
Terms containing rates | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a basket of exchange rates一篮子汇率
econ.a series of rates连续折扣率
busin.a series of rates连续费率
econ.acceleration in the rates加快速度
busin.additional rates附加费
commer.adjustable and fixed rates可调整汇率与固定汇率
econ.adjustment of wage rates调整工资率
busin.adjustment tax with different rates for different enterprises一户一率调节税
busin.administered rates约定费率
econ.advertisement rates广告价格
busin.advertisement rates广告费
econ.advertising rates广告价格
commer.advertising rates广告费 (率)
nautic., tech.air circulating rates风量倍数
econ.airfreight rates航空货运费率
econ.All workers of our company will benefit from our excellent rates of pay and our pension, life assurance and sickness benefit schemes我公司的全体工作人员将享受到优厚的薪水和养老金、人身保险和医疗福利
econ.all-commodity rates各种货物运价表
econ.alternative growth rates交替成长率
econ.annual inflation rates年通货膨胀率
econ.arbitrated exchange rates裁定汇率
econ.as per original rates照原利率
busin.as per original rates根据原保险费率
econ.at all rates一定要
econ.at all rates无论如何
busin.at favourable rates按优惠利率
securit.automatic exchange rates accumulation system自动化汇率累计系统
busin.average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts约定平均贷款和贴现利率
econ.average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行平均贷款和贴现订约利率
busin.average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行约定平均贷款和贴现利率
commer.backhaul rates回程运费
busin.bank charge and difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费和汇兑差额
econ.bank charges and difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费和汇兑差额
busin.bank charges & difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费及汇率差额
busin.bank's rates银行同业汇价
econ.bank's rates for customers银行对顾客收取的费率或汇价
busin.bank's rates for customers银行对顾客收取的费率
China, lawbase exchange rates基准汇率
China, lawbase interest rates基准利率
securit.base rates for large stocks大盘股票基本比率
shipb.base rates on large homogeneous commodities大宗货物运费率
econ.basket of exchange rates一篮子汇率
busin.basket of exchange rates一揽子汇率
busin.basket of exchange rates—篮子汇率
commer.basket of exchange rates in SDR特别提款权一揽子汇价
busin.basket of exchange rates in SDR特别提款一揽子汇价
earth.sc.benthic oxygen uptake rates底栖生物摄氧率
commer.berth cargo rates停埠船舶运费率
commer.berth cargo rates空舱载货运费率
busin.berth rates班轮运费率
busin.berth rates班轮费率
busin.berth rates停埠货物运费率
tech.bid and offered rates出价和报价利率
fin.bilateral central rates两国货币的双边中心汇率
econ.Bond collateral loans usually carry low rates债券抵押贷款的利率往往很低
busin.book of rates费率一览表
econ.book of rates关税税率一览表
econ.book of rates税则
econ.book of rates税率簿
busin.book of rates关税税率表
fin.borrow the US currency at low rates借人低息的美元
tech.bound rates of duty受约束税率
tech.break-in cross rates套算汇率差距
fin.broken cross rates非标准期限套算汇率
econ.broken cross rates三边套汇一种不按标准期限,三种或多种汇率不成比例的外汇兑换率
commer.burden rates装载定额
busin.burden rates装载量定额
commer.burden rates间接费用分配率
busin.burden rates负荷率
commer.calling rates访问顾客率
port.facil.cargo rates and dues船货费
tech.carry rates运输费率
securit.cartelized rates system联盟式利率制度
fin.ceiling limit for deposit interest rates存款利率上限
fin.central bank policy rates央行政策利率
econ.central exchange rates中心汇率
consult.Change in foreign exchange rates外汇率变动
busin.change in tax rates税率变更
tech.class rates等级运价率
