
Terms for subject International trade containing rate | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance rate票据承兑利率
accounting rate会计兑换率
accounting rate会计汇率
accounting rate of return会计收益率
ad valorem rate of duty从价税率
ad valorem rate of tariff从价税率
additional rate附加运费率
adjusted rate of foreign exchange调整外汇汇率
adjustment of exchange rate调整汇价
annual growth rate年增长率
annual growth rate年增长速度
annual rate年率
annual rate of increase年增长率
apparent rate表面费率
arbitrated rate of exchange裁定汇率
arbitrated rate of exchange套汇汇率
average annual growth rate年平均增长率
average rate平均保险费率
average rate of dividend平均股息率
bank acceptance rate银行承兑价
bank acceptance rate银行承兑利率
bank buying rate银行买进率
bank rate of discount银行贴现率
bank rate of rediscount银行再贴现率
bank rate policy银行利率政策指中央银行贴现政策
bank selling rate银行卖出率
banker's acceptance rate银行承兑率
banker's buying rate银行买入汇率
banker's buying rate银行买进行市
banker's buying rate银行购买汇率
banker's buying rate银行买进外汇率
banker's buying rate银行买价
banker's rate银行汇率
banker's rate银行汇价
banker's selling rate银行卖出汇率
banker's selling rate银行卖价
base freight rate基本费率
basic exchange rate基本兑换率
basic rate基本运费率
basic rate基本保险费率
basic rate of exchange基础汇率
basic rate of exchange基本汇率
berth cargo rate停泊船运费率
berth cargo rate停埠船运费率
book rate账面利率
book rate账面折合率
book rate of a currency通货账面利率
bound rate约束税率
broken cross rate有差距的套算汇率
call loan rate通知活期放款利率
capacity operating rate开工率
capitalizing rate资本核算率
cargo insurance rate货物运输保险费率
cargo insurance rate货物保险费率
carload rate整车货运费率
carload rate整车运价
carry over rate转期利率
ceiling rate汇率上限
ceiling rate最高汇率
central exchange rate中心汇率
charter rate包机费率
charter rate租船费率
class rate分级运费率
class rate分等运价
class rate分级费类
class rate分级保险率
class rate分级保险费率
closing rate收盘汇价
closing rate收盘价
combination joint rate组合运价
combination of rate运价组合
combination rate联运费率
combination rate合并运费率
combined rate联合运价率
competitive rate竞争性费率
conference freight rate运输同盟运费率
conference freight rate协议运费率
conference freight rate班轮运费率
conference rate同盟运价
conference rate同盟运费率
conference rate航运公会标准运价
conference rate协议运费率
conference rate班轮运费率
constructed rate推定运费率
contango rate交易延期费伦敦交易所
contango rate贴水率
contango rate升水率
conversion rate汇率
conversion rate折合率汇价
conversion rate换算率
crawling peg exchange rate蠕动钉住汇率
crawling peg exchange rate轻跳频改汇率
critical rate临界率
cross rate套价
cross rate套汇率
cross rate套汇汇率
cross rate套汇价
cross rate of exchange交叉汇率
cross rate of exchange套汇汇率
crude activity rate原始活动率
crude activity rate粗活动率
crude birth rate原始出生率
curb market rate证券的场外市场价
curb rate黑市行情
current freight rate现行运费
current rate当日汇率
current rate现行费率
current rate现行价格
current rate牌价
current rate现价
current rate现行汇率
current rate时价
customs duty rate关税税率
cutback rate中转运输量
cutback rate中转运费率
declining rate递减率
delinquency rate借款拖欠率
departmental rate部别制造费用率
differential exchange rate差别汇价
differential rate差别税率
direct quotation of exchange rate汇价直接标价
direct rate直接汇率
direct rate of exchange直接汇兑行市
dollar rate美元行市
double exchange rate双倍汇兑利率
dry cargo time charter freight rate干货船期租运价
dual rate双重运费率
dual rate双档汇率
dual rate双重汇率
dual rate system双重运费制度
