
Terms for subject Technology containing rates | all forms | exact matches only
accomplishment rate of working efficiency工作效率完成率
accumulation rate积累率
accumulation rate累积率
accumulation rate堆积
accumulation rate增长率 (冰川)
accumulation rate积聚率
accumulation rate频度累积率
accumulation rate of organic matter有机质堆积速率
accumulation rate of sediment沉积物堆积速率
accumulation rate of wave train波列累积率
accurate rate精密度
addition rate掺和率
adsorption rate吸附
adsorption rate吸收
adsorption rate constant吸附速率常数
adsorption rate theory吸附速率理论
agreement water rate协议水费
agricultural soil loss rate农业土壤流失率
aluminium rate铝率
aluminum rate铝率
annual average rate of increase平均年增长率
annual compositive depreciation rate年综合折旧率
annual depletion rate年退水量
annual depletion rate年亏耗量 (地下水)
annual depreciation rate年折旧率
annual dose-rate年剂量率
annual erosion rate年土壤流失率
annual growth rate年生长率
annual increase rate年增长率
annual inflation rate通货膨胀年率
annual percentage rate年百分利率
annual rate周年变化率
annual rate of change周年变化率
annual rate of deposition年沉积速率
annual rate of deposition年淤积率
annual utilization rate年利用率
annual variation rate年变率
appropriate accumulation rate适度积累率
arbitrated exchange rate比例外汇汇率
arbitrated exchange rate裁定汇兑比例价
arbitrated exchange rate裁定汇率
arbitrated interest rate裁定利率
arbitrated rate of exchange裁定汇兑比例价
arbitrated rate of exchange比例外汇汇率
arbitrated rate of exchange汇兑比例价
area of flow rate diagram流率图面积
ash absorption rate灰吸收率
ash production rate of coal煤的灰分产率
automatic dose rate controlled X-ray unit剂量自动控制 X 线机
automatic rate-and-price indicator估价及价值自动指示器
automatic rate-and-price indicator自动估价及价值指示器
automatic rate-price indicator自动估价及价值指示器
automatic rate-price indicator估价及价值自动指示器
average acceleration rate平均加速度率
average annual rate of earthquake occurrence年平均发震率
average annual sedimentation rate平均年沉积率
average annual trip rate of inhabitant居民年平均出行率
average cost profit rate平均成本利润率
average daily cargo handling rate per ship in operation船舶平均作业艘天装卸量
average daily cargo handling rate per ship in port船舶平均在港艘天装卸量
average data transfer rate平均数据传输速度
average discount rate平均贴现率
average error rate平均出错率
average flow rate平均流率
average flow rate of carrier gas载气平均流速
average freight rate assessment运费平均估计
average freight rate assessment运率平均运价
average freight rate assessment评定平均运费率
average infiltration rate平均入渗速率
average information rate平均信息率
average interest rate on total contracted平均订约利率
average labor rate平均工资率
average life rate平均生长率
average money wage rate平均货币工资率
average overall rate平均总速率
average penetration rate平均机械钻速
average person trip rate人均出行率
average profit rate平均利润率
average profit rate on funds平均资金利润率
average rate平均速度
average rate时价率
average rate平均保险费率
average rate平均速率
average rate of convergence平均收敛速度
average rate of decrease平均降低率
average rate of increase平均递增率
average rate of irrigation平均灌溉率
average rate of profit on investment平均资金利润率
average rate of progressive increase平均递增率
average rate of sediment discharge平均输沙率
average rate of tax平均税率
average recovery rate平均回收率
average response rate平均回答率
average revenue rate method平均收入率法
average revenue rate of freight traffic货运平均收入率
average revenue rate of passenger traffic客运平均收入率
average runoff rate平均径流率
average sewage rate per day平均日污水量
average subsidence rate平均沉降速率
average tax rate平均税率
average transfer rate平均传导率
average transfer rate平均传输率
average transfer rate平均输送率
average transmission rate平均传导率
average transmission rate平均输送率
average wage rate平均工资率
average wear rate平均磨损率
background counting rate本底计数率
