
Terms containing rapidly | all forms | exact matches only
fin.allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly允许人民币以更快速度升值
expl.As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持
econ.Computer language has developed rapidly from 1970s自从20世纪70年代以来,计算机语言有了迅速发展
fin.control the monetary conditions for commodity prices rising too rapidly控制物价过快上涨的货币条件
met.deformation of rapidly cooled strip速冷带钢变形
UNDisaster/rapidly developing disaster突发性灾害
environ.experiment on rapidly intensifying cyclones over the atlantic大西洋气旋快速强化实验
agric.fire rapidly spreading飞火指火势迅速蔓延
commer.It has appreciated rapidly该货价已急剧上涨
econ.Owing to heavy orders, our stocks have diminished rapidly由于大量订货,我们的存货已迅速减少
avia.pressure falling rapidly压力迅速下降
avia.pressure rising rapidly压力迅速上升
AI.Rapidly Adapting Lateral Position HandlerRALPH 专家系统一种基于神经网络的自主车辆导航系统
otorhinol.rapidly alternating speech reception test快速交替言语接受试验
tech.rapidly available phosphorus速效磷
ecol.rapidly available potassium速效钾
fin.rapidly changing economic environment风云变幻的经济环境
el.rapidly changing load快速变动负荷
earth.sc.rapidly changing turbulent急变紊流
met.rapidly cooled iron快速冷却铁 (With only 1 per cent silicon the cast iron tends to be white, while with about 3 per cent silicon, even rapidly cooled irons are grey. 仅含有1%硅的铸铁有白口倾向;而含有约3%硅的铸铁,即使快速冷却,断口也是灰色的。)
spacerapidly deployable ABM system可快速部署的反导系统
el.rapidly deployable fiber-optic cable快速敷设光缆
UNrapidly deployable mission HQ快速部署特派团总部
spacerapidly deployable mobile SIGINT systems快速部署的机动信号情报系统
el.rapidly deployable radio network可快速部署无线网络
fisheryrapidly deployable sonobuoy system可快速放置声纳浮标系统RDSS
el.rapidly deployable surveillance system可快速部署监视系统
avia.rapidly deployed anti-aircraft missile system快速部署反飞机导弹系统
tech.rapidly developing disasters急剧恶化的灾害
tech.rapidly drying paint快干油漆
mil., air.def.rapidly elevated aerostat platform快速升空气球平台
spacerapidly extensible language快速扩充语言
el.rapidly extensible language快速可扩充语言
anim.husb.rapidly fattening快速肥育
anim.husb.rapidly fattening速肥的
desert.rapidly flowing river急流河
agric.rapidly growing species速生种
agric.rapidly growing species快速生长种
anim.husb.rapidly labeled RNA脉冲标记 RNA
anim.husb.rapidly labeled RNA快标记 RNA
mol.gen.rapidly labelled RNA快速标记 RNA
nurs.rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis急进性肾小球肾炎
nurs.rapidly progressive periodontitis快速进行性牙周炎
mol.gen.rapidly reannealing DNA快速退火 DNA
anim.husb.rapidly reannealing DNA快速复性 DNA
busin.rapidly rotating shift system迅速轮班制
tech.rapidly rotating shift system快速轮班制
met.rapidly solidified material快速凝固材料 (【技】金属或合金熔液急剧冷却形成的微晶或非晶态合金材料。其显微结构和相组成发生明显变化:固溶度扩展、晶粒细化、偏析减少、亚稳相形成等。材料的这些组织结构变化使其具有一系列优异的性能,例如高的强度、硬度、韧性、耐磨性、抗氧化性、耐蚀性等。)
avia.rapidly solidified material快速凝固材料
met.rapidly solidified powder速凝粉末
spacerapidly solidified titanium快速凝结钛
tech.rapidly soluble material易溶物质
tech.rapidly strengthen急骤增强
tech.rapidly switched tube快速开关管
hydroel.st.rapidly varied flow急变流
hydroel.st.rapidly varied unsteady flow急变不恒定流
hydroel.st.rapidly varied unsteady flow急变不稳定流
fin.rapidly waning export growth迅速减速的出口增长
railw.rapidly wearing parts易磨损部件
sport.The best runner was rapidly leaving the others behind.那位跑得最快的运动员迅速地把其他运动员甩在后面
commer.The goods have been rapidly consumed货物已迅速被消耗了
commer.The oil resources in some countries are rapidly wasting有些国家的石油资源正在迅速消耗
expl.The rate of chemical reaction is strongly pressure dependent and will decrease rapidly as the reacting material expands化学反应速率取决于压力的大小、并随着反应物质的膨胀而迅速降低
econ.These materials are consumables and have been rapidly consumed这些材料是消耗品,很快就用完了
econ.We must take severe measures rapidly to stop a crisis developing我们必须迅速采取严厉措施以遏止危机的发展