
Terms for subject Business containing rates | all forms | exact matches only
a series of rates连续费率
accelerated rate of technical change技术变革加速率
acceptance failure rate验收故障率
acceptance rate承兑贴现率
accountant's rate of return会计报酬率
accounting rate会计比率 (ratio)
accounting rate of interest核算利息率
accumulated depreciation rate累计折旧率
accumulated earnings rate累计收益率
active rate有效率
active rate活动率
added social national income rate附加社会国民收入率
added social net income rate附加社会纯收入率
added social net output rate附加社会净产出率
additional freight rate附加运费率
additional rate追加税率
additional rates附加费
adjusted mortality rate已调整死亡率
adjusted rate of freight已调运费率
adjusted rate of interest已调利率
adjusted rate of return调整后报酬率
adjusted rate of return method调后报酬率法
adjustment tax with different rates for different enterprises一户一率调节税
administered rate管制汇率
administered rates约定费率
advertisement rates广告费
agricultural growth rate农业增长率
annual percentage rate年百分率
annual percentage rate年百分比
annual rate of growth年增长率
annual rate of investment年投资率
annual rate of population increase人口年增长率
annual rate of profit年利润率
annual rate of return年盈利率
annuity option rate年金选择保险费率
appropriate interest rate合理利率
appropriate rate of economic growth适当经济增长率
appropriate rate of exchange合理汇率
appropriate rate of interest合理利率
appropriate rate of tax合理税率
arbitrated exchange rate武断汇率指在外汇管制下政府决定的汇率
arbitrated rate裁定汇率
arbitrated rate套汇汇率
arranged rate协议费率
as per original rates根据原保险费率
assessment rate of collateral担保品估价率
assumed growth rate假定增长率
assumed interest rate设定利率
assumed mortality rate预计死亡率
at favourable rates按优惠利率
available rate有效率
average annual growth rate年均增长率
average annual rate of growth年均增长率
average annual rate of growth by commodity classes and by regions按商品大类和地区分列的年均增长率
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts约定平均贷款和贴现利率
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行约定平均贷款和贴现利率
average data transfer rate平均数据传输率
average discount rate on treasury bills国库券平均贴现率
average freight rate assessment平均运费率估计
average freight rate assessment平均运费率估什值
average historical rate平均历史汇率
average of the market rate of exchange in effect市场实际平均汇率
average of the market rate of exchange in effect during each month每月市场实际平均汇率
average profit rate of society社会平均利润率
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本平均利润率
average profit rate of the total stock of productive social capital社会生产资金平均利润率
average rate平均价
average rate平均收费率
average rate平均保费率
average rate of growth平均增产率
average rate of inflation平均通货膨胀率
average rate of profit on capital资本平均利润率
average rate of profit on investment平均投资利润率
average rate of return on capital平均资本报酬率
average rate of return on investment平均投资报酬率
average realized rate of return平均实际收益率
average response rate平均答复率
average return rate平均收益率
average social profit rate平均社会利润率
average social profit rate on capital平均社会资本利润率
average social profit rate on funds平均社会资金利润率
average social profit rate on investment平均社会投资利润率
average social rate on wages平均社会工资盈利率
average social return rate on investment平均社会投资报酬率
average turnaround rate平均周转率
average turnaround rate of rolling stock车辆平均周转率
average turnover rate平均周转率
average turnover rate of funds资金平均周转率
average weighted tariff rate加权平均关税率
bank charge and difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费和汇兑差额
bank charges & difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费及汇率差额
bankers buying rate买价
banker's buying rate银行买价即银行买进外汇的牌价
bankers buying rate银行买入汇率
banker's call rate银行活期贷款利率
banker's call rate要求各行报告贴现率通知
banker's rate银行贴现率
banker's rate银行利率
banker's rate银行规定的贴现率
banker's rate银行汇价汇率
banker's selling rate卖价
banknote buying rate银行现钞买入价
banknote selling rate银行现钞卖出价
bank's rates银行同业汇价
bank's rates for customers银行对顾客收取的费率
basic depreciation rate of fixed asset固定资产基本折旧率
basic error rate基本差错率
