
Terms for subject Electronics containing radio | all forms | exact matches only
absolute radio frequency channel绝对射频信道
absolute radio frequency channel number绝对射频信道号
additional radio regulations附加无线电通信规则
aerodrome control radio station机场指挥无线电台
aeronautical radio航空无线电
Aeronautical Radio and Radar Laboratory航空无线电与雷达实验室
aeronautical radio navigation航空无线电导航
airborne radio communications机载无线电通信
airborne radio direction finding机载无线电测向
airborne radio navigation机载无线电导航
airborne transportable ground radio installation可空运地面无线电设备
area radio controller区域无线通信控制器
automatic radio location beacon自动无线电定位信标
automatic telephone using radio无线自动电话
basic exchange telecommunication radio基本交换通信无线电
British Institute of Radio Engineers英国无线电工程师协会
British National Committee for Scientific Radio英国国家科学无线电委员会
Central People's Radio Station中央人民广播电台中国
central radio office中央无线电室
Central Radio Propagation Laboratory中央无线电波传播实验室美国
central radio station中央无线电台
changing radio automatic frequency transmission自动变频无线电发射
command radio link无线电指挥线路
command radio link指挥无线电链路
common usage radio frequency checkout公用无线电频率检査
common user radio transmission system公共用户无线电传输系统
communication radio office通信无线电室
communications and navigation airborne radio instrumentation机载无线电通信与导航仪表
communications user radio transmission sounding通信用户无线电传输探测
computer enhanced radio emission surveillance计算机强化无线电发射监视
computer-aided radio relay frequency assignment计算机辅助无线电中继频率分配
data radio channel数据广播信道
data radio channel数据无线信道
distress radio call system求救[遇险]无线电呼叫系统
Doppler VHF omnidirectional radio range多普勒甚高频全向无线电信标
European Radio Frequency Agency欧洲无线电频率局
European radio messaging system欧洲无线信息传送系统
extendible radio sonobuoy可扩展无线电声呐浮标
Federal Radio Commission联邦无线电委员会
fleet radio unit舰队无线电装置
future digital radio未来数字式无线电
general aviation radio magnetic indicator通用航空无线电磁指示器
General Electric radio tracking system通用电气无线电跟踪系统
general purpose radio receiver通用无线电接收机
general purpose radio transmitter通用无线电发射机
general radio access network通用无线接人网
general radio frequency meter通用无线电频率计
global packet radio service全球分组无线业务
global packet radio system全球分组无线系统
global radio navigation satellite system全球无线电导航卫星系统
ground approach radio fuse接近地面无线电引爆装置
ground aviation radio exchange航空无线电地面交换机
high capacity line of sight radio大容量视距无线电台
high capacity trunk radio大容量干线无线电台
high frequency radio system高频无线电系统
high frequency radio teletype高频无线电电传
high frequency radio transmitter高频无线电发射机
high level radio modulator高电平无线电调制器
high-performance radio local area network高性能无线局域网
Institute of Radio and Electronics Engineers无线电与电子学工程师协会澳大利亚
Institute of Radio Engineers无线电工程师协会 (IEEE 之前身)
Institution o£ Electronic and Radio Engineers电子与无线电工程师协会美国
instrument landing system radio environmental monitor仪表着陆系统无线电环境监测器
integrated radio frequency unit集成射频装置
integrated radio room综合无线电室
intersite radio communications system发射场间无线通信系统
ionosphere radio signal电离层无线电信号
Japan-radio network日本无线电广播网
joint advanced special operations radio system高级特种作战电台联合系统
Journal of Radio Research Laboratory电波研究所杂志日本
land mobile radio陆地移动式无线电台
land mobile radio service陆地移动式无线电业务
lightweight man-transportable radio direction finding system轻型单兵携带式无线电测向系统
maritime radio direction finder海上无线电测向仪
maritime radio navigation船舶无线电导航
Maritime World Administrative Radio Conference世界海事无线电行政大会
marker radio beacon指点无线电信标
marker radio beacon无线电指点标
Ministry of Radio, Film and Television广播电影电视部中国
mobile automatic radio telephone system移动式自动无线电话系统
mobile radio communications移动无线电通信
mobile radio communications channel移动无线电通信信道
mobile radio control post移动无线电控制站
mobile radio for railway networks in Europe欧洲铁路网移动无线通信
mobile radio modem移动无线调制解调器
mobile radio resource control移动无线电资源控制
Motorola integrated radio system摩托罗拉综合无线通信系统现更名 iDEN
multiband multimode radio system多波段多模式无线电系统
