
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing rate | all forms | exact matches only
absolute disintegration rate绝对衰变速率
absolute disintegration rate绝对蜕变速率
absolute rate theory绝对速率理论
absolute reaction rate theory绝对反应速率理论
adsorption rate吸附率
adsorption rate吸附速率
afterblow rate后吹率
agglomerate rate熟料比
air leakage rate漏风率
air-flow rate风量
air-flow rate空气流速
air-flow rate空气流量
airflow rate风量
annual rate年产量
annual utilization rate of caster连铸机年作业率
attack rate侵蚀速率
attack rate侵蚀速度
attack rate of furnace lining炉衬侵蚀速率
average creep rate平均蠕变速率
average deformation rate平均应变速率
average deformation rate平均变形速率
average erosion rate平均侵蚀率 (累计侵蚀量与相应的累积侵蚀时间之比值)
average mold heat transfer rate结晶器平均传热速率
average rate of creep平均蠕变速率
average scrap rate平均废钢比
average scrap steel rate平均废钢比
average transmission rate平均传输率
average utilization rate平均作业率
average-earned rate平均小时工资
Balance of Oxygen and Carbon feeding rateBOC 指标 (【技】顶底复吹转炉冶炼时,用于评价底吹气体搅拌对冶金反应影响的指标。)
balance of oxygen and carbon feeding rate碳氧供应速率平衡指标 (【技】顶底复吹转炉冶炼时,用于评价底吹气体搅拌对冶金反应影响的指标。)
bioleaching rate生物浸出速率
blast furnace blowing rate高炉鼓风率
blast furnace fuel rate高炉燃料比 (【技】高炉喷吹煤粉、重油或天然气后,加上焦炭,折合每炼一吨生铁所消耗的燃料总量。)
blast furnace with high-rate PCI高喷煤比高炉
blast rate风量高炉的
blast rate风速
blast rate风量
blast rate鼓风率
blast rate单位生铁风量
blast rate风量
blast rate【铁】 单位生铁风量
blowing rate鼓风量
blowing rate鼓风率
blowing rate风量
blowing rate鼓风速率
bottom gas flow rate底吹气体流量 (The bottom blown gas results in improved mixing of the metal bath, the degree of bath mixing increasing with increasing bottom gas flow rate. 底吹气体可以改善金属熔池的混合底吹气体流量越大,熔池混和程度越高。)
breakdown rate of carbide碳化物分解速度
breakdown rate of carbide碳化物分解速率
broad face heat removal rate宽面散热速度
bulk settling rate整体沉降速率
caster breakout rate连铸机漏钢率 (Figure 4 shows a trend of caster breakout rate improvement since start-up. 图 4 示出了自投产以来连铸机漏钢率的下降趋势。)
caster utilization rate连铸机作业率
casting rate【连】 浇注速度
casting rate浇注速率
charged coke rate人炉焦比
charging rate加料速度
charging rate进料速度
chlorination rate氯化速率
climbing rate攀移速率
co-injection rate复合喷吹比
coke rate【铁】 焦比 (【技】高炉每冶炼一吨合格生铁所消耗的干焦量。它是衡量高炉生产水平的一个重要技术经济指标。)
coke rate加焦量
coke rate焦比
condensing rate冷凝速率
constant flow rate恒定流量
constant flow rate恒定流速
constant rate恒速
constant rate distillation恒速蒸馏
constant-rate distillation恒速蒸馏
constant-rate evaporation恒速蒸发
constant rate gas supply恒速供气
constant rate of flow恒速流变
constant rate of flow恒定流量
constant rate oil supply恒速供油
constant strain rate恒定应变变形速率
conversion coke rate【铁】 折算焦比 (【技】为了统计生产指标,将冶炼铸造生铁的焦比折合成冶炼炼钢生铁的焦比。)
corrected coke rate校正焦比
count-rate meter计算数率测定器
counting rate计算速率
counting-rate meter计算数率测定器
crack growth rate裂纹长大速率
crack growth rate裂纹扩展速率
cracking rate破裂速率
cracking rate裂化速率
cracking rate破裂速度
creep rate蠕变速率 (【技】在金属材料蠕变试验中,单位时间内的蠕变变形量。蠕变速率的大小与应力、温度有直接关系。)
creep rate-stress plot蠕变速率与应力关系曲线
creep-rate unit可鲁 (【技】蠕变速度单位,以 1000h 蠕变10%,或每小时蠕变百万分之一英寸表示。)
creep strain rate蠕变应变率
critical cooling rate临界淬火速度
critical cooling rate临界冷却速率
critical cooling rate of steel钢的临界冷却速度 (【技】钢在淬火时能够抑制过冷奥氏体在马氏点以上温度发生相变的最小冷却速度。)
critical creep rate临界蠕变速率