basic exchange rate基本汇率
basic freight rate per ton for sailing航运基价
basic piece rate基本计件工资率
basic rate标准费率
basic rate基率
basic rate基本费率
basic service rate基本服务费
basic service rate additional额外基本服务费
basket of exchange rates一揽子汇率
basket of exchange rates—篮子汇率
basket of exchange rates in SDR特别提款一揽子汇价
berth cargo rate停埠船运费率一般低于正常运费率
berth freight rate停埠船运费率
berth rates班轮费率
berth rates班轮运费率
berth rates停埠货物运费率
bill rate票据贴现率
biological interest rate生物利率
biserial rate of correlation双列相关比率
book of rates费率一览表
book of rates关税税率表
bottom rate最低费率
bound rate约束税率指受协议约束的关税税率
bound rate of duty约束税率
break in cross rate套算汇率差距
break in cross rate套算汇率间差距
burden rates装载量定额
burden rates负荷率
calendar operating rate of rolling mills轧钢机日历作业率
capitalizing rate资本还原率
cargo liner freight rate货运班轮运费率
cargo liner freight rate货运班轮运费率
carry rate运费率
carry-over of rate转期利率
catastrophic failure rate突发故障率
central bank rate中央银行利率
central birth rate中点出生率
central exchange rate中央汇率
central rate中心汇率
central rate against ECU中心汇率对欧洲货币单位比价
certain rate确定汇率
chance rate几率
change in tax rates税率变更
character error rate错符率
classification of freight rate运价表
classification of freight rate货运运价等级
classification rates分级费率
collection of rates征收地方税
common rate普通价格
completive rate填载运费
conversion rate折换率
conversion rate clause折算率条款
convertible rate兑换率
critical claim rate临界损失费率
current effective interest rate通用有效利率
current freight rate现行运费率
current fund employment rate流动资金占用率
current fund turnover rate流动基金周转率
current market rate现行市场汇价
current rate method时价法
current rate method当日汇率法
cut-off rate of return投资收益中断率
cut-off rate of return报酬舍弃率
cut-off rate of return报酬中止率
decline of real growth rate实际增长率下降
degressive tax rates递减税率
departmental overhead rate部门间接费用率
departmental rate部门费用率
departmental rate部门制造费用率
difference in rate of exchange汇率差
differential peace-rate差别计件工资
differential piece rate差别计件工资
differential piece rate plan差别计件工资制
differential piece rate system差别计件制
differential rate system差额工资率
differential rates差别费率
differential time rate plan定额差别工资制
diffusion rate普及率
direct labor hour basis for manufacturing overhead rate制造费用率的直接工时法
direct labour rate直接人工工资率
direct material cost percentage rate直接原料成本百分比
direct quotation of exchange rate汇率直接标价
direct rate直接汇率即外币与本国货币的兑换率
discretionary exchang rate差另汇率
discriminating rates差别费率
discriminatory cross-rate差另汇率
discriminatory cross-rates差别套汇率
discriminatory exchange rate歧视性汇率
dispersion of inflation rate通货膨胀率的离差
distress rate削价运费率
distress rate低价运费率
divergence in inflation rate通货膨胀率偏差
dollar rate美元汇率
double rate复税税率
dual rate双重汇率即按不同结算性质,实行固定汇率或浮动汇率
dual rate system双重汇率制
electricity rates电费费率
employee turnover rate职工流动率
entry at a reduced rate减税进口
equal rates of change等变化费率
establish and implement rates规章制定与实施比率
evening-out of exchange rates平衡兑换率
ex ante rate of returns计划投资报酬率
ex post rate of returns事后报酬率
exceptional rate特殊费率
excursion at reduced rates优待旅行车船票减价从优
expected arrival rate预期到达率
expected growth rate of earnings and dividends盈利和股息预期增长率
expected interest rate期望利率
expected rate期望率
expected rate of interest期望利率
expected rate of return期望收益率
expected rate of return on investment期望投资收益率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资收益率
expected service rate期望服务率
experience rate经验费率
experience rates经验费率即凭经验计算费率
external rate外在利率指在计算借贷外在通货时所用的利率
factory overhead burden rate制造费用分配率
factory overhead expense rate制造费用分配率
factory overhead rate制造间接费用分摊率
fail at a rate在一定速率时失效
fail rate故障率
falling tendency of the rate of profit利润率下降趋势
flash rate统一收费率
flat rate统一利息率
flat rate tariff定额关税
flat rate tariff电费单位定额收费率
floating exchange rate浮动汇率即汇率随市场供应情况自由涨跌
floating exchange rate system浮动汇率制
floating prime rate of interest浮动基本利率商业贷款基本利率
floating rate CDs浮动利率存单
floating rate certificate of deposit浮动利率存款单
floating rate notes浮动利率票据