multi-function multi-band airborne radio system多功能多波段机载无线电系统
multiple adaptive HF radio system多重自适应高频无线电系统
multi-role radio多功能电台
National Appliance and Radio TV Dealers Association全国电器及无线电电视商协会美国
National Association of Business and Educational Radio国家商业与教育无线电协会
National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers全国无线电与电信工程师协会
National Association of Radio and Television Broadcasting全国无线电与电视广播协会
national educational radio国家教育无线电台
National Educational Television and Radio Center国家教育电视与无线电中心
National Mobile Radio Association全国移动无线通信协会
national mobile radio system全国移动无线通信系统
national public radio国家公众广播网
National Radio Astronomical Observatory国家射电天文台
national radio communications system国家无线电通信系统
National Radio Institute国家无线电学会美国
national radio network国家无线电广播网
National Radio Standards Committee国家无线电标准委员会美国
national radio station国家无线电台
National Radio System Committee国家广播制式委员会美国
naval radio activity海军无线电活动中心
naval radio activity海军无线电机构
naval radio compass海军无线电罗盘
navy radio station海军无线电台
omnidirectional radio range全向无线电信标
omnidirectional radio range全向无线电测距
operations and maintenance center for radio无线电操作与维护中心
orbiting radio beacon ionospheric satellite轨道无线电信标电离层卫星
orbiting radio emission observatory轨道射电发射观测台
orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio载有业余电台的轨道卫星
Ordinary Administrative Radio-Communication Conference常设无线通信行政会议
parachute radio transmitter伞投无线电发射机
planning aid for radio frequency acquisition system射频搜索系统设计辅助设备
public access mobile radio公众接人移动无线网
public land mobile radio公众陆地移动无线通信
public mobile radio公众移动无线通信
radio access bearer载线接人承载
radio access control agent function无线接人控制代理功能
radio access network operations and support software无线接人网操作与支持软件
radio access point无线接人点
radio access technology无线接人技术
radio access unit无线接人单元
radio-acoustic sounding system无线电电声探测系统
radio adaptive communication无线电自适应通信
Radio Administrative Plenipotentiary Conference无线电行政管理全权代表会议
radio altitude datum indicator无线电高度数据指示器
radio amateur civil emergency service业余无线电爱好者民事应急通信业务
radio amateur emergency network业余无线电爱好者应急通信网
radio amplification of gamma emissionγ辐射射频放大
radio and air communications雷达和空中通信
radio and communications facilities inoperative不工作的无线电通信设备
radio and communications facilities operative工作的无线电通信设备
Radio and Electronic Component Manufacturers Federation无线电与电子元件制造商联合会英国
Radio and Electronic Measurement Committee无线电与电子测量委员会
Radio and Electronics Engineering Association无线电与电子学工程协会
Radio and Space Research Establishment无线电与空间研究中心
radio and space research station无线电与空间研究站
radio and switch controller无线电与交换控制器
radio and telephone control无线电与电话管制
Radio and Television Manufacturer's Association无线电与电视制造商协会
radio annoyance level无线电干扰级
radio annoyance level无线电噪扰电平
radio astronomy无线电天文学
radio astronomy explorer射电天文探测器
radio astronomy explorer satellite射电天文探测卫星
radio attenuation measurement无线电波衰减测量
radio automated facsimile and reproduction自动化无线电传真与复制
radio beacon天线电信标
radio beacon array无线电信标阵列
radio beacon guidance system无线电信标制导系统
radio beam communications无线电波束通信
radio beam communications set无线电波束通信设备
radio bearer common function无线承载公共功能块
radio blaster无线电起爆器
radio blaster无线电爆破
radio block center无线电阻塞中心
radio broadcast data service无线电广播数据服务
radio broadcasting data system无线电广播数据系统
radio broadcasting station无线电广播
radio call identifier无线呼叫标识符
radio carrier station无线载波台
radio cell无线电元件
radio channel controller无线信道控制器
radio channel interface无线电信道接口
radio check无线电通信检査
radio check无线电通信检查
radio code aptitude test无线电代码适应性检验
radio code test, speed of response响应速度无线电码测试
radio command无线电指挥
radio command linkage无线电指挥系统
radio command linkage无线电指令线路
radio command system无线电指挥系统
radio common carriers公用无线电运营商
radio common carriers无线电公用载波
radio common channel无线电公用信道
Radio Communication and Electronic Engineering Association无线电通信与电子工程协会英国
radio communications无线通信
