
Terms for subject Logistics containing rate | all forms | exact matches only
ad valorem rate按 FOB 值计算的从价货值费率 (according to FOB)
base freight rate基本费率
basic freight rate基本费率
basing rate基率仅用于制定其他费率的比率
box rate包箱费率
class rate等级费率运价
class rate code〔空〕等级费率代码
class rate reduction〔空〕附减等级运价
class rate surcharge〔空〕附加等级运价
Commodity Classification Rate货物等级运价
commodity rate商品费率
Compound Annual Growth Rate年复合增长率
construction rate〔空〕比例运价
contract interest rate票面利率 (stated rate)
contract rate system合同费率制
domestic rate〔空〕国内费率
dry cargo time charter freight rate干货租期船运价
dual rate contract双重费率制
F.A.K. rate不分级运费率
fighting rate竞争性费率
general commodity rate普通商品运费率
General Commodity Rate普通货物运价
government order rate协议运价
hatch hour rate舱时量
Internal Return Rate内部报酬率
item fill rate订单单项完成率
London Interbank Offer Rate伦敦商业银行同业拆放利率
minimum rate〔空〕最低费率
mixing rate混载运费率
normal rate〔空〕正常费率〔45千克以下普通货物运费率〕
ocean freight rate海运运费费率
open rate议价
order fill rate订单完成履行,满足
over pivot rate〔空〕超重费率
promotional rate促进贸易性运费率
proportional rate比例费率
published rate公布运费价
published rate〔空〕公布运费/费率
published through rate〔空〕公布直达运价
quantity rate〔空〕数量运价
Rate Construction Point〔空〕费率点
Rate Construction Unit〔空〕费率点
rate of demurrage压港费率
rate of loading装货率
Rate Restoration Surcharge运价修复附加费
sector rate〔空〕分段运费
Special Commodity Rate指定特定货物运价
special rate特定费率
Specific Commodity Rate指定特定货物运价
tariff rate运价本费率本价
Unit Load Device Rate集装器运价
unitized consignments rate〔空〕集装箱货物运价
volume rate容量级
Year on Year growth rate年增长率
zero haulage rate零接运费率