foreign exchange rates in selected countries外汇货币对美元换算率
forward exchange rate期货汇率
forward exchange rate远期汇率即买卖远期外汇的汇率
forward rate arrangement运期利率契约
forward rate of exchange远期汇率
free in and out freight rates船方不负担装卸的运费率
free rates自由兑换率
function of interest rate利率功能
general birth rate总出生率
general cargo rate普通货物运费率
general cargo rate普通货运费率
general freight rate普通运价
general inflation rate一般通货膨胀率
general rate适用率
generation rate发生率
High Data Rate Storage Subsystem高速数据存储系统
high day rate高日工资
high interest rates高利率
high piece rate system高计件工资率制
high progressive tax rates高累进税率
high quality product rate优质品率
hourly rate小时工资率
hourly wage rate时工资率
in-and-out rates短期结算费率
incentive pay rate奖金率
index of exchange rates汇价指数
index of industrial operating rates工业开工率指数
indicator of premium rate保险费率指标
indicator of utilization rate of fixed asset固定资产利用率指标
indicator of utilization rate of machine-hour台时利用率指标
indirect quotation of exchange rates汇价间接标价法
inefficiency rate无效率
inelastic premium rate无弹性保险费率
inhibit excessively high interest rate平抑过高利率
insured unemployment rate有保险的失业率
interbank exchange rate银行同业汇率
interbank offer rate银行间拆放利率
interbank offered rate银行同业拆息率
interbank rate银行业利率
intrinsic growth rate固有增长率
intrinsic rate of nature increase内在的自然增长率
job rates工作定额
joint cost theory of rates共同生产成本理论
joint reproduction rate联合再生产率
joint through rate全线通用运费率
kilometrage for charging rates运价里程
land rate陆上运费率运价
land rates陆运费率
land use rate土地利用率
law of diminishing rates of profit利润率递减律
layoff rate解雇率
LCL rate并装运费率
lead rate额外报酬
lessee's incremental borrowing rate承租方增支借款利率
levelling of rates of profit利率相等
liberalization of interest rates放宽利率限制
limitless floating rate note无限期浮动利率本票
listed Renminbi rate of exchange人民币外汇牌价
load rate装货速度
load rate of equipment intensity设备强度负荷率
load rate of equipment operation设备时间负荷率
loaning rate on stock股票抵押贷款利率
locking in a rate锁住汇率
manual rate手工费率
marginal rates of substitution for resources资源边际替代率
mark up rate提价率
market rates of exchange to the US dollar按市场汇率换算为美元
material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates制造费用率的材料成本法
maximum limit for interest rates利率最高限度
member rate会员费率
member rate航运公会订出的会员运费率
merchant's exchange rate商人汇率
Minnesota rate of manipulation test明尼苏达操纵速度测验
mismatch floating rate note不对称浮动利率本票
mixing rate混合费率
mobility rate迁移率
monetary market rate金融市场率
most favoured national tariff rates最惠国关税率
movable exchange rate可变汇率
movable rate可变汇价
MT rate信汇汇率
multiple exchange rate复式汇率
multiple exchange rate多元汇率
multiple exchange rate system复汇率制
multiple interest rate复利率
multiple interest rate problem复利率问题
multiple interest rate system复利率制
multiple official exchange rate复汇率
multiple official exchange rate system复汇率制
multiple piece rate system复式多种计件工资制
multiple rate多种汇价
multiple rate of exchange复汇率
multiple rate of exchange多元汇率指因实行外汇管制,买卖同一外币,依目的不同采取的不同汇率
multiple rate system of exchange control复汇率外汇管制制度
multiple time rate system多种计时工资制
multiple time rate system多样计时工资制
named cargo rate列名货物运费率
narrow margins of exchange rate缩小汇率变动幅度
negotiate wage rate商订工资率
negotiated commission rate协商佣金率
net profit rate on investment投资纯利率
net profit rate to investment投资纯利率
net profit rate to operation营业纯利率
net rate of tax纯税率
net use rate净使用率
net utilized rate净利用率
nominal growth rate名义增长率
nominal interest rate标定利率
nominal rate名义汇率利率
nominal rate挂牌汇率利率
nominal rate of discount名义贴现率
nonmember rate非会员费率
normal overhead rates正常分摊率
occupied rate of current capital流动资金占有率
offered rate提出率
official minimum rate定最低利率
official rate法定利率费率
opportunity interest rate替代利率
optimum rate of interest最佳利率
optimum rate of interest最适度的利率
optimum rate of utilization最佳利用率
optimum utilization rate最佳利用率
own rates of interest本身利率
particular commodity rate特定货物运价
pattern of exchange rate汇率典型
pattern of exchange rate汇率类型
pegged exchange rate钉住汇率
