
negative rate of interest负利率
net benefit rate投资净效益率
net premium rate费率
net profit share rate净利分享率
net reproduction rate净繁殖率
net reproduction rate人口净再生产率
net reproduction rate净再繁殖率
net turnover rate净流动率
net turnover rate净周转率
nominal interest rates虚利率
nominal interest rates名义利率
nominal rate名义率名义利率,名义汇率
normal overhead rates正常费用
normal overhead rates正常费用分摊率
ocean freight rate远洋运输率
offered rate贷款利率
official discount rate法定折扣率 (贴现率)
official minimum rate公定最低行市 (汇价)
official minimum rate官方最低利率
official minimum rate法定官方最低利率
official minimum rate法定最少利率
official rate of exchange官定外汇率
offtake rate of food aid食品援助发放率
open freight rates待协商的运费率
open freight rates随时让价
open freight rates自由运费率
opportunity interest rate机会【代替】利率
optimum rate最适度利率
optimum rate of capital formation资本形成的最适当的速率
optimum rate of capital formation最佳的资本形成率
optimum rate of interest最适当利率
ordinary rate普通价格原费率
ordinary rate of profit普通利润率
overflow rate过剩率
participation rate参与率
particular commodity rate特定货物运率
particular commodity rate特定货物费率
pattern of exchange rate汇率格局
pattern of interest rates模式利率美政府债券
pattern of interest rates利率模式
performance-based rates基于性能的速率
piece rates单价
piece rates计件工价
piece rates计件工资率
poor rate济贫税
population growth rate人口增加率
postal rates邮资
preferred operating rate优先开口率
preferred operating rate优选开工率
preferred-stock-dividend-coverage rate优先股股息保偿率
premium rate外汇升水率
premium rate外汇 升水率
premium rate保险费率
profitability rate可盈利率
protection against abuse of treaty with holding rates反对滥用税收协定规定的预提税率
rates of pay不同的工资
Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准
recordable injury rate可记录伤害率
recovery rate回采率
recovery rate回采
recovery rate of investment in fixed assets固定资产投资回收率
reduction in lending rates放款率下降
reduction of rates降低费率
reflowing turnover rate逆周转率
regulated interest rates管制所率
reinvestment rate of return再投资报酬率
rental rate租金率
rental vacancy rate出租房屋的闲置
repayment rate偿还率
representative rates of exchange代理性汇率
required freight rate要求的运费率
required rate of return应得的收益率
required rate of return应得的报酬率
reserve storage rate贵重货物特别储藏费率
risk adjusted discount rate按风险订的贴现率
risk allowance in rate of return计算收益报酬率的风险
risk free rate无风险报酬
risk free rate无风险利率
risk-adjusted discount rates按风险调整的贴现率
risk-adjusted interest rate按风险调整的利率
royalty rate产地使用率费
scale of rates邮资级别
scale of rates运费表
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应付所得平均税表
schedule of rates费率一览表
schedule of rates单价表
seasonally adjusted annual rate季节调整年率
set interest rate固定利率
set rate of interest固定利率
short-term interest rates短期利率
single factor through rate单一直达运费
single party rate of agricultural and industrial products农业品与工业品的单项比价
single rate for entire factory单一分配率
single-rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管理制度
single wage rate for job单一职务工资率
social discount rate社会因素贴现率
social discount rate社会贴现率
social rate of discount社会折现率贴现率
social surplus rate of return社会盈益率
stabilization of exchange rate汇率稳定
stable exchange rates稳定的汇率
statics rates静止率
statutory tax rates法定税率
steady growth rate in equilibrium均衡成长率
structure of interest rates利率的结构
supplemental rate增补率
swings of growth rate增长率波动
target growth rate指标增长比率
target profit rate预定利润率
target rate of growth目标增长率.
target rate-of-return pricing按目标利润率定价
target-rate-of-return pricing目标收益率价格设立
tariff compensatory concession rate补偿性关税优惠税率
tariff concession rate关税减让率
tariff rate quota关税率配额简写为TRQ
tariff rate quota关税配额
tax bearing rate税负率
taxation according to fixed rates按固定税率课征
taxation system based on progressive rates金额累进税制
telegraph rates电报费表
temporary rate暂时定额
temporary rate暂时比率
The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates上面所规定的附加费用是根据运费率来计算的
the fork of rates运价率的剪刀差
The Great Britain has withdrawn from the financial market of EEC in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of exchange rates由于兑换率趋势的突然转变,英国已退出欧共体金融市场
The owner is looking to get cash out of the firm at favorable tax rates业主想以优惠税率从公司提取现金
the pattern of interest rates利率模式
the reasonableness of rates运价费率的合理性
the short period premium rates短期保险费率
the spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率间的差幅
the uncertainty of exchange rates汇兑行市的不稳定性
third rate goods劣等货
trade-off risk and rate of return风险与报酬率比较
trade-weighted revaluation rate贸易加权重估率
treasury bill rate国库债券率
turnover rate周转率
turnover rate of commodities商品周转率
turnover rate of funds资金周转次数
two-tier exchange rate双价汇率
usurious rates of interest高利率
utility rates公用事业费率
vacancy rate出租住房空闲率 (in rental housing)
vacancy rate闲置率 (in rental housing)
vacancy rate出缺率
vacancy rate房屋闲置率
vacancy rate in rental housing出租住房空闲率
variable exchange rate system自由浮动汇率制度
variable interest rate可变利率
variable interest rate浮动利率
variable rate比例变动
variable rate变动率
variable rate易变汇率
variable-rate loan可变利率的贷款
variable rate mortgage可变利率抵押
variable rate mortgages可变利率抵押
variable-rate pricing可变利率作价
voluntary maximum limit of money rates自动规定的最高利息
wastage rate损耗率
wastage rate废品率
water rate自来水费
weighted average effective interest rate加权平均实际利率
windfall profit trade rate暴利贸易率
withholding tax rate预提率
worker's rates工资等级
yield rate生利率 (指股票债券所生利益)
zone rate system定率法
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