
Terms for subject Economy containing quick | all forms | exact matches only
a quick bar快餐店
a quick counter快餐柜台
customary quick despatch装卸货物的港口习惯速度
customary quick dispatch港口习惯快速装卸
customary quick dispatch按例赶运
information quick速情
large profits and quick turnover厚利多销
net quick assets速动资产净额
quick action project快速行动项目
quick asset流动资产
quick asset即可兑现的资产
quick assets速变资产
quick assets可兑现资产
quick assets变现的资产
quick assets ratio速动资产比率 (即流动资产与流动负债之比)
quick buck容易到手的钱
quick buck一笔来得容易的钱
quick census快速普査
quick census快速普查
quick depletion快速耗减折耗
quick despatch迅速发送
quick dispatch快速发送 【调度】
quick estimate of GNP国民生产总值快速估报
quick investment evaluation快速投资评价
quick loan即可收回的贷款
quick-lunch bar快餐柜台
quick payoffs快速盈利
quick ratio速动比率
quick ratio速兑比率
quick rent免役租
quick returns and small margins薄利多销
quick-selling line畅销货
quick stock活资
ratio of quick assets to current liabilities速动资产对流动负债比率
schedule of changes in net quick assets速度资产净额变动表
Since we are able to meet your requirements with the best quick and convenient service, we solicit your early order我们能够以优质和快速方便的服务满足你方需要,特请早来订单
small profit and quick return薄利快销
small profit and quick returns薄利快销
small profit and quick returns薄利多销
small profit by quick turnover薄利多销
small profit for quick return薄利多销
small profit for quick turnover薄利多销
small profits and quick returns薄利快回报
the advocacy of the attempt to achieve quick success速成论
The investments they put in South China have brought in quick returns他们在中国南方的投资很快就带来了收益
The quick recovery of the economy after a slump is generally expected一般来说,人们预料衰退之后经济很快会恢复
turn a quick profit迅速牟利