busin.classification rates分级费率
busin.collection of rates征收地方税
econ.column 2 rates第 2 列税率
econ.column 1 rates第 1 列税率
shipb.commodity rates货种运费率
tech.competitive rates有竞争能力的费率
tech.competitive rates竞争性费率
econ.composite rates for interest综合利率
econ.compound rates of return复报酬率
tech.compound rates of return报酬率
econ.concessional rates of a loan优惠率
econ.consolidated freight rates混合装载货物运费率
econ.control of interest rates利率控制
commer.conventional rates EEC通常利汇, 费欧洲经济共同体
fin.cut in interest rates降息
fin.cut in interest rates利率下调
fin.cut interest rates下调利率
fin.cut interest rates together联手降息
securit.cut lending rates降低贷款利率
gen.cut rates打折扣
gen.cut rates减价
fin.cut the deposit and lending rates下调存贷款利率
tech.cut-in rates费率降低
fin.cutting interest rates降息
econ.daily rates日取费率
econ.daily subsistance rates每日生活津贴率
shipb.dangerous cargo rates危险品运费率
tech.deck cargo rates甲板货运费率
securit.default-risk structure of interest rates利息违约风险结构
busin.degressive tax rates递减税率
fin.departmental rates of gross margin毛利率分部计算
port.facil.deposit for tonnage rates吨位税率存货
econ.deposit rates折扣率
econ.deposit rates存款利率
fin.deregulation of interest rates放宽利率管制
port.facil.detention for port rates未缴税扣留
fin.difference between interest rates at home and abroad国内外利息差
econ.different proportional rates in different parts of the country分地区比例税制
busin.differential rates差别费率
econ.diminish rates on cost method变率递减法
fin.discrepancy between exchange rates汇率差异
busin.discriminating rates差别费率
tech.discriminatory across-rates差别套汇率
securit.discriminatory cross-rates差别套算汇率
busin.discriminatory cross-rates差别套汇率
securit.discriminatory cross-rates歧视性套算汇率
econ.distance for charging freight rates货物计费里程
econ.distance for charging freight rates计费里程
econ.distress rates削价运费率
tech.distress rates低价运费率
securit.dividend income tax rates股利收人税率
port.facil.dock rates码头税
port.facil.dock rates港池费
econ.domestic rates英国对住宅征收的地方税
fin.double-digit growth rates两位数增长率
fin.drastic exchange rates fluctuations汇率大幅波动
fin.drive down long-term interest rates压低长期利率
fin.easing of money rates金融市场利率松动
econ.effective interest rates实际利率
econ.effective interest rates有效利率
tech.effective marginal tax rates实际边际税率
econ.eight-grade progressive rates levied on income in excess of specific amounts八级超额累进税
China, lawelectricity pricing of peak load rates峰谷分时电价
busin.electricity rates电费费率
econ.end-of-year rates of operation年终交易率
econ.end-of-year rates of operation年终生产能力使用率
econ.end-of-year rates of operation年终作业率
busin.equal rates of change等变化费率
tech.equalization of profit rates利润率平均化
tech.equalization of profit rates on capital资本利润率平均化
tech.equipment charge out rates施工机械台时费
fin.era of ultra-low interest rates超低利率时期
busin.establish and implement rates规章制定与实施比率
gen.Even the children of wealthier families suffer surprisingly high rates of malnutrition即便是富裕家庭的孩子也会遭受营养不良的困扰
busin.evening-out of exchange rates平衡兑换率
econ.ex ante rates of return事前收益率
tech.excess of rates超额收费
fin.excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates汇率的过度和无序波动
avia.exchange rates换装影响因素
fin.exchange rates among the major currencies主要货币汇率
busin.excursion at reduced rates优待旅行车船票减价从优
gen.Excuse me. Are there any special night rates for international calls?请问国际长途夜间电话有没有什么特价呢?