critical quenching rate临界淬火速率
critical rate of hardening临界淬火速率
critical solidification rate临界凝固速率
cutting rate切削速度
cutting rate切割速率
data transfer rate数据传送率
decarburizing rate脱碳速率
decarburizing rate脱碳速度
desorption rate解吸率
desorption rate解吸速率
desulphurization rate除硫速度
desulphurization rate脱硫速度
desulphurization rate脱硫率
difference in flow rate流量差
diffusion rate扩散速率
direct rate curve正冷却速率曲线 (【技】温度为纵坐标,规定时间间隔内的温度降为横坐标,用于合金热分析。)
direct rate curve冷却速率曲线
dissociation rate分解速率
dissociation rate离解速率
dissociation rate of ammonia氨的分解速率
dissociation rate of gaseous ammonia氨气分解速率
dissolving rate溶解速率
drying rate干燥速率
dust rate【铁】 单位生铁炉尘量
dust rate灰铁比
dust rate单位生铁炉尘量
dust rate瓦斯灰量 (【技】高炉炼铁生产中,随同煤气带出的炉尘量与产铁量的质量比值,即单位生铁炉尘量,简称炉尘量,一般以质量单位 kg 表示。例如灰铁比为 30kg, 即冶炼一吨生铁的炉尘量为 30kg。)
empirical equation of melting rate of powder保护渣熔化速度经验方程
energy-rate forming高能锻压成形
error rate出错率
excess air rate过剩空气系数
excess air rate过剩空气率
exhaust rate排出速率
falling rate降落速率
falling rate落下速率
falling rate evaporation降速蒸发
filtering rate过滤速度
final reduction rate终还原率
floating rate浮动
flow rate流速
flow rate control流速控制
flow rate impulse流速控制脉冲
flow rate indicator-integrator orifice流量指示累加器小孔
flow rate meter流量计
flow rate meter流速计
flow rate of powder粉末流动性
flow rate of powder粉末流速
forced filling rate装料量
freight rate运费率
freight rate运输费
front slip rate前滑速率
gas flow rate气体流量
gas flow rate气体流速
gasification rate气化速率
high casting rate高浇注速度
high casting rate strand高浇注速度注流
high casting rate stream高浇注速度注流
high coal injection rate大喷煤
high coal injection rate高喷煤比
high coal injection rate technology高喷煤比技术
high coal injection rate with oxygen-enriched blast富氧大喷煤
high energy rate deformation高能速变形〔加工〕
high energy rate deformation高能速变形
high energy rate forming高能速成形
high energy rate machine高能高速锤
high hot metal rate高铁水比
high melting rate flux高熔化速度保护渣
high melting rate powder高熔化速度保护渣
high PCI rate technology高喷煤比技术
high pouring rate高浇注速度
high rate activated sludge process高速活性污泥处理法
high rate aerobic treatment高速需氧处理
high rate extrusion高速挤压
high rate filter高速过滤器
high rate injection高喷吹比
high rate injection大量喷吹
high rate injection of pulverized coal大量喷煤
high rate injection of pulverized coal大量煤粉喷吹
high rate injection of pulverized coal高喷煤比
high rate of coal injection大喷煤
high rate of coal injection高喷煤比
high rate of lime injection大量喷吹石灰
high rate of lime injection高度石灰喷射
high rate of oxidation高氧化速率
high-rate pulverized coal injection大量喷煤
high-rate pulverized coal injection高喷煤比
high scrap rate高废钢比
high strain rate forming高形变速率成形
high-energy rate deformation高能速变形
high-energy rate forging高能速锻造
high-energy rate forming高能速成形
intermediate cooling rate中等冷却速率
invariant of deviator strain rate tensor偏应变速率张量不变量
invariant of strain rate tensor应变速率张量不变量
inverse-rate cooling curve倒冷却速率曲线
inverse-rate curve倒速率曲线
job rate生产标准
job rate生产定额
lift gas rate驱动气体流量
lift gas rate提升气体流量
man-day rate工日率
man-day rate每人每日费用
man-hour rate工时率
max. vol. flow rate最大体积流量
maximum erosion rate最高腐蚀速率
maximum erosion rate最大磨蚀速率
maximum transfer rate最大传送率
mean strain rate平均应变速率
mean value of decarburization rate脱碳速度平均值
