
Terms for subject Textile industry containing rate | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance rate汇票承兑汇率
additional rate附加费
additional rate附属费
additional rate增列运费率
adjusted rate调后费率
adjusted rate已调汇率
adjusted rate已调利率
adjusted rate of exchange调后汇价
adjusted rate of exchange已调汇率
adjusted rate of tax调后税率
adjusted rate of tax已调税率
adjustment of exchange rate汇率调整
after-tax profit rate税后利润率
after-tax profit rate纳税后利润率
annual average growth rate年平均成长率
annual interest rate年利率
annual rate of profit年度利润率
annual rate of return年度盈利率
area burning rate面积燃烧速率
average rate of advance平均增长率
bank's buying rate买价
bank's buying rate银行买入汇率
bank's selling rate卖价
base lending rate基本贷款利率
basic rate基本汇率
basic rate of freight基本运费率
basic rate of interest基本利率
basic rate of tax基本税率
below market interest rate低于市场利率
best lending rate最优贷款利率
best prevailing tariff rate最低通行税率
best prevailing tariff rate最佳通行税率
blood-wicking rate test血液浸润率试验
burn-off rate融蚀率
buying rate for usance bill远期汇票买入价
buying sight rate按现货价买进
cash turnover rate现金周转率
ceiling exchange rate最高汇率
ceiling of exchange rate汇率上限
ceiling of exchange rate汇率最高限
ceiling rate最高行情
change in exchange rate汇价变化
change in interest rate level利率水准的变动
check rate即期汇价
collapse rate泡沫破灭速率
combined rate联合费率
composite tax rate综合税率
comprehensive profit rate综合盈利率
conference freight rate班轮公会运费率
constant rate of extension type等速伸长型
consumption rate耗费率
consumption rate消耗率
conversion rate汇价
conversion rate外汇行市
conversion rate汇兑率
current rate市价
cutting rate裁剪率
declared preference countries rate特别优惠关税税率
delivery rate给〔输〕 料速度
delivery rate输料速度
delivery rate输送率
delivery rate输出率
direct rate直接汇价
dollar exchange rate美元汇率
double traverse rate双程横动速率
draw-off rate卷取速率
draw-off rate拉出速率
dual exchange rate复式汇率
duty rate关税率
dye rate染色率
effective rate实际汇率
effective rate实际费率
effective rate有效费率
effective rate有效率
effective rate of exchange实际汇率
effective rate of exchange有效汇率
equipment perfection rate设备完好率
equipment running rate设备运转率
excessive rate of exchange过高汇率
expected rate of exchange预期汇率
expected rate of interest预期利率
extension rate扩大率
fault extraction rate清纱率
fault extraction rate纱疵清除率
favorable interest rate优惠利率
flaming rate燃烧蔓延速度
flat rate统一费率
flat rate of pay定额工资
floating of exchange rate汇率浮动
floating of rate利率浮动
floating of rate费率浮动
floating of rate汇率浮动
floating rate certificates of deposit浮动汇率存款单
floating rate note浮息票据
floating rate note浮动汇率票据
floating rate of exchange机动汇率
floating rate of exchange浮动汇率
floating rate of interest机动利率
floating rate of interest浮动利率
foreign currency exchange rate外币兑换率
forward rate期货价格
free exchange rate自由汇率
free rate自定汇率
free rate自定运价
free rate自由汇率
freely flexible exchange rate自由变动汇率
freight all kinds rate品名无差别运费率
freight all kinds rate同一运费率
freight all kinds rate只按货物重量或体积计算的运费
going rate现行费率
going rate通行汇率
gross profit rate总利润率
growth rate of demand需求增长率
growth rate of economy经济增长率
growth rate of income收入增长率
growth rate of industry工业增长率
growth rate of production生产增长率
high interest rate高利率
high interest rate policy高利率政策
high rate高汇率
high rate高比例
high rate高利率
high-rate activated-sludge process加速曝气法
high-rate activated-sludge process高速活性污泥法
higher rate高汇率
higher rate高税率
higher rate高比例
higher rate高利率
IATA rate国际航空运输协会运价
import deposit rate进口存款率
import deposit rate进口保证率
import rate进口运费率
insurance premium rate保险费率
inter-bank offered rate银行间利率
inter-bank offered rate银行同业拆息率
inter-bank offered rate银行间汇率
interbank rate银行间汇率
interbank rate同业买卖汇率
interest rate arbitrage利率套利
interest rate differentials利率差别
interest rate futures利率期货
interest rate level利率水平
interest rate on loans贷款利率
interest rate on loans放款利率
interest rate risk利率风险
interest rate spread利率差额
interest rate swap利率套购
interest rate swap利率转换
job rate工作定额
job rate包工价
joint rate合伙运费
joint rate联运费率
joint rate联运运费
key interest rate主要利率
labor rate standard工资率标准
labor rate variance工资率差异
LCL rate零担运费率