econ.exemption of rates免税
fin.expand at rapid pre-crisis rates以金融危机之前的增长率快速扩张
securit.expectation theory of interest rates利率预期理论
securit.expected rates of return预期收益率
busin.experience rates经验费率即凭经验计算费率
econ.Failing exchange rates have been a contributory factor to the enterprise's loss of profits不断下跌的汇率一直是企业利润亏损的引发因素
econ.farm wage rates农业工人工资率
tech.fix rates确定费率
econ.fixed interest rates 9.5 percent per annum固定年率9.5%
econ.fixing fares and rates限定票价和运价率
fin.floor limit for lending interest rates贷款利率下限
econ.fluctuation in the exchange rates of the principal currencies主要货币汇率波动
tech.fluctuation in wage rates工资浮动
busin.foreign exchange rates in selected countries外汇货币对美元换算率
securit.foreign money market rates外国货币市场利率
securit.foreign prime rates外国基本利率
securit.foreign prime rates外国优惠利率
econ.forward rates远期汇价
econ.forward rates远期汇率
econ.fourteen-grade progressive rates十四级全额累进税
fin.free bank lending rates放开银行贷款利率
busin.free in and out freight rates船方不负担装卸的运费率
fin.free market exchange rates市场汇率
fin.free market exchange rates自由
econ.free rates自由率
busin.free rates自由兑换率
econ.freight or shipping rates运费
fin.fundamental equilibrium exchange rates基本均衡汇率 (指经济体正常产出的情况下足以让经济体恢复经常账户大致平衡的货币价值)
fin.further liberalize interest rates进一步放开利率
fin.gas rates煤气费
econ.general cargo rates一般货物运费率
econ.general cargo ULD rates集装箱运价
econ.general cargo ULD rates空运集装箱运费率
tech.grades of tax rates税率等级
econ.graduated rates累进税率
tech.graduated tax rates分级税率
tech.greatest difference of rates最大位差
tech.greatest variation of rates最大日较差
China, lawguidance rates指导价位
China, lawguidance rates of wages工资指导价位
tech.heavy and lengthy rates特重特长运费率
busin.high interest rates高利率
fin.high market interest rates高企的市场利率
busin.high progressive tax rates高累进税率
fin.high rates of growth高增长率
fin.high savings rates高储蓄率
fin.highly competitive real exchange rates具有高度竞争力的实际汇率
commer.hike gas rates抬高煤气价格
fin.hike rates加息
econ.hourly rates小时取费率
econ.hourly rates小时费率
China, lawhourly wage rates小时计酬标准
gen.How about the rates?收费是怎样的呢?
gen.I was going to cash it at hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates我本来打算在酒店兑换的,但是我一个朋友说银行的兑换率会更低一点
fin.improve the mechanism for setting RMB exchange rates完善人民币汇率形成机制
econ.in and out rates进出差异费率
busin.in-and-out rates短期结算费率
tech.in-and-out rates内外差异费率
tech.in-and-out rates进出费率
tech.income tax rates table所得税税率表
tech.increase in rates费率升高
fin.increase interest rates加息
fin.increase one-year rates by 25 basis points把一年期基准利率上调25个基点
fin.increase the divergence in world growth rates扩大世界增长率的差异
busin.index of exchange rates汇价指数
busin.index of industrial operating rates工业开工率指数
busin.indirect quotation of exchange rates汇价间接标价法
China, lawinterest rates on deposits存款利率
fin.interest-sensitive annuity insurance policy premium rates利息敏感年金保险费率
fin.international market interest rates国际市场利率
busin.job rates工作定额
busin.joint cost theory of rates共同生产成本理论
tech.judgement rates判决确定的费率
fin.keep rates low for a long time长期维持低利率
securit.key interest rates关键利率
busin.kilometrage for charging rates运价里程
econ.land rates陆上运输运价
busin.land rates陆运费率
port.facil.landing rates登岸税
econ.law of diminishing rates of profit利润率低下法则
econ.law of diminishing rates of profit利润率递减法则
busin.law of diminishing rates of profit利润率递减律
tech.legal maximum of interest rates法定最高利率
econ.level of interest rates利率水平
busin.levelling of rates of profit利率相等
fin.liberalization of interest rates利率自由化
busin.liberalization of interest rates放宽利率限制