earning rate赚得率
earning rate收益率
equilibrium rate of exchange平均汇率
equilibrium rate of exchange平衡汇率
equilibrium rate of exchange均衡汇率
equitable rate base公平费率基础公用事业虑
equitable rate base公平费率基础
error rate误差率
error rate错误率
exception rate等级例外运费率
expenditure rate支出限度
export credit rate出口信贷利率
export rate出口税率
factor rate成本中心分配率
final rate最后定价
flat meter rate按定价取费
flat rate统售价格
flat rate统扯费率
flat rate定额
flat rate统收费率
flat rate单一数率
flat rate均一运费率
flat rate allowance定额津贴
floating exchange rate system浮动汇率制度
floating prime rate of interest浮动基本利率
floating foreign exchange rate机动汇率
floating rate浮动汇率 (of exchange)
floating foreign exchange rate浮动汇率
floating-rate notes浮动汇率票据
floor exchange rate汇率的最低限
floor exchange rate最低汇率
fluctuation margins of exchange rate汇率的波动幅度
fluctuations in rate of exchange汇率波动
forward exchange rate远期汇率
forward rate远期汇价
forward rate期货汇率
forward rate远期汇率
forward exchange rate远期外汇汇率期货价格
forward exchange rate期货汇率
free exchange rate自由汇价
free exchange rate自由汇价
free exchange rate不固定汇率
free market exchange rate自由市场汇率
freely floating exchange rate自由浮动汇率
freight all kinds FAK rate综合费率
freight all kinds FAK rate同一费率
freight rate运费
freight rate运价
freight rate运价
freight rate level货运价率水平
freight rate war运费率竞争
general cargo rate一般货物运费率
general cargo rate杂货运费率
general cargo rate货运费率
general inflation rate一般的通货膨胀率
general rate差食向
general rate通用税率
general rate of interest一般利率
goods rate货物运价率
government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest支付定息的政府拨款
gross rate毛费率
gross reproduction rate毛再生殖率
growth rate增长率
high interest rate高利贷
hire labor rate临时工工资庠
hiring rate雇佣率
IATA rate航空运输协会运价
import deposit rate进口保证金数额
import license bond rate进口保证率
import rate进口税率
indicative growth rate指示性增长率
inflation rate通货膨胀率
inter-bank rate银行间利率
inter-bank rate银行间汇率
interest rate differentials国内外利率的差别
interest rate differentials利率差额
interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills岀口汇票担保借款利率
interest rate policy利率政策
interest rate swap利率交换
intrinsic rate of natural increase内在的自然增长率
job vacancy rate职位空额率
joint rate联运运价率
joint rate联合运费
joint rate联合运费率
joint rate联合运价
Labor force participation rate劳动力参加率
labor hour rate人工小时率用于制造费用的分摊
Lay-off Rate暂时解雇率
LCL rate零担运价率
lending rate放款利率
liberalization rate自由化率
liberalization rate自由化速度
limited floating rate有限浮动汇率
list of exchange rate quotations外汇牌价表
loan interest rate贷款利率
loaning rate on stocks股票抵押贷款利率
local rate当地运价率
local rate当地运价
lombard rate短期放款利率英国
lombard rate证券抵押
loss rate损失比率
loss rate损失率
manual rate保费率
margins of exchange rate fluctuations in terms of parity汇价围绕平价波动的范围
market discount rate市场贴现率
market rate市场汇率
market rate市场利率
market rate of interest市场利率
mean annual rate of increase年度平均增长率
measurement rate容积运费率
medium rate中间汇率汇率上下波动的中心点
member rate会员运费率
member rate海运水脚公会会员运费率
merchant rate商业汇价
message rate消息率
message rate按次计费率电信的
message rate subscriber根据通话次数计费的用户
middle rate中间汇率
middle average rate平均价
middle average rate中间价
middle rate of exchange平均汇率
middle rate of exchange中间汇率
mid-point rate平均汇率
mid-point rate平均价格
