
Terms for subject Construction containing rates | all forms
chance rate机遇率
colour-sequence rate换色
constant-rate-of-strain test常应变率试验
constant-data-rate system恒速数据传输系统
flat demand rate定额收费制
mass-flow rate perturbation质量-流量扰动
power rate产电率
power rate电力费率
power rate电能率
pulse-rate multiplication脉冲重复倍频〔频率倍增〕
pulse-rate multiplication重复脉冲倍频
rate of discharge流量〔速,率〕
rate of information throughput信息传送速度
rate of percolation滤速
rate-of-turn record转速记录器
rate response速率〔导数〕响应
rate response仪器惯性
rate response微商作用
repetition-rate divider重复频率分频器
slow rate of curvature缓和的曲率变化率
space rate of change随方向而变化的速率
space rate of change对空间坐标的导数
true growth rate真〔瞬时〕生长率
two rate register双价电度累计装置
velocity rate天线缩短率天线实际长度对电长度之比
warble rate调频度