radio communications无线电联络
radio communications center无线电通信中心
radio communications equipment无线电通信设备
radio communications intercept and direction finding equipment无线电通信截获与测向设备
radio communications link无线电通信线路
radio communications system无线通信系统
radio compass station无线电测向台
radio components无线电元[部]件
Radio Components Manufacturers Federation无线电元件制造商联合会
Radio Components Research and Development Committee无线电兀件研究与发展委员会英国
Radio Components Standardization Committee无线电元件标准化委员会英国
Radio, Computer and Telephone Inc.无线电、计算机与电话公司
radio control clock IC无线电控制时钟集成电路
radio control point无线控制点
radio control unit无线控制单元
radio controlled aerial target无线电控制飞靶
radio controlled airplane target无线电控制靶机
radio controlled boat无线电控制靶艇
radio-controlled mine无线电控制水[地]雷
radio correction factor无线电校正因
radio countermeasures and deception无线电干扰与诱骗
radio data broadcast无线数据广播
radio data information service无线电数据信息业务
radio data information system无线电数据信息系统
radio data link access procedure无线数据链路接人规程
radio data link access protocol无线数据链路接人协议
radio data network无线数据网
radio data service无线数据服务
radio data system无线数据系统
radio detecting and ranging无线电探测与测距
radio determination satellite service无线测定卫星业务
radio dial lamp无线电收音机标度盘照明灯
radio diffusion system广播寻呼系统
radio digital system无线数字系统
radio digital terminal无线数字终端
radio direction and ranging无线电定向与测距雷达
radio direction and track无线电定向与跟踪
radio direction and tracking无线电定向与跟踪
radio direction finder station无线电测向站
radio direction finding chart无线电测向定位图
radio distance finding无线电测距
radio distribution model无线电节目分配模型
radio distribution point无线电节目分配点
radio disturbance无线电骚扰
radio, Doppler, inertial无线电、多普勒、惯性导航系统
radio echo simulation system无线电回波模拟系统
radio electronic deception无线电电子诱骗
radio electronic equipment无线电电子设备
radio electronic warfare无线电电子战
Radio, Electronics, Television Manufacturers Association无线电、电子设备、电视制造商协会美国,现更名 EIA
radio emergency search communication unit无线电应急搜索通信装置
radio engineering reconnaissance无线电工程侦察
radio exploration satellite射电探测卫星
radio fixed part无线固定部分
radio frequency射频104~3×10¹²Hz
radio frequency absorption射频吸收
radio frequency amplification by stimulated emission radiation雷泽
radio frequency amplification by stimulated emission radiation受激辐射射频放大
radio frequency amplifier高频放大器
radio frequency attitude sensor射频姿态传感器
radio frequency authorization无线电频率核准
radio frequency booster射频提升放大器
radio frequency bypass capacitor射频旁路电容器
radio frequency channel射频信道
radio frequency checkout射频检验
radio frequency command generator射频指令发生器
radio frequency compatibility射频兼容性
radio frequency compatibility program射频兼容计划
radio frequency complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor process射频互补金属氧化物半导体工艺
radio frequency control射频控制
radio frequency countermeasures射频干扰措施
radio frequency countermeasures射频对抗
radio frequency coupled device射频耦合器
radio frequency data link射频数据链路
radio frequency demodulator射频解调器
radio-frequency design system射频设计系统
radio frequency device射频设备
radio frequency device射频器件
radio-frequency dielectric无线电频率电介质
radio-frequency dielectric高频电介质
radio frequency diode sputtering射频二极溅射
radio frequency directional coupler射频定向耦合器
radio frequency emission射频发射
radio frequency equipment analyzer射频设备分析器
radio-frequency excited ion laser射频激发离子激光器
radio frequency expendable decoy投掷式射频诱饵
radio frequency filter射频滤波器
radio frequency finder射频探测器
radio frequency finder无线电频率探测器
radio-frequency free-electron laser射频自由电子激光器
radio frequency glow discharge射频辉光放电
radio frequency glow discharge deposited射频辉光放电淀积的
radio frequency head高频头
radio frequency head射频磁头
radio frequency heated zone-melting recrystallization射频加热区熔再结晶
radio frequency heating射频加热
radio frequency horn technique射频喇叭技术
radio frequency identification technique射频识别技术
radio frequency impedance probe射频阻抗探针
radio frequency indicator射频指示器
radio frequency indicator无线电频率指示器
radio frequency induction coil射频感应线圈
