
Terms containing range adjustment | all forms | in specified order only
spaceadjustment in range射程[距离]修正
econ.adjustment range调整幅度
oiladjustment range调节范围
compr.adjustment range调整范围
busin.adjustment range调整幅度范围
proj.manag.Adopting infinitely timing with large adjustment range釆用无级调速、 速度调节范围大
auto.automatic light-range adjustment照明范围自动调节
auto.cruise-range mixture adjustment在使用转速范围内调混合气成分比例
piez.frequency adjustment range频率调整范围
auto.headlamp range adjustment前照灯调平
auto.headlamp range adjustment前照灯照明范围调节
auto.levelling adjustment range水平调节范围
tech.minimum range adjustment最小距离调节
met.oscillation stroke adjustment range振幅调整范围
expl.proportional adjustment of range and direction按比例调整距离和方向
oilrange adjustment量程调整
tech.range adjustment距离修正
agric.range adjustment范围调整
telecom.range adjustment距离调节
tech.range adjustment距离校正
CNCrange adjustment距离调整
plast.range of adjustment调节范围
auto.range of adjustment调节范围幅度
tech.range of adjustment调节阀
tech.range of adjustment校正范围
tech.range of adjustment调整范围
tech.range of adjustment调节幅度
commun., railw.range of gain adjustment增益调节范围
bridg.constr.range of value of adjustment factor调整系数值的范围
oilscale range adjustment调整量程
oilscale range adjustment调整刻度范围