fin.liberalize bank lending rates放开银行贷款利率
fin.liberalize deposit rates steadily and orderly稳步有序地放开存款利率
fin.lift benchmark interest rates上调基准利率
fin.lift controls on lending interest rates取消贷款利率管制
fin.lift interest rates加息
nautic., transp.liner rates班轮费率
nautic., transp.liner rates班船运费率
securit.liquidity preference theory of interest rates利率的流动性偏好理论
shipb.live animal's rates活动物运费率
earth.sc.loading rates荷载率
earth.sc.loading rates负荷率
securit.long-term interest rates长期利率
earth.sc.loss rates损失率
earth.sc.loss rates损耗率
tech.lower bank interest rates for savings deposits and loans降低银行存贷款利率
fin.lower interest rates降低利率
fin.lower interest rates减息
fin.lower-than-market rates低于市场水平的利率
fin.machine hours basis for manufacturing overhead rates制造费用率的机器小时法
fin.maintain flexible exchange rates维护浮动汇率
fin.maintain reasonable rates of growth保持合理的增长率
fin.maintain relative stability of exchange rates保持汇率相对稳定
fin.maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates对汇率过度波动保持警惕
econ.manipulate the rates of exchange between the currencies操纵外汇价格
fin.manual rates保费率
busin.marginal rates of substitution for resources资源边际替代率
tech.market interest rates市场利率
econ.market rates of exchange effect实际市场汇率
busin.market rates of exchange to the US dollar按市场汇率换算为美元
fin.market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates利率期限结构市场分割理论
fin.marketization of interest rates利率市场化
earth.sc.mass accumulation rates质量累积率
earth.sc.mass emission rates质量排放率废水
busin.material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates制造费用率的材料成本法
tech.material cost basis for manufacturing overhead rates按制造费用率分配的材料成本法
fin.material costs basis for manufacturing overhead rates制造费用率的材料成本法
busin.maximum limit for interest rates利率最高限度
expl.maximum raise and maximum decay rates最大上升率和最大衰减率
tech.mean variation of rates平均日变差
consult.measured rates测量价目表
tech.mechanical charge out rates机械台班费
tech.mercurial exchange rates变动不定的兑换率
econ.monetary market rates金融市场率
econ.money market rates金融市场比率
securit.money market rates货币市场利率
econ.money rates利息
fin.money supply theory of interest rates货币供求利率论
econ.most favored nation tariff rates最惠国关税税率
econ.most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation tariff rates最惠国关税率
shipb.most favoured nation tariff rates最惠国关税率
busin.most favoured national tariff rates最惠国关税率
fin.much lower-than-expected interest rates远低于预期的利率
securit.multinational rates of return多国回报率
securit.multinational rates of return跨国回报率
econ.multiple exchange rates多种汇率
econ.multiple internal rates多重内在率
econ.multiple rates多元汇率制度
econ.multiple rates of exchange system多元汇率制度
fin.near zero policy rates接近于零的政策利率
econ.nominal interest rates虚利率
econ.nominal interest rates名义利率
econ.normal overhead rates正常费用分摊率
econ.normal overhead rates正常费用
busin.normal overhead rates正常分摊率
fin.offshore interest rates离岸利率
fin.offshore spot exchange rates离岸即期汇率
econ.open freight rates待协商的运费率
econ.open freight rates随时让价
econ.open freight rates自由运费率
securit.overnight interbank dollar rates美元隔夜同行拆借利率
busin.own rates of interest本身利率
econ.pattern of interest rates模式利率美政府债券
econ.pattern of interest rates利率模式
econ.performance-based rates基于性能的速率
tech.permissible rates of water entry容许进水率
econ.piece rates单价
econ.piece rates计件工价
econ.piece rates计件工资率
agric., econ.piece-work rates计件工资率
China, lawpolicy of differential rates差别电价政策
tech.port rates港口税率
tech.port rates港税
securit.portfolio growth rates投资组合增长率
econ.postal rates邮资