LCL rate拼装运费率
lending rate放贷利率
liberalization of interest rate放宽利率
loan rate of interest贷款利率
loan rate of interest放款利率
lombard rate抵押放款利率
lombard rate金融市场利率
lombard rate证券抵押短期放款利率
long exchange rate长期汇率
long exchange rate远期汇率
long-term prime rate长期贷款优惠利率
manufacturing average rate at factory工厂平均制造率,工厂平均生产率
maritime commission rate海事委员会运价
maritime commission rate海事委员会运费
market exchange rate市场汇价
market exchange rate市场汇率
market interest rate市场利率
market money rate市场利率
market rate市场汇价
market rate of exchange市场汇率
marketing profit rate营销利润率
market-sharing rate市场占有率
maximum economic rate of production最经济生产率,经济生产速度上限
maximum interest rate最高利率
maximum rate最高费率
maximum utility rate最高利用率
mean annual growth rate年均增长率
mean annual increase rate年均增长率
mean rate平均费率
mean rate平均率
mean rate of growth平均增长率
mean rate of profit平均利润率
medium rate中间汇率
medium rate中价
merchandise turnover rate商品周转率
metabolic rate能量代谢率
middle rate平均价
milling rate缩绒率
minimum rate最低税率
minimum rate最低费率
minimum rate of tax最低税率
minimum tariff rate最低税率
minimum wage rate最低工资率
moisture vapor transmission rate透湿率
moisture vapor transmission rate湿汽转移率
multilateral exchange rate多边汇率
needle failure rate坏针率
net original rate原净费率
net profit rate净利润率
net profit rate on sale销售纯利率
net profit rate to operation营业纯利率,经营纯利率
net profit rate to sales销售纯利率
net rate净率
net rate净费率
net rate净比例
net rate of profit净利润率
net rate of profit纯利率
nominal interest rate虚利率
normal net profit rate正常净利率
normal overhead rate正常费用分摊率
normal rate额定利率
normal rate常态比率
normal rate正常费率
ocean freight rate海运费率
offer rate卖方开价
official rate官方利率
official rate行市
official rate官方汇率
operating rate操作率
operating rate营业率
operational rate有效率
operational rate可用汇率
optimum rate最适宜利率
optimum rate of growth最佳增长率
ordinary rate原费率
ordinary rate普通价格
original net rate原净保费率
outright rate of exchange已计入贴水或贴现的远期汇率
outright rate of exchange直接汇率
over feed rate超喂率
parcel rate包裹运价
particular rate特定费率
particular rate特定汇率
pass rate及格率
pass rate通过率
pass rate合格率
penalty rate受罚率
plow-back profit rate再投资利润率
posted rate汇率牌价
posted rate挂牌汇价
preference rate优惠汇率
preference rate货币兑换的优惠率
preference rate优惠率
preference rate优先率
prevailing rate流行率
prevailing rate现价费率
prevailing rate现行汇率
prevailing rate of exchange现行汇率
prevailing rate of freight现行运费率
prevailing rate of tax现行税率
production profit rate生产利率
profit margin rate毛利率
profit rate of net worth资本净利润率,净值利润率
profit rate on costs成本利润率
profit rate on exports出口利润率
profit rate on foreign exchange外币汇兑利润率
profit rate on funds资金利润率
profit rate on investment投资利润率
profit rate on production生产利润率
progressive piece-rate wage累进计件工资
progressive rate of tax累进税率
proportional rate成比例运费率
railway rate铁路运费率
rate action微分作用
rate action速率作用
rate agreement运费协议
rate basis运费基准
rate calculation运价计算
rate card收费牌
rate card广告收费标准牌
rate card价目牌
rate conversion兑换率
rate deficiency grant税款短收补贴
rate difference价差
rate difference率差
rate differentials率差
rate differentials价差
rate differentials差价
rate established规定比价
rate fixing规定比率
rate fixing制订定额《管理》
rate fixing额定标准
rate of amortization摊销率
rate of amortization清偿率
rate of amortization折旧率
rate of damaged cargo货损率
rate of deviation误差率
rate of dispatch money速遣费率
rate of duty税率
rate of estate duty遗产税率
rate of exchange外汇率
rate of final products最终产品率
rate of finished products成品率
rate of fixed assets transferred and in use固定资产交付使用率
rate of foreign exchange汇率
rate of foreign exchange外币汇兑率
rate of freight traffic货运率
rate of freight wagon loading货车装载率
rate of growth增长速度
rate of growth增长率
rate of import penetration进口渗透率
rate of imputation假计税率
rate of income收入率
rate of income报酬率
rate of income收益率
rate of interest利息率
rate of margin保证金率
rate of margin毛利率
rate of missing inspection漏验率
rate of operation运营速度
rate of operation运转速度
rate of operation利用率
rate of operation运算速度
rate of operation运行速度
rate of operation操作效率
rate of passage船舶运费率
rate of pay工资率
rate of postage邮费
rate of postage邮费率