radio-frequency inductively-coupled plasma ion source射频电感耦合等离子体离子源
radio frequency interference meter射频干扰计
radio frequency interference test射频干扰测试
radio frequency interferometer射频干涉仪
radio frequency interferometry射频干涉测量技术
radio frequency joint射频焊接
radio frequency joint射频接头
radio frequency joint射频连接
radio frequency keying射频键控
radio frequency leakage detector射频检漏仪
radio frequency lens射频透镜
radio frequency line termination射频线路终接
radio-frequency metrology system射频计量系统
Radio Frequency Micro Devices Inc.射频微器件公司美国
radio-frequency microwave probe card射频微波探针卡
radio frequency modulation射频调制
radio frequency module射频模块
radio frequency noise analyzer射频噪声分析仪
radio frequency oscillator射频振荡器
radio frequency phase-locked loop射频锁相环
radio frequency plasma射频等离子体
radio frequency plasma activated chemical vapor deposition射频等离子体激活化学汽相淀积
radio frequency plasma chemical vapor deposition射频等离子体化学汽相淀积
radio frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition射频等离子体增强化学汽相淀积
Radio Frequency Plasma Products Inc.射频等离子体产品公司
radio frequency port射频端口
radio frequency quadrupole accelerator射频四极加速器
radio frequency quadrupole lens射频四极透镜
radio frequency receiver射频接收机
Radio Frequency Registration Board无线电频率登记委员会
radio frequency relay射频继电器
radio frequency sensitivity射频灵敏度
radio frequency separator射频分[隔]离器
radio frequency shielded enclosure射频屏蔽罩
radio frequency shift射频频移
radio frequency sputtering射频溅射
radio-frequency superconducting quantum interference device射频超导量子干涉器件
radio frequency surveillance射频监视
radio frequency surveillance subsystem射频监视子系统
radio frequency surveillance/electronic countermeasures射频监视/电子对抗
radio frequency surveillance/electronic countermeasures system射频监视/电子对抗系统
radio frequency sub system射频系统
radio frequency system simulator射频系统模拟器
radio frequency system test facility射频系统测试设备
radio frequency technology射频技术
radio frequency test console射频测试控制台
radio frequency test set射频试验设备
radio frequency transformer射频变压器
radio frequency transmission line射频传输线
radio frequency transmit-receive射频发射-接收
radio-frequency voltage-controlled oscillator射频压控振荡器
radio frequency voltage-controlled oscillator射频压控振荡器
radio frequency voltmeter高频伏特计
radio frequency voltmeter射频伏特计
radio frequency waveform射频波形
radio frequency/infrared射频/红外
radio guidance, surveillance and automatic tracking无线电制导、监视与自动跟踪
radio guided bomb无线电制导炸弹
radio homing无线电寻的
radio horizon range无线电水平视距
radio inertial guidance无线电惯性导航
radio inertial missile equipment无线电惯性导弹设备
radio inertial monitoring equipment无线电惯性监测设备
radio intelligence无线电情报
radio intelligence division无线电情报[侦察]部门
radio intercept无线电截听
radio intercept无线电截获
radio intercept operator无线电截听报务员
radio interface无线接口
radio interface module无线接口模块
radio interface unit无线接口设备
radio interference射频干扰
radio interference elimination射频干扰消除
radio interference field intensity无线电干扰场强
radio interference field intensity meter无线电干扰场强计
radio interference filter射频干扰滤波器
radio interference guard无线电干扰防护
radio interference level射频[无线电]干扰电平
radio interference measuring system无线电干扰测量系统
radio interference voltage射频[无线电]干扰电压
radio interference-free instrument不受无线电干扰的仪器
radio interference-free instrument无射频干扰仪器
radio interior communications内部无线通信
radio isotope dilution放射性同位素稀释
radio link无线电通信装置
radio link无线中继线路
radio link management无线链路管理
radio local area network无线局域网
radio local distribution system本地无线电节目分配系统
radio mail protocol无线邮件协议
Radio Manufacturers Association无线电制造商协会
Radio Manufacturers Association of India印度无线电制造商协会
radio marker beacon无线电指点标
radio microwave link无线电微波链路
radio module无线电模块
radio monitor system无线电监测系统
radio navigation device无线电导航设备
radio navigation facility无线电导航设
radio navigational warning无线电导航警报
radio network center无线网络中心
radio network management center无线网络管理中心
radio network terminal无线网络终端
radio noise figure射频噪声指数
radio noise interference test无线电噪声干扰试验