securit.power to regulate interest rates调控利率的权力
securit.premium rates优惠率
fin.prevent exchange rates rising避免本币升值
tech.profit and tax rates for every hundred Yuan of output value百元产值的利税率
commer.progressive rates累进税率
expl.progressive water price with block rates分级累进水价水价随着用水量的增加而分级递增的计价方式
econ.protection against abuse of treaty with holding rates反对滥用税收协定规定的预提税率
fin.punitive rates惩罚性利率
fin.push down long-term interest rates压低长期利率
fin.push forward the market-based reform of interest rates推进利率市场化改革
port.facil.quay rates码头税
commer.rail rates铁路运费率
fin.railroad freight rates铁路运费率
fin.raise interest rates提高利率
fin.raise lending rates上调贷款利率
fin.raise official interest rates上调官方利率
fin.raise rates加息
fin.rates above prime高于基本之利率
tech.rates and taxes地方税和国家税
China, lawrates fixed by the state国家规定标准
China, lawrates for labor remuneration劳动报酬标准
busin.rates for oversea telegrams国际电报价目表
busin.rates of capacity utilization开工率
tech.rates of capacity utilization制造业开工率
shipb.rates of classification货物分级费率
shipb.rates of classification货物分类费率
tech.rates of exchange汇率
tech.rates of exchange兑换率
tech.rates of executing work工程单位造价
China, lawrates of financial compensation经济补偿标准
tech.rates of gas transfer气体传输速率
econ.rates of pay不同的工资
shipb.rates of quantity discount数量折扣率
tech.rates of wages工资标准
econ.Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准
busin.rates rebate退款率
busin.rates rebate地方税减免折扣率
busin.rates relief地方税减免
busin.rates relief免税
econ.reduction in lending rates放款率下降
tech.reduction in rates费率降低
busin.reduction of rates费率降低
econ.reduction of rates降低费率
commer.reduction of rates税率减低
tech.reduction of rates降低税率
shipb.refrigerated cargo rates冷藏货物运费率
econ.regulated interest rates管制所率
earth.sc.relative accumulation rates相对累积速率
earth.sc.relative accumulation rates相对累积量
tech.relative rates of change in concentration浓度变化相对速度
busin.remittance rates汇款汇率
econ.representative rates of exchange代理性汇率
earth.sc.Research on Antarctic Coastal Ecosystem Rates南极海岸生态系统评价研究
tech.revised rates修正率
fin.rise at double-digit rates以两位数的增幅增长
fin.rise in interest rates加息
securit.risk structure of interest rates利率的风险结构
econ.risk-adjusted discount rates按风险调整的贴现率
fin.role of interest rates in resource allocation利率杠杆的调节作用
securit.role of interest rates in resource allocation资源配置中利率调节作用
agric.sale at fixed rates定价销售
econ.scale of rates运费表
econ.scale of rates邮资级别
busin.scale of rates运价率表
busin.scale of rates applied per consignment货物每批运价表
fin.scandal over the manipulation of key lending rates关键贷款利率操纵丑闻
econ.schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应付所得平均税表
busin.schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应税所得平均税率表
tech.schedule of contract rates合同单价表
tech.schedule of freight rates运费率一览表
tech.schedule of freight rates运价表
econ., construct.schedule of rates单价表
econ., construct.schedule of rates费率一览表
tech.schedule of rates保险费率表
tech.schedule of rates and prices单价及价目表
tech.schedule of rates contract单价合同
tech.seasonal rates按季节计算的费率
tech.select issue rates选择产次率
fin.set deposit and lending rates设定存贷款利率
fin.set interest rates设定利率
commer.short-period premium rates短期保险费率
econ.short-term interest rates短期利率
tech.short-term premium rates短期保险费率
tech.slow scanning rates慢扫描速度
commer.special rates特别运费率
tech.special rates for unitized consignment统一打包货品特别费率
tech.specialization of commodities and duty rates商品与税率的详细分类
commer.specific commodity rates特种货物运费率
securit.spectrum of interest rates利率范围
securit.spectrum of interest rates利率排序表
