
Terms for subject Sports containing quick | all forms | exact matches only
Even small improvements in reaction time may produce significant results in performance where quick reactions are essential在快速反应起主要作用的竞赛项目中、 即使反应时稍微快一点点都有可能对比赛成绩产生至关重要的结果
Flexibility is very important in all activities involving quick changes in positions of the body在身体需要快速变换姿势的一切活动中、 灵活性是非常重要的
make quick work of迅速打败
quick pass快速传球
quick pass急传球
quick reflex快速反应
quick release technique快放法
quick start快速起跑
quick start突然启动
quick start快速启动
quick stop急停
quick turn快速转身
quick turn急转身
quick turnaround迅速转身
run with quick short steps碎步跑
The first runner of the relay team shall be a quick starter and good on curves接力赛跑队的第一名队员要求起跑快、弯道技术好
This coach emphasizes the combination of a fast run-up approach and a quick take-off这位教练员强调快速助跑和快速起跳相结合