balancing rate平衡速率
basic depreciation rate of fixed assets固定资产基本折旧
basic freight rate per ton for a stay in port吨停泊基价
basic freight rate per ton for sailing吨航行基价
basic intake rate基本渗吸率
basic intake rate基本吸入速率
basic pulse recurrence rate基本脉冲重复频率
basic pulse repetition rate基本脉冲重复频率
basic pulse repetition rate基准脉冲重复频率
basic rate基本费额
basic rate基本比率
basic rate基本单价
basic return rate基准收益率
basic service rate基本服务费率
baud rate波特比
baud rate factor波特速率系数
bazaar bill rate商场证券利率
bid and offered rates出价和报价利率
biological loading rate生物负荷率
biological oxygen demand removal rate生物需氧量去除率
blow rate吹胀速度
boring rate钻探进度
boring rate钻孔速率
bound rates of duty受约束税率
breakage rate of raw sheet原板破损率
break-in cross rates套算汇率差距
burst rate猝发速率
carry rates运输费率
carrying rate载畜量
chance rate概率
changing rate of separation zone分离带变化率
character rate字符传输率
class rates等级运价率
clock rate同步脉冲重复频率
clock rate时钟日差
clock rate时标速率
clock rate时钟速率
clock rate钟频
clock repetition rate时钟脉冲重复频率
collision rate碰撞速率
collision theory of reaction rate反应速率碰撞理论
communication interruption rate通信中断率
competitive rates有竞争能力的费率
competitive rates竞争性费率
compound rates of return报酬率
consumption increase rate消费增长率
consumption rate耗电率
consumption rate of electrodes电极消耗比
convergence rate收敛速率
conversion rate折算率
conversion rate转化速度
conversion rate of food饵料系数
convertible floating rate note可转换浮动利率本票
cool-down rate冷却速率
cool-down rate冷却速度
creep rate蠕动速率
creep rate蠕变
creep rate徐变速度
creep rate徐变应变速度
creep rate爬坡速率
creep rate徐变速率
creep rate-time plot蠕变率时间图
critical break rate临界破损率
critical cooling rate临界冷却速度
critical energy release rate临界能量释放率
critical growth rate临界生长速率
critical lapse rate临界衰减率
critical lapse rate临界直减率
critical leaching rate临界渗出率
critical pump rate临界泵抽水率
critical quenching rate临界淬火速度
critical rate临界
critical rate of salinity decrease临界盐度降低率
critical sampling rate临界抽样率
critical solidification rate临界凝固速度
critical strain energy release rate临界应变能释放率
cut rate减费
cut rate减价
cut-in rates费率降低
cut-off rate舍弃回收率
cut-off rate允许最低回收率
cut-off rate of return报酬的舍弃率
cutting rate机械钻谏
cutting rate刻纹速率
cutting rate切削率
cuttings returning rate岩屑上返速度
deck cargo rates甲板货运费率
decline of real growth rate实际增长水平下降
decline rate衰退速度
decline-rate filtration减速过滤
deposite interest rate存款利率
deposite rate存款利率
deposite rate沉积速度
deposite rate沉积速率
desorption rate脱附速率
deviation changing rate井斜变化率
differential absorption rate微分吸收率
differential piece-rate system分等计件工资制
differential piece-rate system差别计件工资率制度
differential rate特价
differential rate差别运价率
differential reaction rate微分反应速度
diffusion-control led reaction rate受控扩散反应速率
discriminatory across-rates差别套汇率
distress rates低价运费率
double fee rate双费率
double rate双率计
dredger's production rate挖泥船生产率
economizing rate of exploration expenses地勘费用节约率
effective marginal tax rates实际边际税率
electric rate schedule电力价目表
electrical rate schedule电力价目表
elliptic rate椭圆率
elliptical rate椭圆率
equalization of profit rates利润率平均化
equalization of profit rates on capital资本利润率平均化
equipment charge out rates施工机械台时费
excess of rates超额收费
expanded rate膨胀率
expanding rate膨胀度
expected internal rate of return期望值内部益率
expected rate of overtopping预计满顶流量
expected rate of profit预期利润率
expected rate of return预期报酬率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资回收率
extended application rate延长应用率
external interest rate境外货适用的利率
Federal Fund Rate联邦资金利率 (美国)
filtering rate
filtering rate滤波速率
filtering rate过滤速率
final evaporation rate最终挥发速率
final evapouration rate最终挥发速率
fix rates确定费率
fixture-unit flow rate卫生设备单位流率