mean value of decarburization rate脱碳速率平均值
measures of reducing coke rate of BF降低高炉焦比的措施
measures to reduce coke rate of blast furnace降低高炉焦比的措施
melt-off rate熔化速率
metal loss rate金属切除率
metal loss rate金属损失率
metal removal rate金属切除率
mixing rate配料比 (The high-temperature reduction behaviour of sinter improves as the mixing rate of serpentine decreases. 随着蛇纹石混料比的降低,烧结矿的高温还原性能得以改善。)
mixing rate混料比
moisture release rate湿气释出率
molten steel solidification rate钢水凝固速度
natural gas injection rate喷天然气比
natural gas rate天然气喷吹
nitrogen pick-up rate吸氮速率
operating rate作业率
operating rate开工率
optimum fuel rate最佳燃料比
optimum travel rate最佳移动速率
optimum-fuel-rate operation最佳燃料比操作
oxidation rate氧化速度
oxidation rate氧化速率
oxidizing rate氧化速率
PCI rate喷煤比
perforation rate穿孔速率
permissible creep rate允许蠕变速率
planned attainment rate of chemical composition【钢】预定化学成分命中率
planned production rate设计产量
planned production rate设计能力
plant utilization rate设备利用率
post-solidification cooling rate凝固后冷却速度
productivity rate生产率
pumpage rate扬水率
quenching rate淬火速率
rate constant速度常数
rate constant速率常数
rate-controlling factor反应速率控制因素
rate-controlling factor速率控制因素
rate-controlling mechanism of slip滑动速度控制机构
rate controlling process速率控制法
rate controlling process速率控制过程
rate curve速率曲线
rate curve速度曲线
rate determining process速率主控法
rate determining process速率主控过程
rate-determining step速度限制阶段
rate fixing定额制订
rate forming高速冲压成形
rate generator导数信号发生器
rate generator速率信号发生器
rate law速率定律
rate limitation限速
rate limitation速度限制
rate limiter限速器
rate limiter速率限制器
rate meter速率计
rate of absorption吸收速率
rate of addition添加量
rate of addition添加比
rate of adsorption吸附速率
rate of agglomerates人造富矿人炉比
rate of agglomerates人造富矿入炉比
rate of agglomerates熟料比
rate of agitation搅拌速度
rate of attack侵蚀速率
rate of ball formation成球速度
rate of ball growth生球长大速度
rate of balling formation成球速度
rate of bed collapse料层收缩速度
rate of bending弯曲速度
rate of blowing空气消耗量
rate of blowing鼓风参数
rate of blowing鼓风率
rate of blowing耗风量
rate of burning燃烧率
rate of burning燃烧
rate of burning燃烧速率
rate of carbon drop脱碳速度
rate of carbon drop降碳速度
rate of carbon drop降炭速度
rate of carbon oxidation碳氧化速率
rate of carbon removal脱碳速度
rate of casting浇注速度
rate of casting浇注速率
rate of charge装料速率
rate of charge加料率
rate of circulation循环速度
rate of coal injection喷煤比
rate of coil rejection due to slivers带卷分层缺陷废品率
rate of cooling冷却速度 (The rate of cooling to some extent determines whether the cast iron is white or grey; the more rapid the cooling the greater the tendency to form a white iron. 冷却速度在一定程度上决定了铸铁是白口铸铁还是灰铸铁;冷却速度越快,形成白口铸铁的倾向就越大。)
rate of creep蠕变速率
rate of crystal growth晶体生长速度
rate of crystal growth晶体生长速度
rate of decarburization脱碳速率 (The rate of decarburization as a function of oxygen (available from the lance as well as from the ore) must be known to determine the duration of the blow, so that the heat turns down at the desired carbon level. 脱碳速率作为氧气(包括氧枪供氧和矿石含氧)用量的函数必须为已知条件,以便确定吹炼时间,这样才能在达到预定含碳量时停炉。)
rate of decarburization脱碳速度
rate of decarburization脱碳速率
rate of decay衰变速率
rate of decay蜕变速率
rate of decomposition分解速率