pegged exchange rate稳定的汇率
pegged exchange rate system固定汇价制度
pegged rate钉住汇率
planned growth rate计划增长率
plant utilization rate工厂设备利用率
premium rate保费率
premium rate外汇溢价升水
premium rate of exchange升水汇率
premium rate of exchange贴水汇率溢价外汇
premium wage on piece rate计件超额工资
quasi-fixed exchange rate system拟固定汇率制
quotation of exchange rate外汇牌价
rates for oversea telegrams国际电报价目表
rates of capacity utilization开工率
rates rebate退款率
rates rebate地方税减免折扣率
rates relief地方税减免
rates relief免税
recognized rate of exchange认可的汇率
reduction of rates费率降低
remittance rate汇款费率
remittance rates汇款汇率
replenishment rate补充率
required rate of return应得报酬率
required rate of return股东应得收益率
risk allowance in rate of return计算收益报酬率的风险因素
risk-adjusted discount rate按风险调整贴现率
risk-free rate无风险贴现率
saving deposit rate储蓄存款利率
saving rate节约比例
savings and interest rate储蓄与利率
savings rate储蓄率
scale of rates运价率表
scale of rates applied per consignment货物每批运价表
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应税所得平均税率表
schedule of turnover rate of circulating fund流动资金周转率计算表
schedule rate费率计算表
seasonally adjusted annual rate季节性调整年度费率
sectoral rate of consumption部门消费率
sectoral rate of investment部门投资率
self-balancing act of exchange rate汇率自动平衡作用
self-sufficiency rate自足率
self-supply rate自给率
ship's turnover rate平均航次周转率
single factor through rate单一因素联运费率指海陆空联运中,不论运途中使用哪一种运输形式,如船运、火车运输或空运,均以某基准因素为准,使用某一运费率,例如按一个 20 英尺货柜收费 2000 美元等
single official exchange rate system单一官方汇率制
single rate for enterprise企业单一分配率
sinking fund rate偿债基金利率
Smithsonian rate史密森汇率
social surplus rate社会收益率
specified rate规定比例
specified rate约定额
spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率差幅
statutory rate of duty法定税率
steady growth rate均衡增长率
steady growth rate in equilibrium均衡增长率
steady rate of growth均衡增长率
stress failure rate curve应力失效率曲线
structure of interest rates利率结构
structure of wage rates工资率结构
subsidy pro rates按比例补贴
substitution rates替代率
swing of growth rate增长率摆动
tale quale rate现状汇率
taper freight rates分等级的运费
target failure rate目标故障率
target rate of return目标收益率
target-rate-of-return pricing按目标利润率定价
tariff-rate quota税率限额
tariff-rate quota税率配额
technical marginal rate of substitution技术边际替代率
term structure of interest rates利率期限
terminal rate of return最终报酬率
theory of term structure of interest rates利率期限结构理论
third rate三流的
third rate cargo三等品
third rate goods三等品
time/volume rates时间/货量运费率
to be taxed at full rates按全率课征
tourism income multiplier rate旅游收入增殖率
trade-off between risk and rate of return风险与报酬率比较
trade-weighted index of exchange rates贸易权汇率指数
tramp shipping freight rate不定期货船运费率
triple rates system三重运价制
turnover rate of capital资本周转率
turnover rate of current capital流动资本周转率
turnover rate of receivables应收账款周转率
turnover rate of whole circulating fund全部流动资金周转率
turnround rate周转时间
two-tier exchange rate双重汇率指固定汇率与浮动汇率并存
two-tier exchange rate market双重汇率市场
two-tier foreign exchange rate双重外汇率
undamaged rate完好率
unreasonable interest rate不合理利率
upper and lower limit of official rate of exchange官方汇率上下限指一国货币兑换外国货币的官定比率
upper and lower limits of exchange rate汇率波动上下限
upper critical failure rate上限故障率
upper limit rate上限定额
up-time rate设备时间利用率
usage rate使用率
utility rates利用率
utility rates效用比例
vacancy rate旅馆空位率
value for the purpose of assessing rate征税估值
variable exchange-rate system自由浮动汇率制度
variable interst rate可变利率
variable rate CDs变动利率定期存单
variable rate gilts变动利率金边证券
variable-rate gilts可变利率金边证券即英国一种利率随国库券利率变动的金边证券
variable-rate loan可变利率贷款即浮息贷款
variable rate mortgage可变利率抵押贷款
variable-rate mortgage可变利率抵押贷款
variable service rate可变使用率
warehouse charge rate仓储费率
water vapor transmission rate水蒸气透过率
weighted assessment of freight rate运价加权计算数
withholding tax rate预扣税所得税税率
worker-hour rate工时率
working capital turnover rate流动资本周转率
zero rates of duty零税率
zonal rate分区运价率
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