rate of profit盈利率
rate of redemption偿还率
rate of rediscount再贴现率
rate of return回转率
rate of return资本回收率
rate of return comparisons报酬率比较法
rate of return method报酬率法
rate of return on equity股本收益率
rate of return on invested capital投资收益率,投入资本所得率
rate of return on investment投资收益率,投资报酬率,投资回报率,投资利润率
rate of return on sales销货报酬率
rate of return over costs报酬超过成本率
rate of return pricing收益率计价法
rate of return pricing报酬率定价法
rate of return table收益率表
rate of return table回收率表
rate of return table报酬率表
rate of rework返工率
rate of safety安全系数
rate of safety安全率
rate of shortlanded and overlanded cargo卸货差异率
rate of spoiled products破损率
rate of spoiled products废品率
rate of standard products converted折标准品率
rate of surplus盈余率
rate of turnover周转速度
rate of turnover销售率
rate of utilization利用系数
rate of utilization of fixed assets固定资产利用率
rate of work功率
rate of work工作速度
rate of work工作强度
rate payer纳税人
rate payment缴税
rate rebate减税
rate risk利率风险
rate set工资定额
rate set工资率
rate set劳动定额
rate sheet收费表
rate sheet价目表
rate structure费率结构
rate structure税率结构
rate table费率表
rate table汇率表
rate table税率表
rate table运价表
reciprocal rate相互汇率
reclamation rate再生率
recognized rate of exchange认可汇率
recovery rate采收率
redemption rate兑现率
redeposit rate再存款率
reduced rate降低费率
reduced rate减低运费率
reduced tax rate减税税率
regular rate正常费率
regular rate法定税率
regular rate通常汇率
regular rate正常工资费
reinvested profit rate再投资利率
reject rate次品率
reject rate废品率
repurchase rate回购率
repurchase rate重购率
reserve rate准备率
reserve rate储备率
reserve rate policy准备率政策
scheduled rate预定运价
scheduled rate预定费率
selling rate银行卖价
selling rate卖岀汇率
selling rate of telegraphic transfer银行电汇售价,电汇卖价
service rate使用率
shift rate替换率
ship arrival rate船舶到港率
ship hour rate船时率
ship hour rate船时量
ship's turnover rate平均航次周转期
short forward rate短期期货汇率
short rate短期保险费率
short rate短期债券溢价
short rate短期利率
short-term money rate短期利率
short-term rate of interest短期利率
sight rate即期汇率
single official exchange rate单一官方汇率
single rate单一费率
single rate单一汇价
smooth rate缓和速度
smooth rate稳速
solvency rate偿债能力率
special discount rate特别贴现率
special discount rate特别折扣率
split rate股本分散率
spoilage rate次品率
spoilage rate损耗率
spoilage rate废品率
spring rate弹性率
standard burden rate标准分摊率
standard burden rate标准负荷率
standard of rate费率标准
standard of tax rate税率标准
standard of wage rate工资率标准
standard overhead rate标准间接费用率
standard-piece rate正布率
standard-piece rate正品率
standby rate备用费率
standby rate预备保险率
stated rate约定费率
stated rate法定税率
stated rate设定利率
statutory rate法定税率
target rate of growth目标增长率
tariff concession rate关税优惠税率
tariff rate协定费率
tariff rate quota税率配额
tax rate税级
tax rate税收等级
tax rate limit税率限度
tax rate table税率表
telegraphic transfer rate电汇汇率
temporary rate临时费率
third rate goods三等货
through freight rate联运运费
through freight rate直达运费率
through freight rate联运费率
through rate全程运价
through rate联运价
through rate直达费率
through rate直达运价
through rate联运费率
tight rate较高的计件工资定额
tourism growth rate旅游业增长率
trade rate同业汇率
trade-weighted exchange rate贸易加权汇率
transhipment cargo rate联运价
transhipment cargo rate联运费率
treasury bill rate债券率
two-rate system双重税率制
two-tier exchange rate两价汇率
two-way rate双向利率
two-way rate双向汇率
uncertain rate不确定汇率
uncertain rate未确定汇率
under rate收费不足
usurious rate of interest高利贷利率
variable overhead rate可变制造费用率
variable overhead rate可变间接费用率
variable profit rate可变利润率
variable rate浮动汇率
variable rate可变利率
variable rate of costs成本变动率
variable rate pricing可变利率作价
variable rate stock变动利率证券
variable rate stock浮动利率债券
variance in premium rate保险费率差别
variance of premium rate保险费率差别
volatile premium rate动荡不定的保险费率
wage rate工资率《管理》
wage rate record工资率表
warp rate经密
wastage rate报废率
waste product rate废品率
water rate用水率
weekly rate按周计算的费用
weekly rate周价
weft insertion rate accommodation ratio每平方米引纬数
weft insertion rate accommodation ratio引纬面积率
winter rate冬季价
withholding rate预提税率
withholding tax rate预提税率
withholding tax rate预扣税率
year-end rate年终率
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