fin.spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率的差幅
busin.spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率差幅
econ.stable exchange rates稳定的汇率
tech.standard burden rates of manufacturing标准间接制造费摊配率
fin.standard burden rates of manufacturing expenses标准间接制造费摊配率
tech.standard Euro-currency rates标准欧洲通货利率
tech.standard schedules of unit rates单位估价表
econ.statics rates静止率
econ.statutory tax rates法定税率
fin.steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based稳步推进利率、汇率市场化改革
China, polit.steadily deregulate interest rates to leave them to market forces稳步推进利率市场化改革
tech.step-like rates台阶式运率
econ.structure of interest rates利率的结构
busin.structure of interest rates利率结构
busin.structure of wage rates工资率结构
fin.submit low rates低报利率
busin.subsidy pro rates按比例补贴
busin.substitution rates替代率
chem.sum rates method流率加和法
China, polit.system of managed floating foreign currency exchange rates有管理的浮动汇率制度
tech.table of rates费率表
commer.taper freight rates分等级运费率
busin.taper freight rates分等级的运费
commer.tapering distance rates远距离递减运费率
commer.tapering freight rates递减运费率
tech.tapering freight rates远距离递减的运费率
commer.tariff rates关税率
econ.taxation according to fixed rates按固定税率课征
commer.taxation system based on progressive rates累进税制
econ.taxation system based on progressive rates金额累进税制
tech.taxation system based on progressive rates全额累进税制
China, lawtelecommunications service rates电信服务标准
econ.telegraph rates电报费表
fin.term structure of interest rates利率的期限曲线
busin.term structure of interest rates利率期限
econ.The additional charges specified above are based on freight rates上面所规定的附加费用是根据运费率来计算的
econ.the fork of rates运价率的剪刀差
econ.The Great Britain has withdrawn from the financial market of EEC in view of the abrupt turn of the trend of exchange rates由于兑换率趋势的突然转变,英国已退出欧共体金融市场
gen.The most serious consequence of excess UVR is malignant melanoma, which has high cure rates only if detected early过度紫外线辐射的最严重后果是恶性黑素瘤,只有早期发现,才有高的治愈率
econ.The owner is looking to get cash out of the firm at favorable tax rates业主想以优惠税率从公司提取现金
econ.the pattern of interest rates利率模式
tech.the rates against U. S. dollars美元兑换率
commer.the rates against US dollars美元兑换率
econ.the reasonableness of rates运价费率的合理性
gen.The room rates in this hotel are quite reasonable这家宾馆的房价很合理
econ.the short period premium rates短期保险费率
econ.the spread between borrowing cost and lending rates借款与放款率间的差幅
econ.the uncertainty of exchange rates汇兑行市的不稳定性
chem.theory of reaction rates反应速率理论
busin.theory of term structure of interest rates利率期限结构理论
tech.thermal lethal rates热致死率
busin.time/volume rates时间/货量运费率
busin.to be taxed at full rates按全率课征
China, lawtoll rates收费标准
port.facil.ton-kilometric rates吨公里费
busin.trade-weighted index of exchange rates贸易权汇率指数
busin.triple rates system三重运价制
tech.typical rates of water use典型用水量
fin.uncertainty of exchange rates外汇的不确定性
earth.sc.unit mass emission rates单位质量发射率
tech.unit rates and prices单价和合价
econ.usurious rates of interest高利率
busin.utility rates利用率
econ.utility rates公用事业费率
busin.utility rates效用比例
tech.value-added rates附加价值率
tech.variation in wastewater flow rates废水流量变化
tech.very high rates of pressing高能束压制
econ.voluntary maximum limit of money rates自动规定的最高利息
China, lawwage rates工资标准
agric.water rates水价
agric.water rates水费率
earth.sc.winter oxygen depletion rates冬季耗氧率
econ.worker's rates工资等级
securit.zero coupon swap rates零息掉期利率
busin.zero rates of duty零税率
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