fluctuation in wage rates工资浮动
forward exchange rate期汇汇率
forward rate期货价 (格)
grades of tax rates税率等级
graduated tax rates分级税率
grate burning rate炉排热强度
grate release rate炉排热强度
greatest difference of rates最大位差
greatest variation of rates最大日较差
groundwater consumption rate地下水消耗量
groundwater flow-rate地下水流量
heavy and lengthy rates特重特长运费率
hold-up rate扬料率
hourly growth rate时增值率
hourly growth rate小时增值率
hourly loss rate每小时损失率
hourly loss rate时损率
hourly loss rate小时损失率
hourly machine rate机器每小时生产率
hourly rate小时费率
hourly rate of discharge时流量
hourly rate wage plan小时固定工资率计划
hourly wages rate小时工资率
hourly wages rate计时工资率
hydration rate水合率
hydration rate水化率
hydroacoustic rate水声率
hydroacoustical rate水声率
icing-rate meter积冰速率表
impingement rate冲击率
in-and-out rates内外差异费率
in-and-out rates进出费率
income tax rates table所得税税率表
increase in rates费率升高
insured unemployment rate已保险失业率
intrinsic growth rate内在增长率
intrinsic rate of growth内在增长率
intrinsic rate of increase内禀增长率
intrinsic rate of increase顺时人口净增长率
intrinsic rate of natural increase天然内在增长率
intrinsic rate of natural increase内禀自然增长率
inverse heating-rate curves升温速率倒数曲线
inverse standardized rate反推法标准率
inversion pump rate反转泵速率
judgement rates判决确定的费率
lay off rate解雇率
lay off rate暂时解雇率
legal maximum of interest rates法定最高利率
load factor rate负荷因素比率
load rate额定负荷
load rate单位荷载
load-residual rate荷载残差比
lower bank interest rates for savings deposits and loans降低银行存贷款利率
man-day rate人日单价
maneuver rate航向变换率
man-hour rate人工小时率
man-hour rate人时单价
man-month rate人月单价
man-shift rate装卸工班效率
market interest rates市场利率
material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates按制造费用率分配的材料成本法
mean variation of rates平均日变差
mechanical charge out rates机械台班费
melt rate融化速率
melt rate融雪
melt-off rate熔化率
mercurial exchange rates变动不定的兑换率
meter rate电表计费率
meter rate水表收费率
meter-rate tap讨量龙头
mismatch floating rate note不率本票
mixing rate配比
mixing rate混合比
mixing rate拌和比
mixing rate混合速率
model of tungsten-tin-beryllium-niobium-tantalum and rate earth deposit钨锡铍铌钽及稀土矿床模式
modulation rate调制
multi rate digital filter多级数字滤波器
multiple rate多丁率
multiple rate of exchange system复汇率制
neap rate小潮流速
nitrogen loading rate氮负荷率
occupied rate of current capital流动资金占用率
occurrence rate发生率
occurrence rate出现率
occurrence rate of liability accident for luggage行李责任事故发生率
occurrence rate of liability accident for parcel包裹责任事故发生率
ocean freight rate海洋运费率
ocean freight rate海运运费率
ordinary interest rate自然利率
parcel rate包裹收费率
parcel rate小包运价
pattern of interest rate利率模式
pegged exchange rate system固定汇率制度
pegged rate固定汇率
perforating rate穿孔速率
permissible rates of water entry容许进水率
plant efficiency rate施工机械使用效率
plant heat rate全厂热耗率
plant-hire rate设备租用率
plant-wide overhead rate全厂间接费用率
pneumatic rate-of-rise tubing气动差温式探测管
port rates港口税率
port rates港税
profit and tax rates for every hundred Yuan of output value百元产值的利税率
rates and taxes地方税和国家税
rates of capacity utilization制造业开工率
rates of exchange汇率
rates of exchange兑换率
rates of executing work工程单位造价
rates of gas transfer气体传输速率
rates of wages工资标准
reabsorption rate再吸收率
reactivity insertion rate反应性插入率
reactivity rate反应性变化率
reduction in rates费率降低
reduction of rates降低税率
redundancy rate冗余率
registered unemployment rate in cities and towns城镇登记失业率
reinvestment rate重新投资率
relative rates of change in concentration浓度变化相对速度
release rate释放速率
release rate松弛速率
release rate of chlorofluorocarbons放出氯氟烃的速率
rental rate租额
required rate of return要求报酬率
required rate of return应得收益率
resolved motion rate control解析运动速率控制
