
Terms for subject Mining containing rate | all forms | exact matches only
abandonment oil production rate井的废弃采油速率
at the rate of---以.....速度
at the rate of以……速度
average injection rate平均注入量【速率】
bottom-hole flow rate井底流量
calendar day oil rate日历日产油量
constant injection rate恒定注入速率
constant rate drawdown产量恒定的压降
constant sand-face rate buildup井底稳定流量恢复曲线
constant sand-face rate drawdown井底稳定流量下降曲线
critical rate to gas临界产气量
critical rate to water临界产水量
flow at rate of以… …流【产】量自喷
flow at rate of流量为
flow rate of fresh water淡水流率
flow rate of salt water盐水流率
flow rate of water水排【流】量
fluidic rate sensor射流速率传感器
formation rate analysis地层产量分析
gas formation rate analysis气层产量分析
high-rate water fracs大排量水力压裂
high-rate water packs高产 分层堵水
inflow performance rate动态流入速率
injection rate注入率
kill rate pressure压井泵速压力
max rate/max pressure最大产量/最大压力
maximized pressure differential and injection rate最大压差与注入量
maximum economic rate最大有效速率
maximum economic rate最高合理产量
maximum rate Homer最高产量的赫诺曲线
maximum sand-free rate最大无砂产量
minimum effective liquid rate最小有效液流量
oil production rate产油率
oil production rate采油速度
peak flow rate最高流速【量】
pressure losses at slow pump rate低泵速压力损失
quasi-constant rate draw down准稳定产量压降测试
rate-normalized pressure产量归一化压力
rate of descent下降率
rate of flow流量【速】
rate too low to measure无法测出的低产量
rate too small to measure无法测出的低流量
reaction rate interface反应速率界面
reciprocal pressure-normalized rate difference倒数压力与归一化产率之差
sandface rate convolution井底 【砂层面】流量褶积
sandface rate-convolution time井底流量褶积时间
single rate单【定,不变】产量
step-rate test台阶式流量试井
step-rate test系统试井
swab rate抽汲速率【产量】
transient rate and pressure瞬变流量和压力
two-rate test双流量测试
variable rate build-up可变产量 压力恢复测试
variable rate drawdown变产量下降
water production rate产水速率