mid-point rate or middle rate平均汇率
mid-point rate or middle rate中间汇率
mileage rate按英里程计算的运费率
minimum rate最低运费
mixing rate混载费率
monetary exchange rate货币汇率
most-favoured-nation tariff rate最惠国关税率
movable exchange rate波动汇率
movable rate活动汇率
movable rate移动汇率
multiple exchange rate多种汇率
multiple exchange rate复汇率
multiple rate复盘汇率
multiple rate复汇率
multiple rate多元汇率
narrow exchange rate margin较小汇率幅度
natural rate自然率
natural rate of interest自然利率
natural rate of wages自然工资率
net premium rate净贴水率
net premium rate净保
nominal rate票面汇价
nominal rate名义汇价
nominal rate of interest名义利率
normal distribution rate正常分配率
normal income rate正常收益率
normal rate正常运价
normal rate普通运价
ocean freight rate远洋运费率
official discount rate法定贴现率
official discount rate法定折扣率
official exchange rate官定汇率
official exchange rate官方外汇牌价
official exchange rate法定汇率
official minimum rate法定最低利率
official rate法定汇价
official rate正式汇价
official rate官方汇价
official rate of exchange官价汇率
official rate of exchange官方汇率
official rate of exchange法定汇率
on-line rate本航线运价
open market rate公开市场汇率
open rate自由运费率
operating rate经营率
operating rate of capacity开工率
operational rate业务汇率
optimum rate of interest最适度利率
optimum rate of savings适合储蓄率
original gross rate原始毛费率
original net rate原始净费率
original premium rate原费率
over pivot rate超基准量收费率
overhead rate间接费分摊率
owner's risk rate货主负责运价率
parcel rate包裹运费率
parity rate平价指数
particular commodity rate特定货物运费率
patterns of exchange rate汇率类型
pegged exchange rate钉住的汇率
pegged rate固定的汇率
pegged rate钉住外汇汇率
penalty rate惩罚税率
penalty rate罚款率
persistent high rate of inflation持续的高通货膨胀率
postal rate邮费
predetermined factory overhead rate预定间接制造成本摊配率
preference rate货币兑换的优先率
premium rate贴水率
premium rate溢价率
premium rate外汇升水率
premium rate of exchange贴水汇率
prevailing rate现行贴现率
prevailing rate现行价格
prevailing rate通行汇率
prevailing rate市价
prevailing rate时价
prime rate of interest优惠利率
progressive rate累进税率
proportional rate成比率运费率
proportional rate of tax比例税率
proportional tax rate比例税率
published rate公布运价
pure interest rate纯利率
pure rate of interest纯利率
railway rate铁路运价
rate agreement运费协定
rate calculation运费计算
rate credit信用比值
rate cutting减低运费保险费
rate established规定的比价
rate for overseas radiophone service国际电话价目表
rate for overseas telegrams国际电报价目表
rate for radio cablegrams无线电报费
rate negotiations谈判运费
rate of assessment分摊比率
rate of broken stowage亏舱率
rate of call活期贷款利率
rate of call通知存款利率
rate of capacity utilization制造业开工率
Rate of Change变动率
rate of concession优惠率
rate of consumer price inflation消费物价指数计算的通货膨胀率
rate of conversion换算率
rate of conversion兑换率
rate of conversion换率
rate of conversion外汇兑换率
rate of damage to goods商品损耗率
rate of despatch money速遣费率
rate of discount贴现率
rate of dividend股息率
rate of dividend股利率
rate of duty关税率
rate of duty关税税率
rate of flow投入流入率
rate of foreign exchange外汇汇率
rate of foreign exchange外汇兑换率
rate of foreign exchange外汇率
rate of freight运价率
rate of freight航运费
rate of freight运费率
rate of gross investment总投资率
rate of import penetration进口 渗透率
rate of inflation通货膨胀率
rate of interchange货物交换比率
rate of international reserves imports国际储备对进口的比率
rate of investment投资率