rate of decomposition分解速度
rate of delivery of energy能量输出速率
rate of deoxidation脱氧速率
rate of dephosphorization脱磷速率
rate of deposition熔敷速度
rate of deposition沉积速率
rate of desorption脱除速率
rate of desorption析出速率
rate of desorption解吸速率
rate of desoxidation脱氧速率
rate of desulphurization除硫速率
rate of desulphurization脱硫速度
rate of desulphurization脱硫速率
rate of diffusion扩散速率
rate of direct hot charge rolling直接热装轧制率
rate of discharge排料速度 (The material flow control gate opens to predetermined positions for the various types of raw materials to control the rate of discharge. 对于不同类型的原料,料流控制阀打开到不同的预定位置,以便对卸料速度进行控制。)
rate of discharge卸料速度
rate of disintegration蜕变速率
rate of dissolution溶解速度
rate of dissolution溶解速度
rate of distillation蒸馏速度
rate of driving鼓风率
rate of driving冶炼强度
rate of drying干燥速度
rate of energy input热量输入速率
rate of energy input能量输人速率
rate of energy input能量输入速率
rate of equiaxed zone growth等轴晶区生长速率
rate of evaporation蒸发速度
rate of evolution of CO一氧化碳析出速率 (转炉冶炼的)
rate of expansion膨胀速度
rate of expansion膨胀速率
rate of extraction回采率
rate of extraction给料速度
rate of extraction提取率
rate of extraction实收率
rate of extraction回收率
rate of extraction萃取率
rate of feed进料速度
rate of filtration过滤速率
rate of fine ore粉矿率
rate of fine ores粉矿量
rate of fine ores粉矿率
rate of flame propagation火焰传播速度
rate of flow流变速率
rate of flow流动性
rate of fracture propagation裂口传播速度
rate of fracture propagation裂口传播速率
rate of fracture propagation裂口扩展速率
rate of gas evolution【钢】 气体析出速率
rate of gas evolution气体析出速率
rate of gasification气化率
rate of growth长大速度
rate of growth长大速率
rate of hardening硬化速率
rate of heat flow热流速度 (A gap between the mold and strand causes the local rate of heat flow to diminish dramatically. The extent of this gap depends on the shrinkage of the shell. 结晶器和铸坯间的间隙引起局部热流速度急剧下降。该间隙的大小取决于坯壳的收缩量。)
rate of heat liberation散热速率
rate of heat liberation放热速率
rate of heat release放热速度
rate of heat release放热率
rate of heat removal散热速率
rate of heat removal散热速度
rate of heat transfer传热率
rate of heating加热速率
rate of lancing【钢】 吹氧速率
rate of lancing氧气消耗量 (通过炉顶进行吹炼的)
rate of lancing吹氧速率
rate of leaching浸出速率
rate of load application加载速率
rate of loss of water失水率
rate of mass transfer传质速度 (【技】溶液中的物质在扩散过程中,单位时间内通过单位截面积物质的量。传质速率与扩散速度之间的关系是:单位截面积上的扩散速率即是传质速度。: Below a critical carbon content the rate of mass transfer is insufficient to react with all the injected oxygen. 低于临界含碳量时,传质速度不足以维持与喷人的全部氧进行反应。)
rate of mass transfer传质速率
rate of melting熔化速率
rate of migration移动速度
rate of migration迁移速度
rate of mold heat transfer结晶器传热速率
rate of natural gas injection天然气喷吹比 (A blast furnace at Acme Steel Co. has set a record for the rate of natural gas injection. 阿克米钢公司的一座高炉已创造了一项天然气喷吹比记录。)
rate of natural gas injection喷吹天然气比
rate of oil flow油流速度
rate of oil flow渗油速率
rate of outflow流出速度
rate of oxidation氧化速率
rate of oxygen input氧气供人速度
rate of oxygen input输氧速率
rate of oxygen input氧气供入速度
rate of oxygen supply供氧速度 (At high carbon contents the rate of mass transfer is high such that most of the FeO formed is reduced and the rate of decarburization is controlled by the rate of oxygen supply. 在含碳量较高的情况下,传质速度如此之快,以致所形成的大部分 FeO 被还原;而脱碳速度则受供氧强度的制约。)