radio noise voltage无线电噪声电压
radio-noise voltage射频[无线电]噪声电压
radio open system interworking protocol无线开放系统互通协议
radio operational intercommunications system无线作战内部通信系统
radio optical observatory射电光学观测台
radio optics射电光学
radio optics无线电光学
radio packet access communications无线电分组接人通信
radio paging广播寻呼
radio paging code无线寻呼码
radio paging identified code无线寻呼识别码
radio path switch射频波道转换
radio phone unit无线电话机
radio phone unit无线电话设备
radio physics research无线电物理研究
radio port无线端口
radio port control unit无线端口控制单元
radio port controller无线端口控制器
radio port interface card无线端口接口卡
radio port unit无线端口单元
radio position finding无线电定位
radio propagation engineering无线电传播工程
radio propagation physics无线电传播物理学
radio propagation unit无线电传播装置
radio range interrogator electronic无线电测距电子询问器
radio receiver set无线电接收机
radio recognition无线电识别
radio relay无线中继通信
radio relay无线中继站
radio relay aircraft无线中继飞机
radio-relay link无线电继电器联络线
radio-relay link无线电中继联络线
radio relay link无线中继线路
radio relay station无线中继站
Radio Research Laboratory无线电研究实验室
Radio Research Laboratory电波研究所日本
radio research organization无线电研究组织
radio resource无线资源
radio service code无线勤务通信代码
radio signal strength indication射频信号强度指示
radio signal strength indication无线电信号强度指示
radio solar telescope network太阳射电望远镜网
radio station node无线基站节点
radio subscriber无线电用户
radio subsystem无线电子系统
radio system entity无线系统实体
Radio Technical Commission无线电技术委员会
Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics航空无线电技术委员会
radio telemetry subsystem无线电遥测子系统
radio telephone mobile system无线电话移动系统
radio telephone signal procedure无线电话信号规程
radio telescope network射电望远镜网
radio teletypewriter telecommunications无线电电传打字机远程通信
radio television无线电视
radio text广播文本
radio transmission adaptation function无线传输适配功能
radio transmission control无线传输控制
radio transmission facility无线传输设备
radio transmission frequency measuring system无线传输频率测量系统
radio transmission management无线传输管理
radio transmission speciality function无线传输特定功能
radio transmitter-receiver无线电收发两用
radio unit无线单元
radio unit无线电设备
radio-wave maser无线电波激射器
Radio Wave Research Laboratory无线电波研究实验室
radio-wire integration无线有线联合通信
radio-wire integration无线有线集成
Shizuoka University packet radio network静冈大学分组无线网
Signal Corps Radio Laboratory陆军通信兵无线电实验室
silicon radio frequency mixed-signal product硅射频混合信号产品
single channel ground and airborne radio sub system单信道地面与机载无线电系统
single channel ground and airborne radio subsystem VHF甚高频单信道地面与机载无线电系统
single channel radio单信道无线电通信
single channel radio access单信道无线接人
single sideband Doppler VHF omnidirectional radio range单边带多普勒甚高频全向无线电信标
SOF high-frequency manpack radio system特种作战部队便携式高频无线通信系统
specialized mobile radio专用移动无线通信
specialized mobile radio network专用移动无线通信
specialized mobile radio service专用移动无线业务
specialized mobile radio system专用移动无线系统
station oriented packet radio站定向分组无线通信网络
stationless packet radio无站分组无线通信
steerable paraboloid azimuth radio reflector可控抛物面方位射电反射器
subscriber radio terminal用户无线终端
subscriber radio unit用户无线电单元
survivable radio guidance system抗毁无线电制导系统
survivable radio network抗毁[强生存能力]无线网络
synchronous amateur radio transponder业余无线电同步脉冲转发器
synchronous amateur radio transponder业余无线电同步应答器
tactical microwave radio战术微波电台
tactical radio communication equipment战术无线通信设备
tactical radio communications system战术无线通信系统
tactical radio monitoring system战术无线电监测系统
tactical radio station战术无线电台
trans-European trunked radio泛欧集群无线通信
transmission over radio无线传输
trans-world radio环球无线电台
two-way radio收发报机
two-way radio双向无线电通信
two-way radio双向无线电台
updating packet radio改进型分组无线
upper cathode radio frequency power上阴极射频功率
variable radio source可变射电源
vehicle radio remote control飞行器无线电遥控
very high frequency radio telephony甚高频无线电话
visual radio range目视无线电信标
visual radio range可视式[光学显示]无线电导航信标
visual-aural radio range视听无线电信标
wire relay radio system有线中继无线电系统
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