rate of loading/discharging装卸率
rate of margin毛利率 (rate of gros profit)
rate of natural loss商品自然损耗率
rate of operation开工率
rate of operation of equipment设备利用率
rate of passage运费率船等
rate of premium升水率
rate of premium保险费率
rate of rent租金率
rate of return投资盈余率
rate of return投资收益率
rate of return on invested capital投入资本所得率
rate of return on new investment新投资所得率
rate of royalty使用费率
rate of ships on operating line船舶上线率
rate of stock turnover存货周转率
rate of surplus value剩余价值率
rate of taxation税率
rate of telegraphic transfer电汇汇率
rate of turnover周转率
rate of unemployment失业率
rate of wage工资率
rate of waste损耗率
rate of waste commodity商品损耗率
rate on interchange货物交换比率
rate payer纳税人地方
rate per annum年率
rate per diem日率
rate per mensem月率
rate tariff运费价目表
rate variance工资率差异
rate war运费率竞争
rate war减价竞争
rate war减价倾销竞争
rate war压价倾销竞争
redemption rate兑换率
reinvestment rate再投资率
revised rate修正价格
risk adjusted discount rate风险调整折现率
risk free rate无风险折现率
royalty rate产地使用费率
royalty rate提成率
seasonally adjusted annual rate季节变动调整年率
section rate分段运价
sectional rate分段运价
seller's rate of exchange卖价
selling rate卖价
selling rates卖价
selling rate of telegraphic transfer银行电汇售价
selling rate of telegraphic transfer银行电汇卖价
separation rate离职率
short rate短期汇率
sight rate即期价格
single exchange rate单一汇率
single factor through rate单一联运费率
single factor through rate单一直达运费率
single rate单一汇率
single rate system of exchange control单一汇率外汇管制制度
Smithsonian rate斯密森汇率
standard labor rate标准工资率
standard rate基本比率
standard rate通常价格
standard rate of tax标准税率
standard rate of wages工资标准率
standard wage rate标准工资率
standardized burden rate标准化负荷率
statutory rate法定税律 (of duty)
statutory tax rate法定税率
subscription rate订费标准
support the exchange rate维持汇价
swings of growth rate增长率摆动
switch rate转手汇率
taper freight rate分等级的运费
target growth rate指标增长率
target rate of growth指标增长率
tariff rate运价率
tariff rate规章费率
tariff-rate quotas关税率配额
tax rate schedule税率表
telegraphic transfer rate电汇汇价
telegraphic transfer rate T/T rate电汇汇率
third rate低劣的
third rate三等的
third rate劣等的
third rate劣等
trade-off between risk and rate of return风险与报酬率权衡
tramp shipping freight rate不定期船舶运费率
transborder rate过境运价
transportation rate运费率
transportation rate运价
treasury bill rate国库券价格
trend rate of growth增长率的趋势
true rate of interest实际利率
turnover rate更换率
two-tier exchange rate双重汇价
two-tier exchange rate双重汇率
upper and lower limit of exchange rate fluctuation汇价波动上下限
upper and lower limit of official rate of exchange官方汇率上下限
upper and lower limits of exchange rate fluctuation汇价波动上下限
upper and lower limits of official rate of exchange官方汇率上下限
upstream freight rate上水运价
usance bill rate期票贴现率
usance bill rate远期汇票价
vacancy rate房主房屋闲置率
vacancy rate, rental岀租房屋的闲置率
variable-exchange-rate system自由浮动汇率制度
vary the rate of commission变更佣金率
volume rate大量运输的运费率
wage rate variance工资率差异
war rate战争险费率
wider exchange rate margin较大汇率幅度
withholding tax rate代扣税率
yardstick rate标准费率
yield rate生利率指股票债券所生利润率
yield rate生利率指股票债券所生利益率
yield rate实际获利率
zero rate of duty免税
zone freight rate地区统一运费率
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