rate of oxygen supply供氧强度
rate of pellet growth生球长大速度
rate of plastic flow范性流变速率
rate of pouring浇注速率
rate of precipitation沉淀速度
rate of productivity生产率
rate of propagation传播速率
rate of purity纯度
rate of radiation of energy能量辐射率
rate of reaction反应速率
rate of reaction反应速度
rate of recirculation循环速率
rate of reduction断面收缩率
rate of reduction还原速率
rate of reheating加热速度 (For low-carbon steel the rate of reheating in the CAS-OB was found to be approximately 10°C / min. 人们发现:低碳钢在进行 CAS-OB 工艺处理时,加热速度约为 10°C/ min。)
rate of resolution分解速率
rate of rise增压速率
rate of rise增长上升速率
rate of roasting焙烧速度
rate of rolling轧制速度
rate of rotation旋转速率
rate of scattering散射速率
rate of settling沉降速率
rate of shear切变速率
rate of slip滑移速率
rate of slip滑动速率
rate of smelting熔炼速度
rate of smelting熔炼速度
rate of solidification凝固速率
rate of solution溶解速率
rate of speed速率
rate of speed速度
rate of strain应变速率
rate of stretch伸长速率
rate of stretch【压】 拉延速率
rate of stretch拉伸速率
rate of sulphur expulsion脱硫速度
rate of temperature change调温速度
rate of temperature change温度变化速度
rate of temperature loss due to radiation温度辐射损失率 (炉体轧件等的)
rate of transformation转变速率
rate of travel相对流动速度
rate of travel相对位移量
rate of travel发送〔飞行〕速度
rate of travel移动〔飞行〕速率
rate of trouble事故率
rate of wall-thickness to outside diameter壁厚同外径之比
rate of water vapour transmission水蒸汽传递速度
rate of wear磨损速率
rate of weight gain by oxidation at elevated temperature高温氧化增重率
rate of work hardening加工硬化率
rate of work-hardening加工硬化率
rate of zone travel熔区移动速率
rate-of-flow indicator流速指示器
rate-of-flow meter流量表
rate-of-flow meter流量计
rate phenomena速率现象
rate process反应速率过程
rate process速率过程
rate process速度过程
rate torque额定转矩
rationalized erosion rate合理的侵蚀【磨损】率
rationalized erosion rate合理磨蚀速率
reading rate阅读率
reading rate阅读速度
recovery rate回复速率
reducing agent rate还原剂比
scaling rate氧化起鳞速率
scaling rate氧化起鳞速率
scrap rate废钢比
scrap-melting rate废钢熔化比
scrap-melting rate of converter转炉废钢熔化率
sinter production rate烧结矿产率
sinter production rate烧结利用系数
sinter rate烧结利用系数
sinter rate烧结矿产率
sinter screening rate烧结矿筛分率
sintering rate烧结速度
slab caster breakout rate板坯连铸机漏钢率
slab discharge rate板坯卸料速度
steady rate稳定速率
steady-state casting rate稳态浇注速度
steel pouring rate from ladle to tundish钢包至中间包钢水浇注速率
steel-scrap melting rate废钢熔化比
target chemistry hitting rate目标化学成分命中率
target hit rate of chemical composition【钢】 预定化学成分命中率
tariff rate关税率
technical rate setting技术定额标定
technical rate setting技术定额制定
terminal erosion rate最终磨蚀速率
ultra high production rate超高利用系数
ultra high production rate超高产率
upper critical cooling rate上临界冷却速度
very high rate of deformation高速压力加工
very high rate of deformation极高速变形
very high rate of deformation高速变形
very high rate of pressing极高速压制
very high rate of pressing高能速压制
vol. flow rate体积流量
volume flow rate体积流量
water rate水消耗量
water rate耗水率
water rate水流量
welding rate焊接生产率
welding rate焊接速率
wire burn-off rate焊丝焊条熔化熔毕速率
withdrawal rate放料量
withdrawal rate排料量
working rate开工率
working rate作业率
working rate加工率
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