
Terms containing quality of groundwater | all forms | in specified order only
tech.classification of groundwater quality地下水水质分类
tech.classification of zones of groundwater quality suitable可适用地下水水质区分类
tech.degradation of groundwater quality地下水水质恶化
tech.deterioration of groundwater quality地下水质恶化
tech.environmental control of groundwater quality环境地下水水质控制
tech.environmental quality assessment of groundwater地下水环境质量评价
tech.evaluation of groundwater quality地下水水质
tech.map of environment quality evolution of groundwater地下水环境质量评价图
tech.quality management of groundwater environment地下水环境质量管理
ecol.quality of groundwater地下水水质
tech.regime curve of groundwater quality地下水水质动态曲线
tech.zones of groundwater quality suitable适用地下水水质带