returned shipment rate回程费率
revised rates修正率
rinsing rate冲洗速率
rinsing rate清洗速率
risk free rate无风险投资利率
risk premium rate风险报酬率
risk rate投资风险率
risk-adjusted discount rate按风险额调整的折现率
risk-adjusted discount rate调整风险后贴现率
rotation rate转动率
schedule of contract rates合同单价表
schedule of freight rates运费率一览表
schedule of freight rates运价表
schedule of rates保险费率表
schedule of rates and prices单价及价目表
schedule of rates contract单价合同
sea freight rate海运费率
seasonal evaporation rate季节性蒸发率
seasonal rate schedule季节价目制
seasonal rates按季节计算的费率
sedimentation accumulation rate淤积速率
sedimentation rate回淤强度
sedimentation rate淤积速率
sedimentation rate沉降
sedimentation rate沉积
sedimentation rate沉淀速率
sedimentation rate沉淀速度
sedimentation rate test沉降速率测试
select issue rates选择产次率
set rate凝结速度
short-term premium rates短期保险费率
sieving rate过筛率
signaling rate信号发送速度
silicon rate硅率
slow scanning rates慢扫描速度
social discount rate社会折现率
social surplus rate of return社会盈利率
sorption rate吸着速率
source modulation rate源调制频率
source rate信源率
special rates for unitized consignment统一打包货品特别费率
specialization of commodities and duty rates商品与税率的详细分类
specified rate规定值
specified rate of consumption规定耗料率
spherulite growth rate球晶生长速率
spherulite radial growth rate球晶辐向生长速度
spring rate弹簧等级
spring rate弹簧应变率
spring rate弹簧常数
spring rate大潮流速
spring rate弹簧力
standard burden rates of manufacturing标准间接制造费摊配率
standard Euro-currency rates标准欧洲通货利率
standard schedules of unit rates单位估价表
step-like rates台阶式运率
stocking rate载畜率
substitution rate代换率
substitution rate替代率
survey count rate测量计数率
sustained rate of fire持续射击速率
sweating rate析水率
table of rates费率表
tapering freight rates远距离递减的运费率
tariff rate规定费率
tariff rate关税税率
tariff rate税率
tariff rate规定税率
tariff rate运价降低
tariff rate of railway section区段运价率
tariff-rate quota关税率配额
taxation system based on progressive rates全额累进税制
teaser rate of interest引诱利率
terminal rate装卸费率
terminal rate装卸车站费率
terminal rate装卸港口费率
the rates against U. S. dollars美元兑换率
thermal lethal rates热致死率
transfer rate传输率
transfer rate传输速率
transfer rate输移率
transfer rate输送率
transfer rate转移
transfer rate of information信息位传送速率
trip-out rate跳闸率
turbulence rate紊流率
turbulent rate紊流速率
turning rate control转动速率控制
two-rate meter双额电表
two-rate meter两种计数的测量表
two-rate register双价电度累计装置
two-rate two-part prepayment meter双价率两部电度预付计
two-part step-rate prepayment meter两部阶跃预付电度计
typical rates of water use典型用水量
unit rates and prices单价和合价
updating rate of real assets固定资产更新率
up-to-standard rate合格率
usance bill rate远期汇票贴现率
vacancy allowance rate空房率
vacancy rate空房率一定地区中未使用房屋数占总住宅户数的比率
vacancy rate空缺率
vacancy rate空房率
vacancy rate空房比 (一定地区中未使用房屋数占总住宅数的比率)
vacancy rate空房率一定地区的空房户对该地区的总户数的比率
vacancy rate空闲率
vacancy rate闲置率
vacancy rate homeowner非出租房屋闲置率
validity rate正确率
value-added rates附加价值率
variance rate变化
variation in wastewater flow rates废水流量变化
variation rate of orebody矿体变化速度
variation rate of spring discharge泉的流量变化率
velocity rate速度比率
very high rates of pressing高能束压制
voltage build-up rate电压增长率
voltage recovery rate电压恢复速度
voltage-to-pulse rate converter电压脉冲重复频率变换器
wagon loading capacity utilization rate货车载重力利用率
wastewater decay rate废水衰减率
wastewater flow rate废水率
wastewater rate废水排放辜
wastewater rate废水费率
wastewater rate废水收费率
weighted mean ash production rate by thickness厚度加权平均灰分产率
weighted mean ash production rate by volume体积加权平均灰分产率
weighted mean ash production rate by weight重量加权平均灰分产率
winter oxygen depletion rate冬季耗氧速率
wire burn-off rate焊丝熔化率
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