
Terms for subject General containing putting into | all forms | in specified order only
it is recommended to drive a new car before you put it into use, and so with a new machine新车在正式使用前最好先试开一下,对新机器也是如此
put a crimp into束缚
put a crimp into妨碍
put a nail into a board把钉子钉进板里
put a quart into a pint pot做不可能做到的事
put a satellite into orbit把人造卫星射人轨道
put an article into English把文章译成英文
put an article into print把一篇文章付印
put one's back into全力从事
put one's finger into sth.参与某事
put one's finger into sth.插手某事
put one's foot into it犯错误
put one's foot into it做错事
put one's foot into it弄糟
put one's foot into it陷人困境
put one's foot into it说错话
put one's heart into一心一意去
put one's heart into热心于…
put into放〔插,输,注,流,驶〕人
put into翻译成
put into使进人
put into把…放进
put... into a dilemma使…陷人进退两难的境地
put sb. into a flutter使某人忐忑不安
put M into +a. +use…地使用利用
put into action把… 付诸实践
put into action执行
put into action使生效
put into action实施〔行〕
put into effect实施〔行〕
put into effect把… 付诸实践
put ...into effect实行〔现,施〕
put ...into effect使…生效 (起作用)
put M into force使 M 生效
put M into force实施 M
put into gear投人工作
put into gear搭上齿轮
put... into one's head使想起来
put... into one's head将…提示给
put M into operation施行
put into operation投人运行〔运转,生产〕
put into operation开动
put into operation实行〔施〕
put M into operation实施
put M into operation使M运转
put M into operation把M投人生产
put into play实施〔行〕
put into play使生效
put M into play实现M
put into play执行
put into play把… 付诸实践
put M into play使M运转
put into practice执行
put into practice把… 付诸实践
put into practice使生效
put into practice实行〔施〕
put into practice把…付诸实践
put into practice实施〔行〕
put into practice实践
put into reverse向后开
put into reverse汽车挂后挡
put M into service把 M 交付使用
put M into shape整理M
put M into shape使M具体化
put M into shape使M成形
put throw into the melting-pot彻底改造〔改革〕
put throw into the melting-pot弃旧重作
put into the shade使黯然失色〔相形见细〕
Put on your hiking shoes and venture down a sunlit path into the woods穿上远足鞋,从洒满阳光的小路进入森林去冒险
put the hammer into the tool box把锤子放人工具箱
put the machine back into service重新把这机器交付使用
put the program into action实行这计划
put one's thoughts into words用言语表达
put one's thoughts into words把自己的思想用词句表达
The restaurant admitted that a clerk mistakenly put a metal spoon into the ice crusher, and then the ice shavings with floating bits of crushed metal were sold to customers餐厅承认,一位店员误将一把金属汤匙混入碎冰机里,然后将这份漂浮有金属碎屑的冰沙卖给了顾客